Life on Fire TV (Audio) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth (general)

Hey welcome to another edition of Life on Fire TV! Today it’s all about the wide, wide world of webinars, specifically how to attract customers using webinars. I’ll walk you through the step by step process I use with my clients to help them generate tons more leads and profits.


Whether or not you’ve used this strategy before today’s episode has plenty of tips, tricks and tools for you to implement. Seasoned vets and first-timers alike will benefit from what I discuss on the show. 


Listen to this to find out why you should use a webinar, what components to include in your webinar and then how to close the webinar for maximum impact on sales and lead generation.



In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What a lead magnet is and why you want one (2:40).
  • Financial freedom: what it really means (5:30).
  • What’s the wrong way to do a webinar? (8:55).
  • How to max out your webinar (and why it’s a good thing!) (18:00)
  • Should you give away your best content? (23:15).
  • And so much more!

So why webinars? They are the next best thing to being face to face, in-person with your target market. If you want to leverage yourself and scale your business, webinars are key. By being the person at the helm you set yourself as an expert, it’s your virtual stage. 


On this episode I explain the steps to setting up your webinar by giving you the story of my client, Brian. I helped Brian find his passion, then map out a step by step plan to create and market his webinar and his product based on that passion. 


You can follow along and make note of the steps I talk about to set up your own webinar. Once those are in place, here’s what you’ll want to include in your webinar: 


1. The introduction

If you can have someone else introduce you that would be killer! 


In your introduction you want to welcome them, thank them for being there and acknowledge people by name. Ask them what their #1 thing is they want to get out of the webinar. 


Also have a contest. Have three prizes you give away at the end of the webinar; they will go to the three people who first correctly answer 3 questions based on the webinar content. That way people are tuned in, focused and they want to stay til the end.


2. Your story

This should be short, sweet and relevant to the webinar’s content. People aren’t there to hear all about you, they are there to learn from you and walk away with valuable information to make their lives easier. So make sure your story is authentic, relevant, and brief. 


3. Three pieces of content (your best stuff!)

This is where you give away the goods. A lot of people make the mistake of not giving away their best content here, they worry no one will buy their course if they do. And that’s simply not true. 


Your job on the webinar is to make everyone’s lives better by having been there, and that boils down to you giving your most valuable information to them. 


4. Testimonial (social proof)

Provide a testimonial from one of your clients about how you’ve helped them and made an impact in their businesses with the information in your product or your services. 


5. An offer.

Then finally you close the webinar with an offer. If you are doing this for the first-time you MUST use the value bomb strategy. You say to your participants that  you’ve given everything you’ve got, and you want to keep adding value. 


So you offer them a survey and you’ll choose 5 survey participants to receive a 30 minute session with you. On the survey you’ll ask things like: what is your biggest challenge and frustration with (your webinar topic)? What was your favorite thing and least favorite thing about the webinar? How can I improve it? 


Be sure you highlight what benefits they’ll receive from spending 30 minutes on the phone with you. 


If you’ve already hosted a webinar, try the stampede close where you give away a cool bonus to the first 10 people who buy tonight. 


And that is how a webinar is done! Be sure to listen in and take notes, I give away all the details you’ll need to make your first (or next!) webinar a smashing success. 


If you’re ready to find out more check out our webinar training page here too!


If you liked this topic stay tuned for next week’s show on how to market your webinar. You’ll want to catch that one for sure. Thanks for being here and we’ll see you next time on Life on Fire TV!




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Direct download: 128_HowToAttractCustomersUsingWebinars.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:09am PDT

Remember the Super bowl commercial where the employees at McDonald’s pay it forward by letting their customers pay for their food by giving hugs & calls to mom?

If you haven’t seen it, check out the link below.

That commercial served as the inspiration for this very special Pay It Forward Friday episode featuring the Life on Fire, Firestarter Pro & Elite members. 

We wanted to wrap up our mastermind with a bang so we visited a couple of McDonald’s locations to surprise a few employees with a stack of Amazon Gift cards! 



The reaction of the workers we surprised is priceless! Please like and share this video if you would like to see more Pay It Forward episode

Direct download: BONUS_Firestarters_Give_Back_and_Are_Loving_It.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:48pm PDT

Hey everybody! Thanks for tuning in for another episode of Life on Fire TV. On today’s episode you’re going to see real-life examples of my Firestarter group facing, challenging and overcoming their own fears…and what that has to do with being an entrepreneur.


I recently spent a weekend with my coaching clients and on our last day we all gathered on a bus and took off for an adventure. They didn’t know where we were going or what we were doing when we got there - somehow we managed to keep it a secret from them.


You’ll see on today’s show how excited (and nervous in some cases) people were when we arrived and they figured out what we were doing: we were flying on a trapeze!


In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How life as an entrepreneur is like being on a flying trapeze. (1:50)
  • The power of leaning into your fears. (2:05).
  • Why you have to get out of your head and go for it. (4:30)
  • And so much more!

One of the most important lessons I wanted to share through this experience - and the reason it’s an episode being sent to you - is that every single one of us has fears as entrepreneurs. Every day of our entrepreneurial lives is like this flying trapeze exercise: we’re excited and we’re afraid.


But when we get out of our heads and get into action, when we actually get on that trapeze and go for it, we create the power that drives us forward. Facing our fears through action is what grows our businesses and, ultimately, our lives.


Developing yourself by facing your fears head-on is a vital step in creating the life you ultimately want. It’s about trusting yourself and ignoring that voice that tells you you can’t! 


So whatever the flying trapeze is in your life, that perspective client you’ve wanted to call but haven’t, that webinar you’ve wanted to set up but haven’t, whatever it is stop listening to that fearful voice and take action on it right now.


And remember you don’t have to do it all on your own. To make it easier and get through the fear faster you can work with a coach like me and surrounding yourself with other people who are on the same journey as you, like my Firestarter clients on today’s episode.





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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

Hey everybody! Thanks for tuning in for another episode of Life on Fire TV. On today’s show a very special woman joins us to tell her story, Shirley Solis.


Shirley candidly and authentically talks about how she’s turning her greatest challenges into opportunity. We dive into her VIP Day and what brought her to the Life on Fire Community, including overcoming tremendous difficulties in her marriage and how those led her to discover her true purpose and calling in life.


Shirley shares the full story in the audio and video below, but when I recently met her she told me she and her husband are strong Christians who have built a business helping families of faith homeschool their children. They’ve traveled the country working with these families and being an example of a happy, committed marriage.


Until Shirley found out her husband had emotionally cheated because of an addiction to pornography. Later she discovered he had physically cheated as well.



In this episode you’ll hear:

•Why leaning into your greatest challenges creates opportunity. (1:15)

•How Shirley turned around her marriage, her family and her business. (7:00)

•What to do when your Life on Fire vision scares you. (18:30).

•What's one of the most powerful questions to help you define your purpose? (23:20)

•Why accountability is so important. (25:00)

•And so much more!


Shirley openly shares all of this during her VIP session with me, and goes on to talk about her decision to stay committed to her husband, their six children and the life they’ve created. She chose to step into her power as a woman, and be a leader for everyone in their family and in their business.


That commitment and that stand brought her to me. She had a program she wanted to expand, scale and grow called “Building Character With Your Children”. But as we talked about that program Shirley said it felt like it was her “duty” to build it.


So I dug in, asked her a few key questions to get her thinking beyond duty and start thinking of what her version of a life on fire would look like. When you listen to this episode you will hear with your own ears when her “ah ha” moment happens! 


And it’s a transformative moment for her, Shirley describes in vivid detail what her real purpose and mission is in this lifetime. She is incredibly excited to work with women and hold live events that completely reinvent what a motivational and inspirational conference should be like. From tastes to colors to sounds, Shirley creates it during our session.


You can hear a clip of it in this episode, but it’s the most impactful if you listen to the full audio or video of our VIP session. I strongly recommend the full length version if you’ve been considering having your own VIP Day. You’ll really understand what’s possible for you if you see and hear Shirley create her life on fire!


And when you are ready to turn your challenges into opportunity email support at and write VIP Day as your subject line. Be sure to include your phone number so the LOF team can call you back and set up your personal VIP Day. 



•Shirley Solis’ web site

•Full link to Shirley’s VIP day video and call 

•Special VIP Day discount

•Subscribe to Life on Fire TV Podcast

•Write a Review on iTunes




© 2015 Life on Fire, Inc.

Direct download: How-to-Turn-Challenges-Into-Opportunities.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:06am PDT

Hola and welcome to another episode of Life on Fire TV! Today’s show is all about the art of storytelling. And not the kind where you sit around a campfire telling tall tales, the kind of storytelling that takes your biggest challenges and makes them into your biggest opportunities.


One of the most powerful things about being a business coach is helping people leverage those challenges to find their purpose and their mission.  And it always starts with story.


Story and storytelling are a vital piece of my one on one VIP Days with clients. In fact, I have them start by telling me their life’s story, all of it: the good, the bad and the ugly. And when we look at the pieces and components we find how to reframe challenges from the past and make them into amazing gifts. 


In this episode you’ll hear:

•How to use your story to attract and inspire others. (4:30)

•Why storytelling connects you and your audience on a deeper level. (6:50)

•How Karen made $75k in under 30 days. (17:15)

•What's the one question that sets everyone free? (20:30)

•And so much more!


A great example of this is my client Karen Fagan. Karen came to me through a friend, and after watching several of my videos, signed up for my VIP Firestarter Elite program. When we sat down for our VIP Day I had her tell me the story of her life.


When you listen to the show you’ll hear all the details (shared with Karen’s permission of course!) but suffice to say Karen had overcome a great deal and faced tremendous hurdles on her way to sitting across from me that day. 


She vulnerably and courageously shared her story of an unhappy childhood being raised by alcoholic parents. Consequently she spent many years attracting unavailable people in every area of her life, including being involved with married men.


But Karen had the courage to overcome and persevere her many difficulties and as we talked during her VIP Day I helped her see the importance and value in telling her story. Up until that point she had only told bits and pieces of it, and had not shared the full scope of her story with her audience.


As we drilled down and really honed her story so she could share it with her audience, I also wanted her to get crystal clear on where she wanted to spend her time so we could focus all her efforts in that direction. Because once you have your story locked down and are sharing it, then and only then will strategies and tactics begin to fully pay off in your business efforts.


During that conversation, Karen did get clear on her story and where she wants to spend her time. In fact, she created an entirely new focus for her business and has been promoting it with her friend Patty Stanger, The Millionaire Matchmaker!


Listen in to get all the details, including Karen’s take on what that VIP Day meant for her and her business. 


And if you’re interested in having that same experience that Karen had I’m offering an amazing deal right now! Email support at and write VIP Day as your subject line. Be sure to include your phone number so the LOF team can call you back and set up your personal VIP Day.




•Life on Fire Episode 125:

•Special VIP Day discount: Email to

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© 2015 Life on Fire, Inc.

Direct download: 126_HowToMasterStory.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Today’s episode is all about finding your purpose and the “3 S strategy”. Strategy doesn’t matter if you don’t have a purpose and a purpose is hard to fulfill if you don’t have a strategy. They go hand in hand to successfully share your true gifts with the world and empower others to do the same.

When you’re an entrepreneur in alignment, you know what your mission in life is. When you have truly nailed your purpose, you go from pushing a boulder up a mountain to being pulled through life with the flow. Everything in your life changes at that moment when you discover your purpose.

Discovering your purpose requires you to be open-minded and then take action. You’ll also (more than likely) need someone like a coach who can look into your past from the outside and help you clearly see your story of the past and create a vision for your future.

3 S Strategy – Story | Stance | Strategy

The 3 S Strategy is a part of all the VIP days which are 4 hours long. We start by drilling down into the story of your past, then figuring out your stance (what really pisses you off and usually comes directly from your story), then we develop a strategy to help you develop your messaging and get your gifts out into the world. 

Your being, your story, your message is a big deal for others to hear. Even if you think it’s insignificant, you’ll discover with the 3 S Strategy why it’s so important to get it out into the world.


Eric Yang’s Story

Eric was raised without love by a housecleaner who hated him. He was a troubled, unhappy kid whose mother left him and was living with a father who was more like an unfriendly neighbor rather than a loving father. By high school, Eric ended up very depressed and wanted to commit suicide. In the end, he was not able to follow through on it. 

One day shortly after his failed attempt, he was walking by a bookstore and just picked the thickest English book which happened to be Tony Robbins’ “Unleash The Power Within”. He holed up in his room for 2 days straight reading it from cover to cover.

Reading that book actually ended up saving Eric’s life and giving him a reason to live. After reading the book, Eric came to the realization that he had been jumping from school to school, running from his unloving parents and the housekeeper who hated him all in an effort to try and change the environments in which he was living. But what he then discovered was… you have to change within to be happy.


Eric Yang’s Stance

“You have to change from within.”

After Eric read the book and made his discovery, he ended up going to a Tony Robbins event and walked on fire. Soon after he came to Life on Fire’s Ignite event and walked on glass and broke through boards. 

He discovered he wanted to help people change within.


Eric Yang’s Strategy

Eric discovered his purpose and now has a moral obligation to share his story to help inspire others and ultimately save lives.

He can devote his life to personal development and learn how to help people change from within. He can do that through writing books, doing webinars, being interviewed, being on stage sharing his stories and strategies on how to change from within.


The Eric Yang Story in 3 lines…


The power of a book

The power of coaching

The power of finding your purpose


In Eric’s Own Words:


Big ah-ha moment was the book “Unleash The Power Within” by Tony Robbins.

Everyone needs to improve as a person.

All the books, energy, and momentum won’t get you there without applying the right strategy.

With the right tools and guidance you can succeed.

Nobody fails alone and nobody succeeds alone.

IGNITE and live a Life on Fire!!!


Complimentary 30-minute Breakthrough Session

Are you ready to make a change in your life and business? Go to to take advantage of my free gift to you of a complimentary 30-minute breakthrough session with me or one of my highly trained coaches. 

Be prepared to get your world rocked in just 30 minutes! This is not your normal bait and switch call or a 30-minute pitch fest. Our goal is to deliver so much value that you’ll be raving to your friends what tremendous value you got from just one 30-minute call.

Fill out the application now to be considered for a complimentary 30-minute breakthrough session. We use the criteria on the form to qualify applicants for the complimentary call (which is a $250 value).

We have reserved several spots for the calls, but they fill up fast!


In Eric’s words… IGNITE and live a life on fire!!!

Direct download: 125_How_to_Find_Your_Purpose_-_3_S_Strategy_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am PDT

Aside from proposing to my fiancé, hiring a business coach was the #1 best decision I’ve ever made in my life, and it’s the reason Life on Fire exists today.


But, how do you go about finding and hiring the right coach for you and, in-turn, making more money?


I wish I could say my story was that I had the insight and forethought to hire a business coach from the get go, but that was definitely not the case.


The lightbulb came on for me, however, when, after following some bad professional “advice” and having one business turn into a total disaster, I reestablished myself, and actually sold my next business by the age of 30.


I thought hitting that massive goal of mine was going to put me on top of the world, but it was actually the complete opposite.  Although I had more money than I had ever had, I felt totally alone and purposeless.


It was about then that I met a friend, Shanda Sumpter, who seemed to have this fantastic life, and great energy, attitude, and business where she takes a week a month off and so on, so I asked her how she did it.


And, very simply, she said, “I have a business coach.”


I thought, “Wait?  That’s it?  That’s your secret?”


For her, that truly was her secret.  She invested $3,000 per month to have 1-on-1 coaching  and group mastermind time with her business coach to help keep her on track, set goals, and bounce strategic ideas off of.  It was basically like taking on a marketing and life strategist as a partner and mentor for her life and business.


So, I begged this woman (Suzanne Evans) to let me into her coaching program which was completely full at the time, and somehow I got her to let me in.


One of the first steps in working with Suzanne was an in-person 1-on-1 VIP coaching day, just her and me.


This was where the magic truly happened.


When you’re inside your own head or your own business, it’s hard to step outside of that, take off the blinders, biases, and limiting beliefs and coach yourself.


This is one of the HUGE benefits of why many professionals hire a coach.  They know that it’s impossible to observe and coach themselves and somehow come up with new solutions on their own that they’ve never thought of before.


Since that day years ago with Suzanne, I’ve come to realize that providing those same 1-on-1 dedicated blocks of coaching time with my clients and really drilling down into their business and lives to come up with clear strategies and and action plan is one of my best skills as a business coach.


One of the key components of a VIP coaching day is to get super clear on what your purpose or your stance is.  


Once you own that, and your life and business are in alignment with that, your business suddenly takes on an entirely new meaning and level of fulfillment for you.


Becoming 100% clear on your purpose is the primary reason for hiring a business coach and something you must receive when coaching with someone.


When it comes to hiring a coach, one significant criteria to consider is, is the coach in a position you’d like to be?  


From there, you want to find out what their areas of expertise are, whether they have other coaches on their team, what their personal background is, what their network looks like, and so on.


So, as a starting point, my free gift to you is the opportunity to schedule a 1-on-1 complimentary 30-minute coaching call with me or my team to help you get clear on your purpose and strategy.


We can only do so many calls, so if it’s something you’d like to take advantage of, head over to now, take a look at the details, and see if it makes sense for you.


Again, that’s my free gift to you, at!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Start living your purpose today!

Direct download: 124__How_to_Make_6-Figures_With_a_Business_Coach.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Step behind the scenes with us onto one of our recent weekly private group coaching “Profit Activator” calls on how you can literally shred your past!


Are their things from 2014 or further back, memories, debt, bad experiences, etc. that you wish you could just rip into shreds so that these things no longer had any power over you?


That’s exactly what I’m going to teach you how to do in this exercise I recently taught to an elite group of my private coaching clients.


The exercise starts with making an actual list on paper of the things in your past that you want to get rid of.


So, what do you write down?


Write down the things in your life and past that just don’t serve you.


It could be excess debt or pounds you’re carrying, it could be guilt from a past business or relationship, it could be fear of getting out of your comfort zone or failure, anything that you want to get rid of in your life.


What if you could eliminate your belief that you’re not good enough, or that you’re not a morning person, or you don’t take action?


How much better would you feel, and how much more could you accomplish without these unhealthy emotions, beliefs, and memories weighing you down?


Once you have your paper filled out, take one last look at everything on it, because it’s the last time you’ll see these things.


Then, take it, and rip it to shreds!


Shred it into tiny little pieces, tiny little pieces that couldn’t possibly have any power over you.


Now, how good does that feel??!!


So, here’s how you lock it in…


Ask yourself, is it going to hurt me at all to just believe that it will work?


Am I going to be any worse off, by just accepting the process, and accepting that it really could be that simple to reframe my beliefs and the emotional power I’ve given these things for so long?


Of course not.  


Give yourself permission to accept that the positive change you desire could happen that easily without challenging that belief.


Reach out to us on social media or send us an email and let us know how you enjoyed “shredding your past”!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You create your own good fortune!

Direct download: 123__How_Literally_Shred_the_Past.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

I recently had the honor of taking a two-day bootcamp from the most decorated Navy Seal of all time, Mark Devine.


I thought we were going to focus primarily on mindset.  And, while we did, it turns out, it was also the most physically grueling thing I’ve ever experienced.


But, what I discovered in the process is what separates the upper elite-level performers like, U.S. Navy Seals, from everyone else isn’t primarily their physical abilities, it’s their mental abilities.


Navy Seals have unbeatable minds.


And, you can learn to have one too.


Mark instills that you can actually do 20 times more than what you believe you are capable of.


Imagine this…


After what seemed like the longest day of non-stop, cross-fit style training ever, you are suddenly summoned to run straight into the ocean when it’s pitch black at night and lay, floating on your back, arm-in-arm with your teammates while freezing cold ocean water keeps crashing, and crashing, and crashing over your face…


It feels like you’re going to drown, over and over again, every few seconds.


What’s crazy was that exercise ended up mentally “breaking” the guy in the group who was by far the most physically fit and he quit and went home early.


After almost drowning as a child, you can probably image how mentally challenging that particular activity was for me.


But, I pushed through it, along with the rest of the group (minus the one guy).


To be totally transparent, once I found out that we had signed up for something that was going to be incredibly physically intense, I almost quit myself before I even started.


I began to come up with excuses about how I hadn’t worked out and how I was feeling kind of sick, and in that moment, I caught myself…


I realized that if I was resisting going that much, that was exactly why I needed to do it.


Of everything that we learned, one of the most amazing techniques was simply how to breath better.  As humans we slow learn many bad habit and bad techniques, and oddly, most people don’t breath properly.


Another giant mental shift came from the fact that they made us stay positive, upbeat, and happy by making us smile and yell out positive chants in unison.  It sounds crazy, but it actually worked.


And, although the way it was being applied to me was through physical activities, it’s really no different in business.


I’m not talking about “faking it ’til you make it”, I’m talking about putting on a positive mental mindset and pushing forward with a smile on your face and a good attitude even when you don’t want to, even when you’ve been beaten down a bit, and even when you’re scared.


Next came visualizations.  Another massively helpful action is to picture yourself having already achieved your goal.  Your brain can subconsciously “see” the path of how to get you there easier if it has a clear picture of what your outcome is supposed to look like.


The fourth and final cornerstone of the teaching was the concept of micro goals.  


We all know what goals are.  We typically think of goals annually or maybe monthly.


But, what about daily?  Or what about minute by minute if you’re doing a highly important activity like a long run where you want to give up, or making your sales calls that you know you need to make in order to grow your business?


So, the question is, what are you truly capable of?


What can happen when you leverage these techniques?


I would HIGHLY encourage you to read Mark Devine’s 3 books, all available on and challenge yourself to find a level of greatness that you didn’t even know was inside of you.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You got this!

Direct download: 122__How_to_Have_an_Unbeatable_Mind.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:19am PDT

Are you ready to get better at what you do in 2015?


We are!


And, that’s what today’s short episode is all about, how we can help you by giving you more of what you want from Life on Fire TV?!!


In 2014 we did all kinds of episodes from teaching topics, to interviewing other entrepreneurs, to flying across the country to bring you special guests, to giving you behind the scenes footage of our private mastermind, calls, and events, Pay it Forward Friday and more.


Now, we want to give you one focused and massively valuable episode per week.


So here’s where we need your help!


Hop over to and take a quick 7-question survey to help us make Life on Fire TV even better for you.


Just for doing so, we’re going to enter you into a phenomenal raffle contest where the first prize is a VIP coaching day with me!  (Valued at $10,000)


And, four additional prizes of Life on Fire t-shirts and wristbands!


Just go to to enter to win!


Contest ends at 11:59pm PT on January 31st!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You can do ANYTHING!

Direct download: 120__Help_Us_Help_You_Contest_-_Life_on_Fire_TV_Survey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:11am PDT

Ever heard of the concept of “paying it forward”?


Doing something kind for others just to be nice?


Some believe in doing it in the hopes that it will come back to them, and interestingly it often does.


But, we like to do it just because.   :)


Sometimes we film it, and what you’re going to see in today’s episode was the very first episode of “Pay it Forward Friday TV”!


We hope this inspires you to want to go out and give.


You don’t have to film it or make it grand, it’s just about spreading kindness for the sake of spreading kindness.


So…  Who’s day can you make today?!!


Love the idea of paying it forward?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You make our day!

Direct download: 120__Paying_it_Forward_With_Nick_Unsworth.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:02am PDT

Back for part two of the Life on Fire Virtual Summit is #1 iTunes podcaster, John Lee Dumas, to teach us how to create, grow, and monetize a podcast!


Over the last 2 1/2 years, John has created and grown one of the top podcasts on all of iTunes, Entrepreneur on Fire.


As a result, he has also built a 7-figure per year business in the process, all based on his podcast.


So, how did he do it?


John’s first step was to enlist help, in the form of a podcasting mentor.  At the time when he started there was very little in terms of courses he could take or training available on the topic.


The passion that made him want to become a podcaster was his own love of podcasts on his long commutes to work, time at the gym, and so on.


One day, he simply ran out of podcasts to listen to.


And, then it hit him…


“There needs to be a 7-day a week podcast!”


His mentors told him he was crazy, that nobody would want to listen to a podcast that often, that he would get burnt out, but it turns out John was right.


Watch a listen as John walks through every single step of creating podcast from the first recording of the audio file, to adding the necessary data and notes to submit a new episode to iTunes.


When things get technical they can seem scary and confusing at first.  But, as you’ll see, he lays it out very simply and the process becomes one you can do in your sleep once you get the hang of it!


From there, you’ll find out how John leverages that same content to be broadcast to multiple other platforms, capturing new audiences outside of iTunes.


Next John dives into his growth strategies.  This is truly the key to having a successful podcast.  The bigger your audience, the more impact your show will have (and the easier it is to monetize)!


And, when it comes to monetizing, one of the most desirable forms of monetizing is through sponsorship.  


That’s when other companies pay you, typically on a per-episode basis, for you to read their short advertisements during your show.


This alone can create 5-figures per month of income if your podcast is large enough!


So, where do you begin?  It can all be a bit overwhelming if it’s not laid out for you step-by-step.


Luckily, John has packaged up all of his knowledge and made it available to you in his step-by-step training at!


Hundreds of podcasters have gotten their start by going through John’s system, and there’s still plenty of opportunity for new podcasters to make their mark in iTunes and the various other platforms!


Start yours today!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You ROCK!

Direct download: 119__How_to_Create_Grow_and_Monetize_a_Podcast_With_John_Lee_Dumas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:09am PDT

We are so excited to bring you today’s special episode featuring 7-figure podcaster, John Lee Dumas, live from stage at our recent Ignite Event to speak on his journey and leap from the corporate world into entrepreneurialism!


John’s post-military life found him sitting in a cubicle, commuting to work, and doing the suit and tie thing, every day, like so many others do.


For him, this simply wasn’t enough.  As he puts it, he wasn’t living his life on fire and he felt his life slowly extinguishing.


After 6 years of trying different career paths and not find his passion he had a defining moment one day while on a long commute when he ran out of podcasts to listen to.


A lightbulb went off and he said, “There needs to be a 7-day a week podcast.” 


And, what John wanted to make unique about his show in interviewing entrepreneurs was not only highlighting their current successes, but specifically talking about their failures, their “ah-ha” moments, and what we can learn from their trials.


Making that leap from a 6-figure stable corporate salary to start a podcast was terrifying, John admits.


However, he acknowledges, that the feeling of being scared is also proof that you’re on the right track.


You have to get outside of your norm and your comfort zone in order to make radical change happen in your life.


And, “You have to find your leverage point”, John says.


For him, it comes back to a pledge he made to 4 dear friends and comrades he lost while serving in the Iraq war, which was that he was not going let their sacrifice be for nothing by living anything less than what is his life on fire.


When it came to starting his podcast, John had a bit of an issue in that he had no idea whatsoever how to create a podcast!


So, he made a very strategic move that he will be forever grateful for, which was to reach out to someone who was where he wanted to be and ask to be mentored by that person.


Luckily, the person accepted John’s request, and with a hefty investment from John to his mentor in exchange for her coaching, that was the moment that made it real for him.


He was no longer a dreamer or an amateur.  He had become a “doer” and aspiring professional.


When it was time to build his business, John’s foresight and discipline to avoid distraction and avoid trying to jump on everything that appeared to be an opportunity is what truly allowed him to focus and thrive in his “lane”.


Most people want to cast out their net and go one mile wide and one inch deep, never creating any real depth in any particular area.


John, however, had the complete opposite approach, he chose to go one inch wide and one mile deep, creating a massive focus on the things he needed to do to be successful.


Your income and happiness will be directly related to how you use that time.


He reminds us that no matter what business you’re in, your biggest asset is your time.


So, very true.


And, finally, we ask John to describe his life on fire, which he answered with two words, “Ripple Effect”.


Meaning, he feels that he’s truly having an impact when not only does he receive a message from someone thanking him for how he’s inspired or helped that person, but THAT person has an email from someone who they have helped an inspired.




If you’d like to learn more on how to start your own podcast, go to, to learn directly from John, how to start your own podcast and follow in his footsteps!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You set our Lives on Fire!

Here to give you the steps and insight to discovering your purpose is NY Times Bestselling Author, Steve Olsher!


Steve refers to discovering your purpose as finding out “What is Your What?”.


The path for Steve to discovering that he had the gift and wisdom within him to help others discover their purpose came at the bedside of his dying stepfather.


Up to that point, Steve’s business pursuits and successes could be summed up in his words as “chasing the dollar”.  


In that instant, holding his stepfathers hand in his last few moments of life, it occurred to Steve that was the only legacy he had created up to that point, and he knew he had more within him.


If you’re questioning whether you’ve found your true purpose, Steve points out that, for him, he knew he wasn’t living his highest purpose when every day he would wake with a lack of “fire” for what he was doing.


The framework he created for himself, eventually became a class, which eventually became the book, “What is Your What?”


Imagine doing what you truly love for a living.  Many people think of rock stars and professional athletes and think, man, they have the life.


As Steve reminds us, what we don’t see when those people are performing is all of the hard work they put in to get there.


And, that’s the part that stops most people.  Actually doing the work.  Way too many people hit a tiny bump in the road, it stops them like an impenetrable force field, and they never keep going.


It’s a 3 step process, says Steve:


1.  Identify what your “what” is

2.  Be willing to make a slow, steady transition to doing your what

3.  Work your ass off


Significant change doesn’t happen overnight.  But, if you start in small increments, it can happen, for many.


One big distinction you may need to make if you are looking at this type of transition is getting very serious about what it is you want (how much you’d like to make, for example) vs. what you really need (what you could get by with, if you had to) in order to actually make the transition.


You may WANT $250,000 per year.  But, you may be able to make some sacrifices and “make the leap” once you hit $5,000 per month.


Big difference.


Another big different Steve points out is your purpose, many times, won’t be your passion.


You may have a passion for cooking, or horse riding, or woodworking.  But, that may not be your gift and the way you should attempt to earn your income.


Passion is based on emotion and feeling, which can possibly lead you down illogical paths for pursuing income.


The key is matching your gift, with the vehicle to deliver your gift, which you then use to help others.


You can start at either end of that equation.  If you aren’t sure what your gift is, you may already know who you love to help, for example.


Steve believes that we all have a unique gift inside of us that is just waiting to be unlocked and discovered.


The first step…


Is to take the first step.


A great first step is to grab a free copy of Steve’s book, What is Your What at!


We hope you got a ton of great information out of Steve’s interview!  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are a gift to the world!

Direct download: 117__How_to_Discover_Your_Purpose_With_Steve_Olsher.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PDT

Most of us have set goals at one time or another.  Maybe we achieved them, maybe we didn’t.  In this episode you’re going to learn a simple, yet, incredibly effective system for how to set goals each month and more importantly, how to achieve them!


First, it starts off with the way you set your goals.  To begin, limit yourself to no more than 3-5 main goals for the month.  Any more starts to make them all harder to achieve.


Then, when determining each goal, the goal needs to be “measurable”.  For instance, rather than saying “I want to work on my relationship” or “I want to be healthier” set goals like having a date night with your significant other once a week or working out for at least 30 minutes 4 times per week.  


One of keys to my goal setting process is my morning routine.  Almost all successful people have a morning ritual they follow.  Here’e what I do…


1. I wake up and even before getting out of bed, I say 3 things I’m grateful for.

2. I read my goals for the month every day.

3. At the beginning of each month I write a letter to myself.  The letter is written as though it’s coming from me in the future, congratulating me for everything I’ve accomplished that month.  (This is huge.  It’s called “future pacing” and it works really well.)  Every day I read that letter.

4. I keep a white board up where I visually check off that I’ve completed my morning routine.

5. Eat a healthy breakfast.  I usually make a quick smoothie.  Studies show that if your first meal of the day is healthy, the rest of your meals are more likely to be healthy.

6. Exercise.  That might be a run, hitting the gym, or taking a crossfit class.  By getting my exercise out of the way in the morning I know it’s done for the day and there’s no way I can let my day get too busy and cause me to miss my workout.


And, finally, the last key piece for how to set goals is incorporating public accountability.  Meaning, involve your friends and family in your goals and let them know what you have going on.


Facebook has made this really easy.  Just put your goals into a short post and put them out to the world.  Then, come back at the end of the month and post an update.


This system has worked phenomenally well for me and tons of other people.


Give it a try and let us know your results!


Love the goal setting on fire system?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You can do ANYTHING!

Direct download: 116__Goal_Setting_on_Fire_How_to_Set_Goals_and_Achieve_Them_Every_Time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:16am PDT

At age 23, Jake Ducey, is lighting this world on fire and inspiring others to ditch the traditional playbook of life and to truly focus on living life to it’s fullest and being happy!


Jake first realized he wasn’t on the path he should be as a 19-year-old college student.


Books by people like Jack Canfield, and a 6-month backpacking trip around the world with no map, led to his journey of personal discovery and provided some of the enlightenment and experiences that allowed Jake to write his first book that year.


This, in itself, could have posed a significant challenge considering Jake admits that english and writing were his worst subjects as a student.


However, Jake’s belief is, “You can gain any skill or overcome any sign of weakness that you think you have, if you have the write intention.”


After self-publishing, “Into the Wind”, Jake got noticed by one of the greats he looked up to, Jack Canfield, and was also picked up by a major publishing house to write his brand new book, “The Purpose Principals”.


Jake’s inspiration for writing The Purpose Principals was that many of the iconic success stories of entrepreneurs and celebrities we see often start with failures and overcoming enormous challenges.  


Those “pre-success” stories are what Jake looks to tell in The Purpose Principals.


Being an up-and-coming writer, Jake had to do a good part of the research into the pasts of people like Jay-Z and Brad Pitt on his own through countless hours of scouring articles online.


It’s his hope and goal that hearing the stories of others who have reached almost inconceivable levels of success and finding out that they are just people, and that they had to struggle in the beginning as well, will spark more young people to follow their dreams and passions.


Jake’s ultimate goal is to inspire activism in entrepreneurialism by imploring entrepreneurs to want to build successful businesses, not just for the sake of padding their own bank accounts, but to give them the opportunity to give back and to make a difference in our culture and in the world.


Jake’s new book, “The Purpose Principals” comes out the day this interview is released, January 2nd, 2015!  


Make sure you go to your favorite book retailer and grab a copy of his book and leave him a review as well!


And, most importantly, TAKE ACTION!  


There may be a specific story inside Jake’s book that resonates with you and really hits home.  Let that story fuel your ambition and your motivation to put YOUR plan into action! 


We hope you found Jake’s story and passion highly motivational.  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Start living the life of your dreams today!

Hear from Ignite Event 2014 attendees what their biggest takeaways and "ah-ha" moments were from being live at Ignite in San Diego!


And, whether you were able to attend Ignite or not, take the next step towards growing your business and your life by getting involved and investing in yourself.


You can subscribe to the free Life on Fire TV Audio or Video podcast for tips and techniques, interviews with top entrepreneurs, and mindset trainings to help you perform at your highest level at:


Invest in yourself by checking out some of the many do-it-yourself training programs we have at:


And, finally, if you want personal 1-on-1 coaching and mentoring, you want to join a thriving community of like-minded entrepreneurs and attend top-notch in person mastermind events, then you owe it to yourself to check out the the today!


If this Ignite event footage fires you up, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing to the Life on Fire TV podcast!  Make 2015 YOUR year!

Direct download: BONUS__What_are_People_Saying_About_Ignite_2014.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:02am PDT

On the line today is none other than social media icon, and New York Time Best Selling Author of the “how-to” social media book, “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook”, Gary Vaynerchuk, to talk details on how to crush it on his favorite platform, Twitter!


We start off asking the question, “Why Twitter?”


For Gary, that was an easy one.  He says Twitter is the one place where we can get consumer’s points of view for free and not pay for data and we can action on these points of view, such as joining a conversation, and you’re welcomed rather than shunned for joining.


One challenge Gary points out (which is a great tip if you can be patient) is that Twitter is a long-term play.  If you try to move too quickly before you’ve built rapport and added value you aren’t likely to see success on the platform.  


As Gary points out, you can’t just throw “right hooks” (which is to take or ask), you have to throw jabs first (which is to give or provide value).


In Gary’s opinion, Twitter is the only true social media platform as it is predicated on community and conversation, as opposed to a platform like Facebook which is all “push” driven.


When it comes to establishing your account, Gary highly recommends using your own name, rather than your brand or company name.


Gary’s recommendation for how to get in the game on Twitter is to go to and just find people who are talking about your topic.  The key though, is again, the “jabs”.  You can’t just go straight at people with your sales pitch.


Gary sums it up well with a great analogy.  “Twitter is a cocktail party.  You don’t go to a cocktail party and deliver a presentation.”


It’s about connecting and building relationships.


When it comes to searching, you have to search what people are actually going to say, like “drinking a smoothy” or “hitting the gym” vs. just “smoothy” or “exercise” where you may get a lot of unrelated content or spam.


Another tip Gary shares is to weave what is trending into your content (without overdoing it, of course).


So much great Twitter feedback packed into one episode!


Gary, you rock!


To get a free copy of Gary’s book, “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World” (just pay the shipping) go to!


Digging this episode??  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You’re awesome!

Direct download: 114__Gary_V_on_How_to_Leverage_the_Power_of_Twitter_to_Crush_Sales.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:26am PDT

Is there a business model out there that could never be duplicated, never be “ripped off” or copied?


It turns out, there is, as our guest today, Chris Ducker, points out, and that business is the business of YOU.


Nobody else has your same personality, your same thoughts, or your same unique gifts.


So, how to you go about communicating YOU to the masses?


Chris points out that there are 3 types of content you can produce:


1.  Educational

2.  Inspirational

3.  Entertainment


The keys to determining which one to use when is to know your audience and what it is you want them to do next.


This leads to the natural question of, “How do you monetize YOU?”


Chris, and others who have successfully gone down this same path, find that your audience themselves will tell you how to monetize.  They will speak up with problems that they want solutions for.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with making money, as long as you are providing quality and value.


And, “in order to sell, you must be seen”, Chris says.


So, here are your action steps:


1.  Identify your niche

2.  Know who you’re helping

3.  Create great content

4.  Build “P2P” Relationships

5.  Monetize Your Brand


Start building the brand of YOU today!


And, if this episode inspired you to start building your personal brand, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  YOU rock!

Direct download: 113__The_Power_of_YOU__How_to_Build_a_Personal_Brand_With_Chris_Ducker.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:22am PDT

I cannot begin to tell you how transformational the Ignite Event was for the 300 people who were lucky enough to attend.


We are still getting emails and Facebook comments almost daily from those who were there.


I've put together some exclusive event footage that I think you're going to love!


You're going to see how we literally walked across thousands of shards of broken glass and punched through 1-inch thick boards!  (Sounds crazy, I know, because it WAS!)


And, I also included some really special footage for you from our Firestarter client Inspiration Panel from stage.


Where you hear our client Molly's amazing results!


She became a Firestarter coaching client of ours 12 months ago, and she's now leaving her government job to work full time in her business (and make a LOT more money)...


And, hear from another Firestarter coaching client of ours, Chadi, who fired 80% of his clients who weren't ideal, and in less than 6 months completely replaced that income with ideal clients who he loves working with!


Make sure you watch all the way to the end if you're interested in finding out how you can achieve results like Leeta, Molly, Chadi, and MANY others...




If this Ignite event footage fires you up, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing to the Life on Fire TV podcast!  You’re a champion!

Direct download: BONUS__Ignite_Event_2014_-_Glasswalk__Inspiration_Panel.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:56am PDT

We sit down, 1-on-1, with Jonathan Budd, one of the top internet marketers, who has achieved incredible success, to find out more about who he is and what lead him there.


As you’ll quickly discover, Johathan Budd is one of the most sincere and genuine entrepreneurs you can find, which undoubtedly played a tremendous role in the millions he’s made.


But, more than the impressive track record of success is the focus on takeaways and the learnings along the way, as well as the desire to live a balanced, healthy, happy life full of love.


If there is only one thing that sticks with you from this interview, it’s all you really ever need, Jonathan’s advice to Nick years ago, “Take massive freaking action.”


Like any successful entrepreneur, Jonathan has experienced many failures along the way.  However, what sets people like him apart is, as he puts it, “finding the gold in your failures”.


There are TONS of “nuggets” in this episode, so get ready!


Enjoy this fantastic interview, and go take MASSIVE action on that very next step that you know you need to do.


And, for more interviews with top entrepreneurs, tips, and strategies to take your business to the next level, go to


If you loved this episode, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing to the Life on Fire TV podcast!  You can do anything!

Direct download: 18__Jonathan_Budd_on_Steps_to_Creating_a_Business__Life_on_Fire_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:43am PDT

Having strategic joint ventures partners can help nearly any business grow at a faster rate.  Here to tell us his method of how he builds JV relationships is 7-figure online entrepreneur, Kevin Thompson!


Kevin’s had the “entrepreneurial bug” since high school.  


After the untimely passing of his father just before Kevin would have gone off to college, Kevin instead spent 4 years in the Army and then found his way to what is considered the most dangerous job on the planet…  


A Bering Sea fisherman (like the TV show “Deadliest Catch”).


Kevin spent 7 seasons risking his life on the sea to amass $200,000 in savings when he was finally ready to start a business, safely on land!


His first venture was a carpet cleaning business.


And, while he was not risking his life by cleaning carpets, his business was slowly struggling due to the wrong marketing.


What turned his carpet cleaning business around was meeting Joe Polish and discovering some of Joe’s marketing materials and advice.


Shortly after implementing Joe’s suggestions, Kevin had one of the top carpet cleaning businesses in his area by catering almost exclusively to high-end homes, which created some major shifts in his way of thinking.


The most significant change came from realizing that he enjoyed the marketing side, testing, and teaching others his system more than running his cleaning business.


So, he sold the cleaning business 11 years ago and became a full-time online marketer!


One of Kevin’s biggest leverage points was to approach people like Joe Polish who had an existing audience of carpet cleaners and other potential joint venture partners with similar audiences like home inspectors to come teach and sell his system at their events.


Without necessarily realizing it at the time, Kevin was build his business based on JV partnering.


Like many others have noted, Kevin found that high profile influencers and entrepreneurs get approached constantly by others who are looking to take from them.


However, what Kevin found from one of his mentors is that almost above all else, people who have attained that level of status value hearing that something they did or something they created helped you in some way.  


The simple concept of genuine appreciation.


Kevin points out, it’s not a “tactic” or a “strategy”, showing sincere appreciation to others is simply a way of being.


Our challenge to you is to implement Kevin’s advice and to take the time to send a text message to 15 people in your life who you want to show sincere appreciation to and do it just for the sake of making them feel good, without expecting or asking for anything in return.


“Just stand back and watch what happens!”, after sending your texts, Kevin says!


For more from Kevin, make sure you visit his website to get access to his “A-List” entrepreneur partner attraction process!


And, if you truly got value from this episode and Kevin’s teachings, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  We appreciate you!

Direct download: 111__Kevin_Thompson_on_How_to_Build_JV_Relationships.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:24am PDT

The “Instagram Gal”, Sue B. Zimmerman is here with us today to show us how to crush it and monetize Instagram!


Sue has now had 18 businesses, all successful in their own right, dating back to her teenage years.


So, she’s well aware of what it takes to start and grow a business.


One of her skills has been to observe the trend-setters, particularly her teenage daughters, who were avid Instagram users over 2 years ago.


For Sue, the Instagram lightbulb went off, and she’s been on a mission to master the platform ever since.


Sue’s got 7 steps to success on Instagram:


1.  Have a rockin’ bio - Including a professional avatar, searchable username, strong description, unique hashtag, and a URL to drive traffic


2. Post with purpose - What is the emotional feeling you want people to have when they discover your account?


3. Create a hashtag strategy - Unique hashtags are the key to a great strategy on Instagram


4. Engage - The more you engage with others, the more others will engage with you!


5. Promote your account - Tell your existing audiences you are on Instagram


6. Send a Direct Message - A direct message is a private message that can be sent to an individiual or group up to 15 people in one post


7. Lead people to where you want to do business


And, don’t miss Sue’s ninja tip, which is to maximize your username.  Most people have unused characters in their username that they could add to allow people to find them easier.


Make sure you grab Sue’s 5 hashtag tips at as well!


And, for more #InstaAwesome tips from Sue, follow her on Instagram at @SueBZimmerman now!


If you loved Sue’s Instagram tips, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  #YouRock!

Direct download: 110__How_to_Crush_it_on_Instagram_With_Sue_B._Zimmerman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:40am PDT

Joining us today is an entrepreneurial legend, Kevin Harrington, the inventor of TV infomercials and a “Shark” from TV’s Shark Tank!


In his 30 years of marketing, Kevin has done over 4 billion dollars in sales through being the first to mass market products like Ginsu knives, the Jack Lalane Juicer, Tony Little’s Gazelle fitness machine, and many, many more.


Not every product Kevin touched turned to gold, he notes that there were many failures along the way.


But, at every opportunity, even with things that didn’t work, he learned more and more about what did work.


In fact, only one out of every 3 or 4 ideas he attempts is a success, which means he sees much more failure than success.


His secret is to fail fast and fail cheap.  He tests ideas on a smaller level to determine their viability, makes changes if they don’t succeed, and he’s able to cut his relatively small losses if the project doesn’t work out.


As entrepreneurs, we have to condition ourselves to be able to expect and handle failure without emotionally crumbling every time it happens.


One of the major pillars to Kevin’s success is networking and relationships.


The first ever informercial product he brought to market was as a result of attending a trade show.  He has partnered with competitors to form non-profit organizations and has constantly put himself in the types of places that create opportunities for himself.


In addition to knowing and learning how to sell the products he creates and discovers, Kevin also has to know how to sell himself to potential investors and partner.


He shares a few steps of his 10-step system…


The first step is, you have to have the perfect pitch for your audience.  Kevin advises, “You have 7 seconds to get someone’s attention.”


Particularly with seeking investors, Kevin points out that you have to know what that investors sweet spot is.  For example, some don’t like start ups, others may be more concerned about growth vs. profits.


So, we ask Kevin, when should a business consider raising capital?


Kevin says, there are at least 3 reasons to raise capital:


1.  To start a business 

2.  To expand a business

3.  To leverage the risk of the business and “cash in” on some of the business equity, such as creating an IPO


That capital can come from savvy investors who can also bring their knowledge and contacts to the table, or from more “silent” investors.  


Kevin suggests that you don’t need to hold out for the investors with experience and connections because you can acquire those things if you have enough capital.


Next we ask how a person begins to network and become connected.


Kevin’s recommendation is to become a “Key Person of Influence”, (KPI, as he calls it).


His “guru” status started with writing a book, which lead to speaking engagements, interviews, podcasts, TV appearances and more.  Pretty soon Kevin was everywhere and his authority was evident.


One massive tip that Kevin imparts is, that every business owner should be thinking, planning and preparing for raising capital.


If you run your business in a way that you’re positioning yourself to become attractive to investors, chances are, you’re going to have a much more successful business.


Your financials will be more organized, your research and competitive analysis more thorough, and so on.


When speaking to potential investors, your investor wants to know that you are focused on them and concerned about their interest.


One strategy Kevin has used is to agree that his investor will receive 100% of the profits from their investment until the full amount they’ve invested has been paid back to them.




What an absolutely jam-packed interview with the one and only Kevin Harrington!


To learn straight from Kevin, his step-by-step system on how to position yourself and your business to raise capital from investors, make sure to check out his Maverick training at!


His 28-part guide will have you primed and ready to start seeking willing investors!


If you though Kevin CRUSHED this session, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Take massive action!

Direct download: 109__Kevin_Harrington_from_Shark_Tank_on_How_to_Raise_Capital_Through.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:27am PDT

Ever wondered how to get JV partners?  Here today to tell us how to get BIG JV partners is Anthony Amos!


Author of the book, “How to Catch a Shark”, Anthony shares his tips on how to create relationships with influential people.


Anthony notes that when it comes to creating business ventures with highly successful people, rather than attempting to approach the person directly, you are far better off meeting them through one of their existing contacts who is worthy for them to take notice.


What he found was establishing a relationship starts with truly being congruent with the influencer.


One way to determine whether that’s possible is to study personality types.  


First, it starts with knowing your personality type.


From there, it’s studying the other types that exist so that you can quickly identify characteristics upon meeting people in order to better understand them and better communicate with them.


When structuring your “offer” (aka, what you want from the “shark”), you will be successful far more often if you seek to add value first.


Nearly everyone who approaches major influencers and highly successful entrepreneurs is looking to take before they give, which is the total wrong approach.


So, what should someone new do?


The main thing is just keep moving forward and take imperfect action toward your business goal.  That will always trump sitting around and trying to plan out every detail before beginning.


There will inevitably be things in your business that you don’t like doing or shouldn’t do.  


Anthony’s advice is to bring in other people to handle those tasks and give them a percentage of the revenue and ownership for doing so.


You always want to retain control of your business, but all that requires is 51%, which leaves you 49% to work with!


Your playbook is:


1.  Get your concept to market as quickly as possible.

2.  Refine your concept based on real world testing and results

3.  Seek out partners who can come on board and assist with the aspects of the business you need to delegate

4.  Position yourself to add value to your “shark”


Ultimately, people want to connect with other people who they like.


As Anthony puts it, “The authenticity of your personality is the creation of everything you want.”


So, take massive action, seek to add value, and start working on your “shark plan” today!


And, for more from Anthony, make sure you visit his website at and grab his book, “How to Catch a Shark”!


If you enjoyed this interview with Anthony, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You can do ANYTHING!

Direct download: Anthony.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:52am PDT

Business coach, Bill Baren, joins us for this session of the Life on Fire Virtual Summit to talk coaching, mentorship, determination, and success!


Bill’s start in the real world came just after graduating from Stanford with a degree in computer science.


So, where did he go from there?


The music business, of course!  (Against his parents wishes!)


At his peak, he had a small, independent record label, a music store, 85 employees, and over $10,000,000 per year in gross revenue.


After realizing he wasn’t living his true calling, he sold off his business, and planned to regroup while living off of his 5 year payment coming from the sale of his business.


The payments stopped after month 4.


So, with a newfound urgency Bill was lucky enough to come across coaching.


Bill spent the next 4 years working toward becoming a business coach.


It wasn’t until he started failing even further before he finally developed a repeatable system that worked for him.


And, after making $25,000 per year for 4 years, Bill’s income jumped to 6-figures within 6 months of putting his new sales process in place.


What Bill did was become a master sales communicator.  And, in his process, his communication is 85% about listening and only 15% about speaking.


By truly understanding what it is someone desires and helping them see and feel that it’s possible, that’s how you create success with them.


As Bill says, “The person that can keep them feeling that pure place of possibility is the person they’re going to hire (as a coach).”


For Bill, what makes a great coach is fully committing to be the coach and realizing that their experience is not about you, as the coach, at all.  It’s about you being a doorway toward helping someone move forward.


And, what he finds in his clients and his own life, is that consistency and unrelenting determination are the keys to success.


“Everything we want goes through the island of doing what we don’t want to do first”, Bill acknowledges.


In addition to his honed enrollment skills, one of the things that has undoubtedly made Bill successful is the fact that profits are not the primary driver of his business decisions.


Impact on his clients comes first.


Bill reveals that he’s often knowingly made decisions that made him less money because it ultimately resulted in a better outcome for his clients.


Great stuff, Bill!


So much wisdom packed into one interview!


To get a mind map of Bill’s sales enrollment conversation process, Bill has made that available for you at!


If you loved Bill’s interview, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Never give up!

Direct download: 107__Bill_Baren_on_The_Importance_of_a_Business_Coach__Mentorship.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:36am PDT

Come with us behind the scenes of the Life on Fire Virtual Summit to learn how to put on your own 6-figure virtual summit!


Virtual summits have some incredible benefits to the attendees and speakers, as well as the “host” or the business that is putting the summit on.


Such as…


- You are almost instantly positioned as an expert by virtue of proximity to your other expert summit speakers

- You can immediately build and grow a targeted email list, even if you don’t have one to being with

- If using paid advertising, we’ve recently seen lead costs as low as 70 cents each!

- You can create an upsell process to offset your advertising cost

- You will have made life-long connections to your expert speakers

- You don’t have to create any of the speaker content if you don’t want to!


My initial summit experience came out of my previous business failures and attending an inspiring and motiving business building event.


I came home, narrowed my niche, made the decision that I wanted to be a Facebook marketing expert, and started working on the Facebook Mastery Summit.


My first step was graphic design.  I’m by no means a graphic designer, so found someone who could inexpensively create a great look for my summit as I knew that was key.


Next, I used the sophisticated look of my summit to attract my “anchor” speaker (a well-known authority in my niche).


And, once I had my anchor speaker locked in, it was easy to approach and get commitments from my other speakers!


As a result of bring on 10 speakers, I was able to create an email list of 5,500 people, and I sold the recordings of the speaker sessions for $497 and generated $105,000!


And, throughout the process of building my own business, interviewing other experts, and running my own Facebook ads, my knowledge level quickly reached “expert” status as well.


Once you hold something like a virtual summit, if marketed correctly, you have the appearance of being “everywhere”.


People who are in your ideal target audience, as well as other experts on your topic will have seen your ads, seen your name mentioned in multiple people’s emails, and depending on how you release the content via YouTube, a podcast, etc., you appear to be everyone from a content standpoint too.


THAT is how you make a splash and enter the marketplace as a leader.


Here are the steps to follow to put on your own summit!


1.  Narrow your niche - You have to have a targeted message to a targeted audience.

2.  Modeling - Who do you want to be like in your niche and what can you learn from them?

3.  Select your ideal customer - Who do you want to serve and what do they need?

4.  Name your virtual summit - What do you want to be known for?

5.  Graphic design - Design matters!  LeadPages is a great option!

6.  Get your anchor speaker - You may decide to let them sell their course or product 

7.  Get more speakers - Leverage your anchor speaker to get the others!

8.  Launch traffic - Set the start date, get your speakers the info they need to promote, and start promoting

9.  Facebook ads - If your budget is at all permitting, definitely test Facebook ad traffic to your summit

10. Deliver the sessions - This can be as easy as setting up a group phone line!

11. Repurpose your content - Consider releasing your summit content as a Podcast, a book, or even a physical training product!


Now, I realize seeing this list and putting it all into action if you’ve never done it before can feel a little overwhelming, no matter how fired up you are to get it going and how much you know it can impact your business.


So, I’m taking on a small group of personal coaching clients, along with my teammates Robin & Mike Pisciotta to teach you our in-detail, step-by-step virtual summit systems that we’ve both used to create 6-figure returns.


However, today is the last day to get in.


Get all the details of what you’ll learn before we close the doors at!


We couldn’t be more excited to bring this opportunity to you!


Just go to and grab one of the remaining spots and start building your authority, list, and profits today!


And, if you are fired up about everything you’re learning from Life on Fire TV, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You ROCK!

Direct download: 106__How_to_Create_a_6-Figure_Virtual_Summit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:46am PDT

We are so excited to feature our partners on the Life on Fire Virtual Summit, Mike & Robin Pisciotta, in this special session to speak on how to build your authority, list, and profits with a virtual summit!


For Mike and Robin, their Life on Fire, their reason for wanting to be entrepreneurs, can be summed up in one word, Freedom.


Isn’t that what we all want as entrepreneurs?


Well, the road to achieving that isn’t always a predictable, simple straight line.


Mike and Robin had to completely start their business models over from scratch 3 times after they were forced out of their physical business location due to eminent domain and redesigning their online business.


However, what they gained in all of that was real life experience, which they were soon able to leverage…


Within 90 days of changing their business model, they planned and hosted their first summit.


One of the biggest benefits of creating their summit was INSTANT authority and instant credibility.


It can feel like you’re seen everywhere when you have all of your individual speakers talking about you.


So, how do you get your speakers?


Mike and Robin like to focus on landing their “main stage” speaker first through having their graphic design really dialed in, and having a list of the other speakers they are trying to attract.


Once the look of the summit is perfected and you have your anchor speaker on board, that’s the key to being able to attract your other speakers.


If done correctly, one of the biggest benefits of creating a summit is the list it can build for you.  A huge tip on this is to keep in mind the types of people you’re trying to attract when selecting your speakers.  


It’s not just about building a list and growing your numbers, its about getting the right people on your list.


Mike and Robin’s first summit built them a highly targeted list of over 5,000 people nearly overnight!


And, ultimately, your summit will help you connect with your audience and be the hub for the value you’re providing.


From there, they jump into the juicy part, monetization!


On their summit, Mike and Robin generated over $17,000 of revenue before it even started! Then, they added an additional $21,000 by packaging it as a physical product, not to mention selling out their group coaching program and filling their private client roster!


One summit was the catalyst that launched them into mid 6-figures in under 9 months!


Wouldn’t it be incredible to have that kind of your success yourself?


Well, we’ve decided to team up with Mike and Robin to put together our years of experience crushing it with multiple summits and teach our entire process to you.


Get all the details of what you’ll learn before we close the doors at!


We couldn’t be more excited to bring this opportunity to you!


Just go to and grab one of the remaining spots and start building your authority, list, and profits today!


And, if you got a ton of great tips out of Mike and Robin’s session, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  It’s YOUR turn to have a 6-figure year!

Today’s featured entrepreneur has made millions blogging and he’s here to share with us how.  We are super fired up for you to hear Ray Higdon’s story and strategies!


After the bottom fell out of the real estate market, Ray found himself in a bit of a desperate situation and needed to generate income, fast.


It was right at this time that he discovered network marketing.


Ray didn’t have an existing online presence he could tap into, a list, or even an online funnel.  He had to build his business through pure grit.


And, when it comes to network marketing, it’s often a rapidly polarizing conversation.  


However, unlike the typical abrasive approach that way too many network marketers take, Ray’s approach was to very quickly disqualify those who were not interested.


Next, when it came to blogging, his logic was that he could build and write his blog posts in a way that they had shelf life and they became assets that could continue to generate business for him for years to come.


His blogging philosophy is that he’s in it for the long haul.  


His approaches don’t necessarily generate new income overnight, he’s not overly concerned with how each blog post is going to turn into a transaction, or with getting things perfectly search engine optimized.  


His primary focus is building community and asking himself, is this something my community would want to read and would get value from?


For any business, the #1 reason for blogging is to build your list and build your community, Ray points out.


One of the biggest mistakes Ray sees is bloggers not having any sort of free giveaway, or “lead magnet” as a way to generate more opt-ins to your list and provide more value.


Ray’s advice when it comes to your lead magnet is to ask yourself, “What does my target market stay up late at night thinking about?”


Speak more about their problem than your solution.


And, when it comes to optimizing your content so that it has the biggest impact on your business, one simple change Ray made was to put a call to action at the end of all of your content.


Your call to action may be to get your free giveaway, sign up for a webinar, or take some next step.  


Don’t assume your prospects always know what you want them to do next, and don’t assume that everyone who consumes your content is already on your list.


Speaking of which, Ray has two great ways you can get more from him!


First is his podcast, which you can find at


And, Ray has free training which you can take at!


If you thought Ray rocked on this episode of Life on Fire TV, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  It’s all about who you know, so get out there and grow your network!


Direct download: 104__How_to_Blog_for_Massive_Success_With_Ray_Higdon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:25am PDT

On this episode of Life on Fire TV, we have one of the legends, marketing and personal development expert, Brian Tracy.


We dive right in with Brian to find out what he’s found to be common, repeatable traits of successful entrepreneurs.


First, you obviously have to sell something to someone.  However, one factor that he’s seen is that some of the most successful people already like and consume their own product themselves before they market it to others.


Also, the age-old method still stands true of finding a large group of people with a similar problem and determine an acceptable solution to that problem.  


From there it’s down to determining the demographic, psychographic, and now the ethnographic characteristics of your ideal customer.


“Your customers want you to be rich, as long as you make them happy”, Brian points out.


The first step is to make them happy, then make them *happier* than your competitors do.


Tracy astutely notes, whether you think you’re in customer service or not, if you’re in business, you’re in customer service.  


Customer satisfaction is how you measure business success.  This is measured three ways:


1.  Do they buy from you?

2.  Do they buy again?

3.  Do they bring their friends?


To grow your business, Brian says, there are only 4 questions to ask your customers:


1.  What should we do more of?

2.  What should we do less of?

3.  What should we start doing that we’re not doing now?

4.  What should we stop doing completely?


Siting a recently worldwide study, when it comes to predicting a businesses success, there are 3 major factors to focus on which are having clear goals and objectives (including financial goals), measuring EVERYTHING, and third, special rewards for excellent performance.


When starting out, and seeing time management, Brian notes that you need to work about 60 hours a week, full blast, 10-hour days, 6 days a week.  Way too many people are seeking “balance” when their starting out.  The development phase of your business needs to be out of balance and more heavily weighted on your business (in the beginning) if your business is ever going to get anywhere.


More valuable than any other piece of his interview, Brian emphasizes that when you’re “working”, work.  Don’t socialize or browse the internet, or get caught in personal conversations or texting, WORK.


Make a list of all the tasks you need to accomplish that day and start with the most important one first.  The most important mindset accomplishment is to start and complete and important task first thing in the day.


Finally, when it comes to being a great leader, you have to have vision.  You have to know what you’re trying to accomplish every single day and you have to focus on doing your most important tasks every day.


Brian has set up a fantastic leadership assessment, which you can take for free at!


And, Brian has made an even more generous opportunity available for you, which is donating TWO of his courses to the!


We’ve combined Brian’s two courses, which he normally sells for over $800, along with 6 other courses, which you can get today for just $197.  And, the proceeds from your purchase go directly to the Pencils of Promise foundation to help build a school for needy children. 


If you loved Brian’s interview as much as we did, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  It’s TIME to make it happen!

Direct download: 104__The_Fast_Track_to_Becoming_a_Leader_With_Brian_Tracy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:14am PDT

Here today to teach us how to publish a book on Amazon in less than 2 months is Amazon best-selling author, and internet marketing guru, Mike Koenigs!


What started Mike on his journey to write his first book is actually when he was receiving life-saving cancer treatment at Duke hospital.


Laying there facing possible death, Mike realized that although his career would be a form of his legacy for his family, for him, a book was a much more permanent form of legacy that he wanted to leave.


While on heavy doses of chemo, Mike could muster about an hour a day of energy that he would use to speak his book into his iPhone so that it could be dictated into written form.


Since then, he’s written 7 books and coached over 400 others on how to get their book written, published, and promoted on Amazon.


As Mike points out, creating a book is one of the fastest, easiest ways for others to consume your value and for you to spread your thoughts, ideas, and messages.


In the digital age we live in, not only can books be distributed at no additional cost to the author using means like the Kindle platform and audio books, but paperback books can essentially be printed on-demand through platforms like Amazon, eliminating the need to buy and maintain massive inventory.


Mike’s book writing process consists of 5 steps:


1.  Preparation - This is where you determine what the theme of your book is going to be, who your audience is, and what problem or interest your book will address, as well as the title, subtitle, etc.


2.  Performing - This can be you being interviewed to verbally “write” your book, you interviewing others, or possibly you dictating it and “interviewing” yourself.


3.  Publish - has made it easier than ever to publish a book.


4.  Promote - This step consists of leveraging all of the existing platforms that are out there such as Amazon and iTunes, digital and audio, and so on.


5.  Profit - The final step is to convert all of the available mediums to actually making money, such as consulting, building your email list, and directly making products and services available.


When it comes to structuring the title, subtitle, and look of your cover, start with what’s already working.  Go on Amazon, study the bestsellers in the category you want to write about, and find the commonalities those books have.


And, once you have your book completed and published, the possibilities of how you can use it are nearly endless.  


You can use it to get speaking opportunities, land clients, land consulting opportunities, create interview opportunities, start your own podcast, and on, and on.


Mike has generously offered to make his book Publish and Profit available, which outlines this entire process in great detail at!


Get started today!  As Mike says, “The world belongs to implementors!”


And, if Mike inspired you to finally get that book out of your mind and into people’s hands, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Start your book today!

Since 1991 Alex Mandossian been mastering the art of communication and marketing and today he’s going to share with us how he uses Google Hangouts to get to the top of the search rankings in Google.


As we take a quick tour of Alex’s one-man office, we couldn’t help but notice the mastermind pictures with Larry Kind and Mohammad Ali on the walls.


Alex had reached out to highly influential thought leaders and offered to facilitate high-end masterminds for them.  


From there, this lead to him building relationships with billionaires, fortune 500 company heads, and other top entrepreneurs.  


His secret?


He didn’t charge anything to organize and run the masterminds.  He simply gave himself and his time in order to earn those relationships.


When it comes to how Alex has achieved his success, Alex says, “Most of everything I’ve learned is through observing what works and then reverse engineering it.”


Another secret of Alex’s is split testing, which is taking something such as a headline, and image, a color, or some other piece you’re using in your marketing and creating another version of it to see which version performs better.


So, where do you start?


When you think like Alex, you are never starting from scratch.  There are always other resources, other experts, other competitors you can observe to figure out what’s working so that you don’t have to start from a blank canvas.


Alex imparts a huge tip regarding testing, which is never fall in love with your idea, offer, product, etc., as that will only limit your creativity and potential.


Following his own advice, Alex observed that the two biggest media players online right now are Google and YouTube, and that the one thing that connects the two are Google Hangouts.


So, what Alex does is approach 5 influential thought leaders who are already successfully selling products through other channels and offers to set up Google Hangouts with them, for free.


Next, we talk selling.


Alex notes that most people focus on ROI (return on investment) when selling.  Alex, however, focuses on the COI (cost of inaction).  What are people losing by not taking action or not making changes?


This is incredibly powerful for a number of reasons, but one in particular is what makes it so significant…


People have not yet experienced the things they want, it’s emotionally unfamiliar to them.  Whereas, people are intimately familiar with the things they already live and know, which makes that and exponentially more powerful motivator.


For Alex, it all comes back to his passion which is teaching and training.  


Being a trainer of trainers is his mission, and he’s doing a tremendous job fulfilling on that mission. 


If you’d like to see Alex’s Hangout strategy in action, he’s made every hangout he’s ever done available at and you can also grab his assessment to find out how others see you and what your marketing persona is at! 


Great stuff, Alex!


And, if you enjoyed Alex’s interview as much as we did, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Take massive action today!

I’m so excited to bring you my session of the Life on Fire Virtual Summit, which I’ve titled, “The 6-Figure Profit Plan”, which is all about how to generate income with Facebook Ads & Webinars.


This session is one of over 25 free sessions we’re bringing you as part of the Life on Fire Virtual Summit.


If you aren’t already subscribed, make sure you subscribe to our podcast on iTunes to get all of the replays!


A big part of the reason we’re doing all this is to help build schools for underprivileged  children around the world who don’t have access the public education like most of us do.


As an incentive to help us with this cause, we have donated our $997 “Product Launch on Fire” course, along with John Lee Dumas’s “Ignite Your Webinar” training, Brian Tracy’s Time Management and Leadership courses, Mike and Robin Pisciotta’s “List Building Machine” program, and several more to a package of training courses we’re calling the “Business on Fire Bundle”.


These courses sell for over $6,000 separately.  


However, for a small donation of just $197 you can have them all!


Get instant access and make your donation today at, and the proceeds from your donation are going to help build a school for needy children!


And, now to dive into today’s session!


More than anything else, what I see businesses struggle with the most is getting more leads.


If businesses owners could solve that one problem, that would provide the fuel to solve virtually any other problems their business may face.


Driving Facebook ads is a fantastic way to grow your business!


We have seen clients add a million dollars of new revenue to their revenue using the exact strategy we’re teaching today!


The 6-figure Facebook strategy will help you…


- Build your email list

- Create a “celebrity” like brand with your niche


- Substantially boost your “likes” (to increase social proof)

- Rapidly increase your income and live a life on Fire!


If you to take an even deeper dive into Facebook ads, and learn how to master this skill so that you can add an additional 5, 6, or even 7-figures to your business this year…


Then you’re definitely going to want to check out 


We’re putting on a live 4-week group training bootcamp, meant to coach you through learning the exact blueprint and process of how to run Facebook ads for your business.


You’ll be learning on live webinars with me and my team, so you can ask questions and get feedback real time.


You won’t find another business-building training out there like this!


Registration is open for just a few more days!


Grab one of the few remaining spots at today!


And, if you’re fired up about using Facebook to grow your business, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You can do anything!

Direct download: 100__The_6-Figure_Profit_Plan_With_Facebook_Ads__Webinars.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:28am PDT

Learn How to Leverage Facebook Ads to Grow Your Authority and Profits with Business Coach and CEO of Life on Fire, Nick Unsworth, and Facebook Marketing Expert, Valerie Shoopman!


This video is one of over 25 speaker sessions of the Life on Fire Virtual Summit!


You can get free access to all of the Summit speaker sessions at!


And, as a special bonus, if you would like to make a small donation to Pencils of Promise we’re going to give you over $6,000 worth of marketing and mindset training courses for just $97!


Grab all the details and make your $97 donation at, and the proceeds from your donation are going to help build a school for needy children in Guatemala.


To start, I wanted to share a quick backstory about how my life was before I became a Facebook marketer and started running Facebook advertising.


Long story short, I was $50,000 in debt, had taken some bad advice, and had a business that failed.  


That was a little over 5 years ago.


What turned things around for me was Facebook marketing.  


Within 6 months of when I chose to become a Facebook marketer and advertise on Facebook I had made my first $100,000 online.


I started taking on clients, getting them great results, getting more and more clients, and eventually building an entire business that I sold for $500,000 almost 2 years ago.


I've since used Facebook ads to build a second business.


That's how powerful Facebook advertising can be if you do it correctly.


In this session, Valerie Shoopman is going to walk you through exactly how to set up your first Facebook ad campaign, as well as the strategic tips she and I have learned after running hundreds of thousands of dollars in Facebook ads for ourselves and our clients!


And, if you want help learning, step-by-step, in even greater detail how to run ads and grow your business, we've got a great resource available to you at the end of the session!




If you found this Facebook session helpful and informative, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are awesome!

Direct download: 99__How_to_Leverage_Facebook_Ads_for_Profits_With_Valerie_Shoopman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:38am PDT

Join me in this episode on a few of my recent adventures like going to Tony Robbins’s event and walking on hot coals!


My first stop was New York and the Pencils of Promise annual gala.  Pencils of Promise is the organization we are building a school through. 


That was an absolutely amazing event to attend.  One of the highlights was watching Gary Vaynerchuk on stage auctioning off his time to hang out and drink wine for $90,000!


Next it was on to Tony’s event in Dallas where I walked on hot coals with thousands of his other attendees.


And, let me tell you, after you’ve walked on red hot coals and completely shattered that fear in your mind, nothing in your life or your business can stop you.


From there it was on stage and Mike Filsaime’s event in San Diego!


What an honor it was to be on their stage.  It was just a few years ago that I was attending an event like that trying to figure out how I was going to make it in the business.


Now, I was instead up on stage telling the story of my journey.  So much fun!


And, the fun didn’t stop there!  That same day it was in the car and up to LA to attend a gala Mike Koenigs and his wife put on for the Just Like My Child foundation.


From that event came an opportunity to be published in Forbes.  Crazy.


I hope this fun episode inspires a couple things for you…


First, just GO for it!  Get out there and make things happen.  Don’t worry about what other people think or the reasons why you can’t.


Next, if you are looking for that type of “life-changing” event to attend, we are giving you that event, this December 5, 6, and 7 in San Diego, and it’s called Ignite.


If you’re ready to Ignite your business and Ignite your life, then you need to be there.


The event is almost sold out, but there are still a few seats left at the time this was recorded.  


Go to to get a FREE ticket now!


It’s just a $97 temporary holding deposit to reserve your seat now, and when you arrive at the event you will receive your $97 back and attend for free!


Grab your seat while you still can today!!


See you soon!


Digging the behind the scenes action on Life on Fire TV?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are amazing!

Direct download: 98__Traveling_on_Fire.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:08am PDT

We are honored to have Adam Braun, founder of the award-winning non-profit organization Pencils of Promise, as our opening speaker for this Life on Fire Virtual Summit!


You can get free access to all of the Summit speaker sessions at!


And, as a special bonus, if you would like to make a small donation to Pencils of Promise we’re going to give you over $6,000 worth of marketing and mindset training courses for just $97!


Grab all the details and make your $97 donation at, and the proceeds from your donation are going to help build a school for needy children in Guatemala.


Adam started off on what he thought was the path to happiness through pursuing wealth.


By 19 he was interning on Wall Street and looking to make it big.


While following what he thought was his career path, his 1,000 person semester at sea cruise ship was severely damaged and for a period of a few hours it appeared that certain death was the only likely outcome.


Having come so close to dying at such a young age, Adam suddenly gained a new sense of priority.


While backpacking through the countries he was able to visit as part of his time at sea, Adam would ask one child in each country what they want most in the world.


And, one child’s answer from India would forever change his life…


“A pencil”, the boy said.


That became the moment that inspired Adam to want to provide quality education for every child in the world.


Adam’s $25 was the first “donation” Pencils of Promise received when he started it, followed shortly by 400 of his friends and their friends donating $20 each to attend a Halloween party.


He had raised $8,000 from that one event and never looked back…


Adam notes, “Your sense of personal discovery begins where your comfort zone ends.”


He faced challenge after challenge and “no” after “no” when first getting started, but it never stopped him.


Not because he had passion, but because he had PURPOSE.


That was his never-ending source of motivation, his purpose.


Through his hard work and the efforts of his team, and the generous donors who have contributed over the years, they have built over 250 schools, brought education to over 30,000 children, and they now break ground on a new school every 90 hours.


Without the right mindset, Adam would have never been able to grow his organization to a staff of 80 and accomplish all of those incredible numbers.


A big part of that is realizing that as the owner or the founder of the organization you can’t do it all, you can’t maintain the attitude that nobody can do all of the tasks in your business better than you do.


Therefore, he knew he had to build an organization and a culture that would help him fulfill his original mission.


Among many wonderful initiatives Adam maintains throughout his organization, one of the most impressive is that they cover all of their overhead costs through private donations. 


Therefore, 100% every dollar donated by the public goes to help build schools, which is almost unheard-of in the non-profit world.


That fact, along with Adam’s story and takeaways, are simply remarkable.


Again, Adam, we are honored to have you as the first speaker to start the Life on Fire Virtual Summit!


And, for a small donation of just $97 at you can help us on our mission to build a school through Pencils of Promise and in return we’re going to give you over $6,000 worth of top-knotch training materials and courses on marketing and personal development!


Make your donation today!


We’ll see you soon on the next Summit session!


If Adam’s story and this Life on Fire TV episode fueled YOUR passion and purpose, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You make the world brighter!

Direct download: 97__Adam_Braun_on_Adding_Purpose_to_Your_Life_By_Giving_Back.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:54am PDT

We couldn’t be more excited to share this special episode with you where we give you a sneak peek into how we’re giving back, through the organization Pencils of Promise, and building a school in Guatemala.


A big part of the mission behind Life on Fire an as organization is is giving back.  


Last December we raised over $5,000 to purchase Kindle eReaders and donate them to foster teens to promote reading and entrepreneurialism and it was an amazing experience.


This year we are raising the bar and have pledged $25,000 to build a school through the organization Pencils of Promise in Guatemala.  


We experience, first hand, the difference of in the quality of the school we are helping to build vs. the existing structures and see how much better and more conducive of a learning environment these children are going to have.


After immersing ourselves in the cause and the culture, and most importantly, spending time with the children in the community, words can’t describe the way it feels to know you’re making a difference at that level.


And, we’re giving you the opportunity to help!


We put together over $6,000 worth of training courses from us, Brian Tracy, Mike Koenigs, Michael Bernoff, John Lee Dumas, and MORE!


We asked all of these amazing entrepreneurs to donate their programs to be part of our fundraising program.


You can get access to all of these programs at for a donation of just $97.


This is an unheard-of deal and these courses aren’t being offered anywhere else for this price!


The proceeds from your $97 donation will go directly to help the children you saw and heard in this episode, and the training courses will be yours to keep forever.


Make a small donation of just $97 and get a HUGE bundle of training programs at today.


Thank you very much for watching and for donating.


If this episode inspired you in some way, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are a gift.  Give your gift to others.

Direct download: 96__Behind_the_Scenes_of_Building_a_School_in_Guatemala.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:27am PDT

It’s wonderful how recording a podcast allows you to document small moments in time.   Some of which can become big moments in time…


A while back we recorded an episode with entrepreneur and host of the School of Greatness podcast, Lewis Howes.


Not only is his episode so good and inspiring that it’s worth sharing again, but you also literally get to see the moment when we first heard about the organization Pencils of Promise.


Pencils of Promise is the organization we have pledged to build a school with for needy children in Guatemala.


Lewis has built 3 schools with them.


This episode was the entire inspiration for the Life on Fire Virtual Summit that’s about to start.


And, this episode was the inspiration for the Business on Fire Bundle.


The Business on Fire Bundle is $6,000 worth of training courses from us, Brian Tracy, Mike Koenigs, Michael Bernoff, John Lee Dumas, and MORE!


We asked all of these amazing entrepreneurs to donate their programs to be part of our fundraising program.


You can get access to all of these programs at for a donation of just $97.


You won’t find this much educational and strategic training that is designed to help you grow your business and your life anywhere for under $100.


Grab it today at


And, make sure you stay tuned in for the full episode with Lewis.  The guy is an absolutely incredible entrepreneur and he shares a ton of great information on this episode!


If you love what we’re doing here on Life on Fire TV and for Pencils of Promise, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing to the Life on Fire TV podcast!  You are greatness!

In the context of business, people often refer to their “why” for the reason that they do what they do.  


You may have more than one “why”, but it’s typically 1 to 3 highly motivational and important things that become the purpose behind your passion.


Giving back to others who are less fortune is one of mine…


Here’s why…


About a year and a half ago I had a team member who packed up his family and entire life to move to Honduras.  


We found a way that he could still work from there and I was totally supportive of his move, but I wanted to see what it was all about.


So, I went there myself to see first hand.


What I saw will forever change my life.


Each family who was part of the organization he was working with had adopted 4 orphaned children and they were raising them and educating them.


These were some of the happiest children I have ever seen.  Just full of life!


And, then the next day I saw where they came from…


It was literally, basically, a prison for children.  


Twenty five foot barbed wire walls surrounding this compound.  Inside there was a room where the infants lived until they were 4 years old.  


They were not allowed to come out of this room or see sunlight until they were 4.


It was one of the most gut-wrenching things I have ever seen.


And, I had to help.


I made a significant donation that allowed them to purchase more land and build a new school for more children and I came home wanting to do more…


Two of the most powerful ways you can give are with your time and with your money.


I believe when you weave giving into your company culture and into your personal life, not only does it help others, but it also gives you a higher level of purpose and personal fulfillment.


My entire experience in Honduras essentially paved the way for the project we’re currently helping.


It’s through an organization called Pencils of Promise, founded by Adam Braun, and their mission is to build schools in needy parts of the world.


We’ve pledged to build a school through their organization, and we couldn’t be more excited to give!


In fact, we have other top marketers like John Lee Dumas, Mike Koenigs, Brian Tracy, and many more involved in the project.


How can you help?


We’ve put together an amazing package of over $6,000 in marketing and personal development training programs that you can purchase for a donation of just $97.


We’re calling it the Business on Fire Bundle and you can make a donation, help build a school, and get over $6,000 worth of training programs today by heading to:


We greatly appreciate your support and your generous donation and we hope this episode inspires you to give back and make that part of your purpose and your business…


Thank you.


Love what we’re doing here at Life on Fire TV?  If so, we would greatly appreciate you writing a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You’re amazing!

Direct download: 94__The_Power_of_Giving_Back.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:29am PDT

Say it however you like, “the size of your income is directly related to size of your rolodex”, “it’s not what you know it’s who you know”…


Having a strong network is incredibly beneficial.


But, how do you build one?


First and foremost, you have to be clear on who you want in your network.


Who are the people who inspire you?  Who are the big names in your niche?


From there, think, “How can I add value to these people?”.


Try putting yourself in their shoes for a moment and ask, “what’s in it for me”?


In our case, we put together a virtual summit, featuring over 25 top entrepreneurs as the speakers.


Each one of these speakers is going to get exposed to an entirely new audience, who could one day become a new client or customer.


For you, think about what your gift is?  What are you uniquely capable of doing or providing that high-level centers of influence need?


If it turns out you don’t feel like you’re currently capable of delivering anything they may need, then learn a new skill that you know they can benefit from.


Here’s your action step…


Make a list of 15-20 influential people in the niche you’re in or the niche you want to be in and start reaching out to them.


If you don’t have some names on your list that make you nervous to reach out to, then you’re not aiming high enough.


Challenge yourself!  It’s the only way to grow, get better, and make more!


And, definitely don’t miss the FREE Life on Fire Virtual Summit!


Just go to and register today!


Digging Life on Fire TV?  If so, we would greatly appreciate you writing a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You ROCK!

Direct download: 93__Network_Your_Way_to_The_Top.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

We’ve just done something that we have never seen done before in the history of internet marketing!


Which is to approach some of the top names in the internet marketing and personal development industry and ask them to literally gift us one of their top training courses to be a part of our “Business on Fire Bundle” of training programs so that you can have access to them!


How and why did they do that?


The answer is simple actually…


Because we have an incredibly powerful mission, and once they understood that mission, they were happy to help.


We have packaged together over $6,000 worth of resources and training programs, and we’re making them available at for just $97.


And, the mission behind all of it is that all of the proceeds from your $97 donation go to an organization called Pencils of Promise to help build schools for children around the world.


So, what does the Bundle include?


Seven awesome training programs!


#7 is 2 tickets to Mike Koenigs event Publish + Profit where you can learn to become a best selling author (valued at $1,994).


#6 is our program, Product Launch on Fire, (valued at $997) that provides you an exact step-by-step process for how to take an idea you have and turn it into a product or program and how to start selling it.


#5 is Brian Tracy’s High Performance Leadership course designed to help you learn the skills to be an effective leader and have others want to follow you (valued at $497).


#4 is Brian Tracy’s Time Management program, which he sells for $389.  Who couldn’t use more time?  Let Brian show you how to get more time back so you can spend more time growing your business, or just have more time to spend as you please!


#3 is Call to Action, this is a $599 live training program brought to you by one of the top personal development trainers in the world, Michael Bernoff.  Michael’s live training has one simple, let incredibly powerful goal.  He’s going to teach you how to get more done in 5 days than most people typically get done in 5 months.


#2 is John Lee Dumas’s $597 Webinar on Fire program!  This is John’s exact blueprint on how he has used webinars to generate over a million dollars of revenue in under 12 months.


And, the #1 reason you need to get the Business on Fire Bundle, including over $6,000 of training and programs is that you will get a FREE ticket to our event for entrepreneurs, Ignite, happening in San Diego, December 5th, 6th, and 7th.  


This event combines business coaching, marketing training, and mindset hacks to give you the tools and training you need to make 2015 YOUR breakthrough year!


So, don’t hesitate!


This offer will not be available at this price for long!


You can get everything in the Business on Fire Bundle AND claim your free ticket to Ignite, today for just $97 at:


And, on behalf of the organization Pencils of Promise, and the children you will be directly helping with your donation, we thank you so much for your contribution!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  


Direct download: 92__Set_Your_Business_on_Fire_Today_Here_s_How.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:31am PDT

Some call it “putting butts in seats”, today we’re calling it “How to Fill a Room at a Live Event”.


When planning a live event, by far the biggest concern is always making sure the room is full.


If it’s your first event, you may want to start off with a small 1-day event of, say, 50 to 100 people, depending on the costs involved.


As you get more comfortable with hosting events and knowing your strategy on how you’re going to attract attendees, you can build up to large events, such as a 3-day event with several hundred attendees.


A great strategy for attracting attendees is running Facebook advertising.  This allows you to test your ticket sales process on a relatively small budget and it allows you to laser target the type of people your event is meant for.


Similar to many sales processes, there needs to be a sense of urgency for why people need to sign up now.  


Most likely you will have minimum numbers that you need to reach with your venue to avoid extra charges.  So, it is critical to know your attendance as far in advance as possible.


One way to create that urgency is through offering lower priced tickets to people to sign up early and raising the price as the event get closer.


For us, with our upcoming Ignite Event, we offered free tickets to anyone who registered by September 30th.  


If you’re considering a free ticket offer, it is highly recommended that you still collect some sort of refundable deposit, such as a $97 deposit, so you know who is actually going to attend vs. who has great intentions to attend, but isn’t actually going to show up.


From there, follow up is key.  Your attendees need to receive a confirmation email with the details of your event and any information they need to book travel.


If you’re working with a hotel and you’ve secured a hotel room block, that information needs to be clearly communicated to your attendees.


Following up with a welcome phone call is a great way to make your attendees feel special and to make sure you’re communicating important event details to them.


Another fantastic opportunity you have in your follow-up communication is to encourage your attendees to bring a friend.


Making the bring-a-friend process simple for your attendees can allow you to increase your attendance by up to 30%!


If you want to see how this whole process is modeled, go check out


And, even better, if you want to see how an entire 3-day event for 300+ people is run, AND learn amazing marketing strategies, AND gain an even more successful mindset, AND make incredible life-long business connections…


Then, plan to ATTEND Ignite!


It’s December 5th-7th in San Diego, California!


Grab your ticket today at!


Fired up about hosting or attending a live event!  If so, we would greatly appreciate you writing a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Make today YOURS!

Direct download: 91__How_to_Fill_a_Room_at_a_Live_Event.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:41am PDT

There is so much exciting stuff happening here at Life on Fire!


We’ve got our FREE virtual summit that’s about to kick off, featuring over 25 world-class entrepreneur speakers like Tony Hsieh, Founder of, Kevin Harrington from TV’s Shark Tank, Gary Vaynerchuk, John Lee Dumas, Brian Tracy, Michael O’Neal, and many, many more!


You can get access to our virtual summit at!


And, for those of you who want the live, face-to-face real deal, Ignite, our 3-day event, happening in December in San Diego, is over 75% sold out.  But, you can still grab a ticket at!


And, as if that’s not enough, we wanted to take you inside our last private client mastermind event.


This event was very small and intimate, unlike our Ignite event which already has over 225 people registered for it.


What you can see though, is the type of experience and the quality that we put into all of our events.


The big takeaway from this episode is, whether you ever coach with us or not, whether you ever join our mastermind, just find yourself a coach, find yourself a mastermind.


Don’t hire just any coach or join just any mastermind.  Find the one that you feel is best for YOU!


Has Life on Fire TV set YOUR Life on Fire?  If so, we would greatly appreciate you writing a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are incredible!

Direct download: 90__Inside_a_Life_on_Fire_Mastermind.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:20am PDT

When we first get the entrepreneurial bug it’s often a struggle to figure out exactly what it is we want to do.


Here to answer that question is New York Times Bestselling Author of the book, “What is Your What? - Discover the One Amazing Thing Your Were Born to Do”, Steve Olsher!


Steve believes that your “what” is at the center of where these three things overlap in your life:


1. What you love to do

2. What you’re good at

3. What someone will pay you to do


Even many seasoned entrepreneurs are missing one or even two of these elements.  


Maybe they are getting paid, but they don’t love what they are doing, which is only going to last so long before the person burns out.


Or, maybe they aren’t very good at what they are doing, which is probably substantially hindering their income.


The magic happens when you have all three.


The challenge is typically lack of clarity.  Signs of this are:


- Working way too hard with little to show

- It’s a struggle to generate revenue and new clients

- You’re competing on price

- Your initial spark or enthusiasm doesn’t last long

- You’re reliant on others


Conversely, once you figure out what your what is…


- You can’t wait to serve 

- Money (including lack of money) is no longer a driving factor

- Revenue flows

- People bang down your door to pay you at your desired level of compensation

- You remain engaged, energized and enthusiastic about what you’re doing


But, what about your passion?  Isn’t that your “what”?


Steve warns us not to confuse the two.  


What your are emotionally passionate about may not be what you were meant to do to earn a living, or it may not be what you’re good at.  


Steve acknowledges that of course you want to be passionate about your work.  But, when you try to turn your passion into your work, you introduce emotion into the equation which can cloud your judgement.


Another big distinction Steve clarifies is, “Isn’t your ‘what’ the same thing as your ‘why’?”


Close, but not quite.


When you ask most people what their “why” is, they will start listing off how what they do impacts or benefits other people.  So, in other words your why is external.


Your what, on the other hand, is everything that is internal.  It’s in your DNA, as Steve says.


So, what is it that’s holding people back from discovering their what?


First, Steve points out, most people don’t allow themselves the time and permission to figure it out.


The second reason people don’t discover their what is simply denial.  It can seem easier to just keep doing what you’re familiar with, rather than actually challenging yourself to make a change, even if that change has nothing but upside.


And, third, some people don’t look back far enough in their life to figure out what their what is.


So here are the next steps for you…


Gain and understanding of how to determine your what.


Identify your what.


Create a powerful step-by-step plan.


Become clear on your legacy.


Take the first step and start discovering your what today!


Did you love this episode with Steve Olsher as much as we did?  If so, we would greatly appreciate you writing a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  We believe in you!

Direct download: 89__What_s_Your_What__Discovering_Your_Purpose_With_Steve_Olsher.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:13am PDT

Familiar with the concept of “paying it forward”?


If you’ve been tuning in to Life on Fire for any decent amount of time you know we’re all about paying it forward!


It’s so easy in life and in business to keep our heads down, work away, and stay focused on our own lives, needs, and wants.


The phrase “givers gain” is so very true.  Ever since I started intentionally giving, it has come back into my life in so many ways and in such abundance.


But, I truly believe it’s not the just the act of giving that allows you gain, it the intention with which you give.


And, as crazy as it sounds, when you give without an agenda and without wanting or trying to gain anything at all, that seems to be when you gain the most.


We’re about to be give in a MAJOR way to a group called Pencils of Promise to help build a school for impoverished children.


It’s all happening through our Life on Fire Virtual Summit, which consists of over 24 amazing interviews with some of the most incredible entrepreneurs around, such as Gary Vaynerchuk, Kevin Harrington from “Shark Tank”, Brian Tracy, John Lee Dumas, and MANY, more!


These are some of the best and brightest minds in business sharing what’s worked for them and what their best insights, tips, and takeaways are from the careers they’ve built!


You can catch all the action at for FREE!


We’ve never set our sights on such a large goal like building an entire school, and we’ve never been more excited to make it happen!


I hope this episode reminds you and in inspires you to go out and give to someone.  Put a smile on someone’s face.  Make someone’s day.


And, let me know how it made you feel!


Has Life on Fire TV given to you?  We sure hope so!  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You’re amazing!

Ignite, the premier 3-day event for entrepreneurs in 2014, happening in San Diego, December 5th, 6th, and 7th, is here to make sure your 2015 is remarkable!


This event is over a year in the making, costing over $150,000 to put on, and has an entire team of people planning it to make sure it’s amazing for YOU.


If you’re a 6-figure entrepreneur and now you’ve got your eye on 7-figures, Ignite is for you!


If you have a burning desire to start a movement, a passion inside you to make a real impact in the world, an unrelenting drive to be even more successful than you already are, Ignite is for you.


Day 1 is all about Mindset. We all have limiting beliefs, things that are holding us back from playing bigger and achieving more.  


You’re going to learn how to “hack” into your mind and reprogram those beliefs for success, including smashing through our fears by walking on hot coals!  


Then, on days 2 and 3, it’s all about marketing strategies.


You’ll learn how to “be seen everywhere” by leveraging strategies like Facebook advertising.


You’ll learn how to leverage and build your platform through strategies like YouTube marketing and podcasting, how to become a bestselling author and how to attract followers and buyers to your blog.


So, if you are ready to take a massive leap in our business, Ignite is for you.


For a limited time, you can get a substantial discount on your ticket and claim your seat now by going to and using the promo code “IGNITE” (in all caps) when you register!


Again, just go to and when you’re entering your information to register, just put the word IGNITE in all caps in the promo code box for a substantial discount on your ticket!


See you soon!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  2015 is YOURS to make AMAZING!

Direct download: 87__Ready_to_IGNITE_Your_2015__This_Event_is_a_MUST-Attend.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:58am PDT

The art of storytelling has been admired for hundreds of years.  And, never has it been more valuable than in our current society, specially for business.


Storytelling in the context of business can help you create a greater connection with your audience, it can allow your audience to relate to your story and possibly even see themselves in it at times, and when you do things like share your vulnerabilities it gives people a higher level of trust.


Ultimately, it helps “humanize” the sales process.


We are so inundated with marketing messages these days,that a genuine, sincere story often stands out among “feature and benefit” sales copy.


So what types of stories are best?


One of the oldest and most impactful stories, which you’ve seen used in movies thousands of times is the “hero’s journey”.


Think back in your life to a time you had to overcome a challenge, and you rose to the occasion, push through, and you won.  You probably have dozens of instances like that if you were to stop and think about it.


Each of those individual stories is a separate “journey” you could tap into for a story when appropriate.


Chances are, you have something compelling, something that other people can relate to and be inspired by.


As you watch this episode, your challenge is to frame out your story and put the pieces together of what you’ve actually gone through that can help others.


Your story could help hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions…


Get some great storytelling tips from this episode?  If so, we would greatly appreciate you writing a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You rock!

Direct download: 86__The_Art_and_Power_of_Storytelling_for_Business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:11am PDT

Looking to find out how to create a virtual summit?  Well, look no further!


This episode is all about how to create a virtual summit, why you would want to, and the benefits of a virtual summit for you and your clients!


First, what is a virtual summit?


A virtual summit is typically comprised of anywhere from 10-25 speakers, usually from within the same niche or theme such as health and wellness, business, or perhaps they may all be successful entrepreneurs, etc..


Each speaker normally has their own individual speaking session where they are sharing tips, ideas, insights, and their story.


Then, all of the separate sessions are bundled up and delivered virtually!


The benefit for the organizer of the summit is not only delivering great content and strategy to the people who watch or listen to the sessions, but it positions you as a leader in your niche and helps foster relationships with the other key influencers you featured on the summit!


Most summits are monetized by charging for access to the interviews.


However, in our case, with the Life on Fire Virtual Summit, we are giving the interviews away for FREE!


We are, instead, giving people the opportunity to purchase a bundle of training programs worth thousands of dollars and make a donation to an organization called Pencils of Promise for just $97!


One common question is, how do you get all of the speakers to want to be a part of your summit?


There are a few different ways you can do this.  


1.  You can allow the speakers to offer something for sale, or a free giveaway on their session.  That provides the opportunity for the speakers to get direct exposure from your summit promotion.


2.  You can first secure an “anchor” speaker, which is someone of high influence in your niche, and allow that person to sell on your summit.  Many times, if you have the right anchor speaker, once the other speakers find out that person is on board they will automatically want to be a part of it.


Start mapping out your summit today!


And, even if you think you’re not quite ready for a summit yet, check out to see a live example of our virtual summit!


Love the idea of rapidly growing your list and influence with a summit?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are amazing!

What is “earned media”?  Put simply, earned media is word of mouth marketing.


And, if done right, it can be one of the fastest, easiest ways to grow your business.


As humans, we still trust the feedback and recommendations from people we know more than any other source of media.


So, why not leverage earned media in your business?


When a business gets a 5-start review on, say, Yelp, for example, that’s great!


But, the problem is, the only people who see that review are people actually on Yelp.


What can make that Yelp review substantially more powerful is if you have that person share their review out to other people they know through Facebook, Twitter, etc..


Think about your business.  


Is there a point at which your clients are most excited or a “peak” state?  Perhaps you sell cars for a living.  Right when that person gets the keys and they are ready to drive off, they are at a peak state.


That is the best point at which to earn word of mouth media.


For example, you could take a picture of them with their new car, post it to Facebook and write how nice it was to work with that person, provide your contact information if they ever need anything, and tag them.


That is a perfect way to not only reinforce their happiness with their purchase, but you also have the ability for your name to be shared to others they know.


Test this idea for the next 30 days in your business and let us know what your results are!


Getting great ideas and inspiration from Life on Fire TV?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You’re 5-star in our book!

Direct download: 84__Earned_Media__What_is_it_and_How_Can_You_Get_it_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:59am PDT

One of the best ways to recognized a large amount of revenue all at once is through having a live a event.  Here are some steps you can take toward planning events for your business!


You can start off small if you’ve never done an event before and organize a 1-day event or even just a partial day event.


From there, you can move up to eventually having large 3-day events.


The benefit of a live event is the personal interaction and the connection you’re able to make with your attendees.


Typically your highest likelihood for making a sale is when you’re in a one-on-one, face-to-face environment.  However, the next best thing to that is a one-to-many, face-to-face environment (i.e. a live event)!


Some of the concerns that can naturally pop up when planning an event may be:


What if nobody shows up?

What am I going to talk about?

How am I going to pay for it all?

What if nobody buys?


The first thing to do if any of those “fear-based” thoughts pop up is to realize that they are an indication that you are about to have a growth moment.  Don’t run away from them.  Embrace them and go toward them.


An important step that can help all of that is to hire an event planning company.  A good event planning company should be able to pay for their fee just from the benefit they provide in the contract negotiation.


You want to approach the planning from the perspective of, “What is it that I want my attendees to experience and get out of this event?”


Once you know your end attendee goal or your value proposition you can then frame out the steps of what you need to go through with your attendees to get them there.


Believe it or not, once you factor in breaks, transition times, etc., the amount of time you have to actually speak is a lot less that you think.


The key is to give incredible value.  Don’t hold anything back.  Give you best stuff, your most beneficial information and strategies.  Not only does this create a great experience for your attendees, but it makes it substantially easier to generate sales from your event.


A massively important aspect of the planning process is how you’re going to fill the room.  Definitely tap into your existing network for that.  If you don’t have an existing network, then perhaps you can partner with other groups or influencers in your area.


The planning process is essentially the same, only bigger, with more opportunity to add value and create a unique and powerful experience, when you move from a 1-day event to a 3-day event.


We’ve been preparing to have our first 3-day event for over a year now and it’s finally time.


It’s HERE!


It’s called Ignite and it’s happening in Sunny San Diego on December 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2014!


If you’re looking to go from being a 6-figure entrepreneur to a 7-figure entrepreneur, this event is for you.


The tickets are $1,000.  However, if you are one of the first people to take fast action, we’re going to get you in for FREE.


Just send an email to and we’ll follow up with you to get your seat reserved!


It’s that simple!


We can’t wait to see you there!


If this episode got you excited to plan your first live event!  Please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Embrace your fear and make it happen!

Direct download: 83__How_You_Can_Literally_Make_100k_in_1_Day.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:09am PDT

I just recently stepped up and joined Joe Polish’s Genius Network to the tune of $25,000.  This episode is all about why.  Here are five reasons!


#5.  Thinking Bigger - When you surround yourself with people who think big and act big, you almost can’t help but start thinking bigger yourself.  


In a 5-minute phone conversation I got one idea that completely changed the course of our fundraising process for Pencils of Promise and opened the door to raising a LOT more money!


#4.  Joe’s One-Liners! The guy is seriously hilarious, and there’s absolutely no reason why high-end mastermind groups and networking events can’t be a ton of fun!


#3.  For Friendships That Will Last Forever - Us entrepreneurs, we’re a different breed.  And, when you spend time around other great entrepreneurs, great bonds often naturally form.


#2.  It’s About Connections That Make You Real Money - We’re talking some of the top entrepreneurs in the world, all in a room together.  THAT is where you want to be.


#1.  You don’t have to pay for dinner!  Well, at least I didn’t!


Seriously though, on many levels, business is all about relationships.  And, by joining Joe Polish’s Genius Network nearly any high-level entrepreneur in the world becomes accessible to you.


How fast could your business grow if you had access to almost anyone?


Let us know how we’re doing over here at Life on Fire TV!  Please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Challenge yourself to step up your game today!

Direct download: 82__5_Reasons_Why_I_Gave_Joe_Polish_25k.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:06pm PDT

You can’t truly live a life on fire without love.  And, in this episode, I’m taking my love to the next level when I get down on one knee and propose to my amazing girlfriend!


If you’ve ever proposed to someone before, then you know how much excitement and anticipation there is leading up to it.


Imagine having the biggest secret of your life that you couldn’t wait to tell EVERYONE who you care about, knowing how excited and happy they are going to be for you when they hear it, and you can’t tell hardly anyone for fear of ruining the surprise!


Yeah, it’s about like that!


As you see, she said “YES”, and we both couldn’t be happier!


We are honored to share this special day of our lives with you.


But, more importantly, I hope this episode inspires you to do something nice for that special person you love, and if you haven’t found that person yet, then I encourage you to get out there and find that someone!


Thank you for watching and for all of the kind wishes we’ve received!


If you’re “in love” with Life on Fire TV, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Make today amazing!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:49am PDT

Major updates coming at you from Life on Fire Headquarters!


First, Life on Fire TV is officially going down to 2 episodes per week, Monday’s and Friday’s.  However, you can definitely expect some “bonus” episodes to sneak their way in there from time to time!


Next, we are in the middle of testing and getting ready to release our Virtual Summit, which consists of 25 amazing interviews with some of the most incredible entrepreneurs around, such as Gary Vaynerchuk, Kevin Harrington from “Shark Tank”, Brian Tracy, John Lee Dumas, and MANY, more!


These are some of the best and brightest minds in business sharing what’s worked for them and what their best insights, tips, and takeaways are from the careers they’ve built!


You can catch all the action at for FREE!


And, finally, we wanted to remind you to think of others, give, and help make someone’s day on this Pay it Forward Friday with a clip from one of our favorite Pay it Forward Friday episodes!




Has Life on Fire TV inspired you, given you great ideas, or help your life or business somehow?  We sure hope so!  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

Direct download: 80__The_Life_on_Fire_Virtual_Summit_is_Coming_Soon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:50am PDT

If you’re looking to grow a brand or business, build a community, or start a movement, one idea that can help you do all of that much faster is to start a podcast!  Here are some great tips on getting started!


Once you determine the topic or theme for your show, you want to determine your format.  


Are you going to do video and audio, or audio only?  For us, we chose to do both audio and video because there is so little competition on the video side.


Next, you want to determine your consistency, or the number of episodes you’re going to have per week.  


We recommend at least 1 episode per week.  Anything less than that and it starts to become easy for people to forget about your show.


We decided to go with 3 episodes per week.  It is incredibly crucial that you pick a number you can stick to and that you never, ever miss an episode.  Your audience will quickly leave you if your episode timing is inconsistent.


When you first launch your show you want to release 5 episodes all at the same time, regardless of how many episodes you’re going to publish per week.  


The reason for this is that when someone subscribes to your show, iTunes will automatically download the 5 most recent episodes.  So, rather than getting “credit” for 1 download when you get a new subscriber, you get credit for 5 downloads!


Your number of downloads, subscribers, ratings, and reviews heavily impact your show’s rank on iTunes charts.


When we started our podcast, we then released an additional episode every day for 5 more days to encourage more people to listen and watch.  


Then, for the next 90 days, it is all about giving.  Giving your best content, your best interviews, without worrying about getting sponsorship or trying to monetize your show.  


Just give.


Once you have an established show, especially if you interview others, you will naturally start to get asked to be a guest on other podcasts.  (And, if that’s not happening, you can simply reach out to those shows and ask to be a guest on their show.)


That can be a huge leverage point to get additional exposure and expand your own audience!


Keep in mind, you don’t have to be perfect.  You don’t have to have everything perfect in order to get started.  You will learn and improve so much more by just doing it and jumping in than you will by trying to figure it all out in advance before you begin.


So, take the first step, whether that’s naming your show, buying a mic, getting your logo designed, just take that first step today!


Fired up about podcasting?!!  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You ROCK!

Direct download: 79__Why_You_Need_to_Start_a_Podcast_RIGHT_NOW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:16am PDT

Most of us have set goals at one time or another.  Maybe we achieved them, maybe we didn’t.  In this episode you’re going to learn a simple, yet, incredibly effective system for how to set goals each month and more importantly, how to achieve them!


First, it starts off with the way you set your goals.  To begin, limit yourself to no more than 3-5 main goals for the month.  Any more starts to make them all harder to achieve.


Then, when determining each goal, the goal needs to be “measurable”.  For instance, rather than saying “I want to work on my relationship” or “I want to be healthier” set goals like having a date night with your significant other once a week or working out for at least 30 minutes 4 times per week.  


One of keys to my goal setting process is my morning routine.  Almost all successful people have a morning ritual they follow.  Here’e what I do…


1. I wake up and even before getting out of bed, I say 3 things I’m grateful for.

2. I read my goals for the month every day.

3. At the beginning of each month I write a letter to myself.  The letter is written as though it’s coming from me in the future, congratulating me for everything I’ve accomplished that month.  (This is huge.  It’s called “future pacing” and it works really well.)  Every day I read that letter.

4. I keep a white board up where I visually check off that I’ve completed my morning routine.

5. Eat a healthy breakfast.  I usually make a quick smoothie.  Studies show that if your first meal of the day is healthy, the rest of your meals are more likely to be healthy.

6. Exercise.  That might be a run, hitting the gym, or taking a crossfit class.  By getting my exercise out of the way in the morning I know it’s done for the day and there’s no way I can let my day get too busy and cause me to miss my workout.


And, finally, the last key piece for how to set goals is incorporating public accountability.  Meaning, involve your friends and family in your goals and let them know what you have going on.


Facebook has made this really easy.  Just put your goals into a short post and put them out to the world.  Then, come back at the end of the month and post an update.


This system has worked phenomenally well for me and tons of other people.


Give it a try and let us know your results!


Love the goal setting on fire system?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You can do ANYTHING!

Direct download: 78__Goal_Setting_on_Fire_How_to_Set_Goals_and_Achieve_Them_Every_Time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:22am PDT

Go behind the curtain with us in this episode and listen in on one of our private group business coaching calls where I talk through how to land big clients using what I call the “anchor client strategy”.  Hear out how I used it to land one of the “sharks” from the hit TV show, Shark Tank and several more ideas and strategies one just this one call!


So, to start, what is an “anchor client”?  


The concept comes from the design of retail shopping centers.  Often their will be an “anchor” store such as a Target or Macy’s.  That is the main store that draws in buyers and the shopping center is then able to attract other retailers due to having the anchor store in place.


The same concept can be applied to your business.  


Think for a moment about your niche, and who the most influential names are.  Names that, if other people had heard you had done business with them, they would automatically assume you were an authority.


The approach you want to take is to reach out to that individual and offer tangible value.  It’s all about how you can help them and what’s in it for them at this stage.


In the past 30 days, I have used this strategy to open doors with Daymond John (from Shark Tank) and one of the most well-known names of all time in the personal development space, Brian Tracy.


From there we shift gears to talk about Brendon Burchard’s Facebook marketing insights that I learned from Joe Polish’s $25,000 Genius Network event!


Brendon dominates on Facebook, sitting at over a million Likes.  


Some highlights of his strategy includes 4 status updates per day, as well as having an “evergreen” marketing funnel, recycling his previously posted Facebook content (along with curating other people’s content), and strategically buying other Facebook pages!


One of the massive takeaways from that mastermind what the higher level of thinking that comes from simply being in that environment and being around people who think big.


Then, we bring on one of our top coaching clients, Firestarter Elite, Valerie Shoopman,  dives into brand building using the anchor client strategy, adding value while networking, and our book project!


So much stuff packed into one coaching call!


And, one challenge to leave you with…


Make a list of 5 potential anchor clients in your niche, and go after the biggest, most impressive, most intimidating one TODAY!


Enjoy getting the “inside scoop” from our private coaching call?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are amazing!

Want to know how to start and run a $75,000,000 company, and how that success can allow you give back?  


Today we’ve got a very special guest on the show who has done just that through his company, Petretti & Associates, and the organization Pencils of Promise.


Larry Petretti has spent his entire adult life in the contraction business.  He started at the bottom and worked his way up to running a $50 million dollar company as CEO, then in 2010 started his own company.


When Larry started his company, he had a clear philosophy, “We were never looking to be the biggest.  I told the boys, let’s be the best.”


“Exceptional service.  Period. That’s it.”, is how Larry treats all of his clients.


One key to the success of Larry’s company was that he was incredibly specific about his niche and value proposition. He wasn’t taking on any and all construction projects.  He wanted to do corporate interiors for fortune 500 companies.


Many people have heard the term, “success leaves clues”.  Narrowing your niche is a common theme with successful people.


Another clue we can take from Larry is that he spends about 75% of his time meeting with clients and potential clients, which is the highest and best use of his time.


Way too many entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs waste 80, 90, or even 100% of their time in lower-level activities like managing email or doing technical work that could be delegated to someone else.


It’s actually very simple to determine what you should do in your business and what you should delegate.  You should do what ONLY you can do.  Everything else should be delegated.


After having been in business for quite some time, and having been approached for all kinds of fund raising activities, Larry was introduced to Pencils of Promise.  


And, after meeting the people who ran the organization, he gave them the largest donation they had ever had at that time, $1,000.


This was eye-opening for Pencils of Promise and completely changed the way they looked at fund raising.


Fast forward to today, as we shot this interview, we’re sitting in Guatemala with Larry meeting the children we have committed to help and seeing the schools we have committed to build, and for Larry, that experience was one of the most touching and memorable of his life.


It is a rare experience to meet the recipients of your charitable donation face-to-face and to personally receive their gratitude, not to mention getting your hands dirty and actually helping with the mission.  


For Larry, and for us, that was the most impactful part of our experience as donors.


What an amazing inspiration Larry is, both as a business man and philanthropist! 


Interested in finding out how you can help?


Just go to for more info!


If you loved this episode, let us know by writing a review in iTunes for Life on Fire TV, tell us what you love, and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You fire us up!

Direct download: 76__Larry_Petretti_on_Doing_Big_Business__Giving_Back_Big_Time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:16am PDT

We are honored and excited to share this special episode with you where we give you a sneak peek into how we’re giving back, through the organization Pencils of Promise, and building a school in Guatemala.


One of the things that massively fuels us as individuals and as a business is giving back.  


Last December we raised over $5,000 to purchase Kindle eReaders and donate them to foster teens to promote reading and entrepreneurialism and it was an amazing experience.


This year we are raising the bar and have pledged $25,000 to build a school through the organization Pencils of Promise in Guatemala.  


We experience, first hand, the difference of in the quality of the school we are helping to build vs. the existing structures and see how much better and more conducive of a learning environment these children are going to have.


And, after immersing ourselves in the cause and the culture, and most importantly, spending time with the children in the community, words can’t describe the way it feels to know you’re making a difference at that level.


We hope the footage from this experience inspires you to find a way to give back and to think bigger.


Many of us are always trying to think bigger about what we can accomplish.  But, rarely do we think bigger about what we can do for others.


Challenge yourself.  Set a goal to give.  And, see it through.


If this episode inspired you in some way, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are a gift.  Give your gift to others.

Direct download: 75__Giving_Back_-_Behind_the_Scenes_of_Building_a_School_in_Guatemala.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:04am PDT

Host of the podcast, the Competitive Edge, Scott Britton, is back to teach us some of the secrets he uses to connect with highly influential people that are usually impossible to reach! 


First and foremost, Scott encourages you to recognize that influential people are busy and they often have a ton of people asking for their time.  


So, you have to meet them in a place where they aren’t getting bombarded by others, such as messaging them on Instagram, as an example.


Another great approach is to look at your knowledge, experience, and skill set and come up with ways you can add value for that person, even before you ever speak to them.  


For instance, we’ve had clients who have graphic design skills introduce themselves to high-level influencers by creating new social media cover images (for free) and giving them to the person.  


Scott saids, “The fastest way you can get where you’re trying to go is through people.”  That could be mentorship, coaching, networking connections, referrals to clients, you name it!


Scott’s words are a great reminder that the more relationships you have, and the more you give, the faster your connections and your business will grow!


Wow!  Are you as fired up as we are?!!  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Be the champion you know you’re capable of!

Here to answer one of the questions we should all ask when starting a new business, “How will I scale and grow the business?” is entrepreneur and founder of A Human Project, Wesley Chapman!


First, there’s automation.  If there is any way to package what you deliver into a replicable process, such as recording a training as a series of videos, that allows the customer to consume the training at their convenience.  


Next, comes leveraging other people’s content.  If there are other people in your niche or other companies who can provide resources and solutions to your customers, perhaps partnering with that person makes sense.  (Similar to a “supplier” relationship, if you’re in a business with physical products.)


Another great tip is to make yourself more accessible in more places.  For instance, if you have a video blog, why not start a YouTube channel?  Why not start a podcast and get your content on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio, and more?  


And, finally, what about people?


For Wes, what he found was when you are perfectly aligned with your passion, and you are communicating that out to the world, you will find others who share your passion and want to be a part of what you’re doing.


Don’t keep your mission a secret!  Let other people know what you’re doing so they can help you make it happen, even faster! 


We hope this episode inspired you to share your mission and start growing your business faster!  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You light our fire!

Direct download: 73__Wes_Champan_on_Scaling_Your_Business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:52am PDT

One of the best ways to start, grow, and leverage your business and experience is to package and sell your knowledge.  Here are some great tips on how to get started!


If you’re brand new to your niche, then you need to start building your expert status by getting real customers and adding value for them.


You can coach, train, or provide services to anyone who meets your ideal client profile who knows less than you.


A great step to take when starting out is to seek out an anchor client.  An anchor client is someone highly recognizable and influential in your niche.


Getting that real-life experience is what gives you the information you can package into a product, training, report, and so on.


Once you have a compelling story and the results to back it up, another great step is to seek out the top blogs in your industry and offer to write a guest blog post.


Posting on other popular blogs is likely to get you out there much faster than just posting on your own. 


So, how do you “package” your information?


That can be a short series of videos, audios, and downloadable report that you give away in exchange for an email opt-in, or other program that you sell.


When creating a training course, one great method is the “build as you go” model.  What that means is you can create an outline of what the course will include, offer it for sale, gather your sales over a short period of, say, 10-30 days, and then begin delivering your training live.


You record the live sessions using something like GoToWebinar, and those recordings become your product that you can later sell to others.


This prevents you from getting stuck in the product creation phase.


A great “value proposition” goal to have when creating a product is knowing that you have the ability to help your customers generate a 10 times return on their money.  So, if your product costs $1,000, you want to be confident they can generate at least $10,000 of revenue within a reasonable period of time.


When you’ve got this formula dialed in, the sky is the limit!


This topic can easily get detailed, fast.


So, we’ve put together an even deeper dive where you can learn how to launch a product, brand or coaching program within 90 days that we’re going to teach, LIVE!


Register for free by going to!


Excited to get started?!!  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thanks so much for subscribing!  Make today a game-changer!

Direct download: 72._How_to_Launch_a_Product_Brand_or_Coaching_Program_-_Within_90_Days.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

On the hot seat with us today is A-list entertainment reporter and editor-in-chief of Risen Magazine, Kelli Gillespie Richardson, here to talk interview tips and how to give a great interview for a podcast, article, video show and more!


Kelli’s journey started out right out of college when she knew she wanted to break into the media field.


What started opening doors for her first was her willingness to work harder than others and do what others were unwilling to do, such as begin the first ever intern on the Morning Show, simply because nobody prior to her was willing to get up that early!


Many times we assume the things that separate the ultra successful, top achievers from the rest of society is that they were willing to go leaps and bounds beyond what others were willing to give, and it’s always interesting to find out that it doesn’t always require miles and miles of extra effort.  Sometimes it’s just about working hard and going that extra inch, like Kelli did.


Her drive and passion to pursue a career in media has lead to a 12-year career in entertainment reporting and having interviewed nearly every big-name celebrity entertainer you can think of!


When it comes preparing for an interview, knowing as much as possible about her guests in advance allows her to be confident in approaching the interview and it shows that she respects the person for taking the time to learn about their project or background.


Another solid interviewing tip from Kelli for traditional media, podcasting, you name it, is to know where you hope the interview will go in advance, but to be open to it going a completely different direction.


When working through how to interview someone, one of the biggest rookie mistakes Kelli sees is simply not listening to the person.  It’s easy to get nervous or to always try to think of the next thing you want to say, which can pull your awareness away from the person you’re there to focus on.


Kelli’s tip on how to get those hard to get interviews is two fold:


1.  Longevity demonstrates that you are someone worth talking to.  The more interviews you have done or the longer your publication or podcast has existed, the more respect that typically offers you.


2.  Do your homework on the person.  Find out what they have going on. Do they have a new book, a new program, product, or event that they want to get the word out about?  Those can be great opportunities to get an interview with high-level influencers.


And, finally, for Kelli, when working with the top celebrities in the world, one of the things that helps keep her grounded and focused is her spirituality.


When you are serving out a higher purpose, whether that’s through spirituality or charity work, and so on, living for something that is bigger and outside of you creates what for many is essentially a mission they are on in life.


Great advice, Kelli!


Can honing or stepping up your interview skills open more doors and lead to more great things for you and your business?  


Take the first step today and watch what happens!


Get some great nuggets from Kelli?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You’re an A-lister in our book!

Direct download: 71__Interview_Tips_With_A-List_Entertainment_Reporter_Kelli_Gillespie.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:11am PDT

Live with us today is Instagram expert, Sue Zimmerman, to give us her tips on how to use Instagram for business!


Using Instagram for business can be a fantastic strategy, if you follow Sue’s proven method!


So, why Instagram?


For Sue, when she implemented in her brick and mortar business, she saw a 40% increase in sales!  


Instagram is one of the newest, hottest social media platforms, and it is still in it’s growth stage (which is where some of the best opportunities lie).


If you’re new to Instagram, here are three great tips from Sue on how to market on instagram:


1.  Make sure you build out a full and relevant bio, including your keywords that relate to your business.


2.  Make sure you have a great hashtag strategy.  You can use up to 30 hashtags (not to say that you need that many).  And, when doing so, it’s important that you use them in the secondary comments, not the initial comments.


3.  Have a photo posting strategy.  For example, when we recorded this episode with Sue, she wanted to take a screenshot of her and a screenshot of me so that she could combine them into one photo and share that on Instagram.  


Great tips, Sue!


Get your instagram marketing strategy started today!


If you got some awesome Instragram ideas from this episode, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You are a star!

Direct download: 70__Sue_Zimmerman_on_How_to_Use_Instagram_for_Business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:13am PDT

A virtual telesummit can be a fantastic way to get your list started, make high-level contacts within your niche, and instantly become an authority on your topic!  In this episode we’re going to break down how to create a virtual telesummit!


So, what is a virtual telesummit?


Essentially, it is a series of typically 15-30 recorded (or live) interviews with experts on a related topic, bundled into one package that customers can purchase (or receive for free, depending on your model).


The best place to start when planning is with your anchor speaker.  This is going to be a highly influential person in your niche.  


The key to securing your anchor speaker is there has got to be something in it for them.  Perhaps they are allowed to promote or sell on their interview, where others may not be.


Another significant factor in “looking the part” is you have to have great graphic design.  


Your design is one way speakers are going to judge whether they are interested in participating if they don’t know you.


As you’re securing your speakers, you want to select a monetization model.  


For our summit, we are choosing not to charge for the speaker content.  Instead, we are creating an additional bundle of fantastic products from us and other speakers, worth over $10,000, and we are selling that product for $97.  Every penny of which will be going to charity!


For us, and perhaps for you as well, when we making it about charity and about fundraising, it creates a far bigger purpose than just making it about ourselves.


Your goal should be to create the biggest “buzz” possible around your summit.  That can happen from your own efforts, the efforts of your speakers and affiliates promoting, and in our case, we are going to promote the fundraiser on the platform Indiegogo, which is a well-known crowdsourcing platform.


Most entrepreneurs approach situations and decisions with a “what’s in it for me” attitude.  


However, when you approach a project like how to create a virtual telesummit, and you ask yourself, what’s in it for the speakers?  What’s in it for the charity?  What’s in it for the customers who purchase the course?  


Suddenly, you have a very different perspective on how to approach the entire project and plan.  


And, that’s what it’s all about.  How can you add value to others?


If you got some great tips and inspiration from this episode, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You can change lives!

Direct download: 69__How_to_Create_a_Virtual_Telesummit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:05am PDT

Musician and rockstar turned Twitter guru and marketing strategist, AJ Amyx, joins us for a follow-up episode to teach us how to build relationships, a following, and your business using Twitter!


For AJ, where it all starts in business is helping and inspiring others to pursue their passions.


Many times we feel stuck in a job we’re not happy with, or simply unfulfilled with what it is we do for work each day, but it doesn’t have to be that way.


A bridge that AJ found to quickly connect with people, join conversations, and build relationships (and ultimately customers) was Twitter.


What’s unique about the Twitter community is that unlike most other social media platforms where conversations are private, Twitter conversations are intentionally public and when you join the conversation with something valuable to add, you are welcomed!


One question that often comes up is how do I create meaningful, valuable content in only 140 characters?


AJ’s recommendation is start to think like a journalist.  View your tweets as headlines that are there to motivate someone to click your link to a longer article, post, etc..


Another common question that comes up is, since people are there to connect with other people, what percentage of the time do you weave in personal content or information?  


AJ’s tweets are about 5-10% personal (which are still related to his overall content strategy), and 90-95% his core content strategy.


Next, we’ve heard a common theme over and over again, when it comes to establishing relationships with influential people in your niche, which is to GIVE first.


On Twitter, that couldn’t be easier.  All you have to do is share or retweet pieces of their content that you like!


Direct messages, are they still relevant on Twitter?


Absolutely!  But, you have to use them in a genuine and “human” way.  Nobody wants a spammy auto response direct message to go buy something, etc..  


Using direct messages the way they were intended is a fantastic way to connect with people!


As AJ points out, “It’s all about relationships.”  And, Twitter is arguably the best social media relationship-building platform available.


One of the biggest opportunities we see on Twitter is the ability to advertise.  


Historically, new platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook went through a period of coming into their own with regard to advertising.  Twitter is approaching that tipping point.


So, how do you get started on Twitter if you don’t have a lot of time?


As AJ mentioned in his last episode with us, your graphic design is hugely important when it comes to how you and your brand are perceived.  So, make sure you have good design, a good photo of you, a great bio, and start building a history of tweets with high value content.


And, a final thought from AJ:


“Figure out what is your stance, and then buy into it that you are literally born to liberate somebody.”


That’s it! Go!  Liberate!


If AJ’s passion, tips, and enthusiasm has you fired up, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You’re a liberator!


Back to share some more marketing wisdom with us today is marketer and Twitter expert, AJ Amyx, to talk branding your social media and leveraging the “virtual real estate” the main social platforms provide!


Virtual real estate?




Your YouTube cover, Facebook cover, Twitter, and so on, those are all tiny little pieces of virtual real estate which you essentially own for your name or brand.


Think of those as virtual billboards.


When you think of it that way, it starts to make a lot of sense to advertise and create congruent branding across the various platforms, right??


One thing that often gets overlooked when we put our marketing hats on is that on social media people are still looking to connect with another human.  


So, put yourself in your brand.  Use imagery where you’re looking them in the eye.


Don’t have a huge budget for photography?


AJ has a great tip! Seek out photography students at a local college.  They often have access to high-end equipment and software, and would be happy to get paid anything at all to take photos!


When it come to generating ideas, look to model other pages in your niche or industry you like and pull from the different styles you see to create something that is unique to you.


We’ve quoted this before and we’ll probably quote it again, “In 2014, your graphic design matters more than your copy.”  So, definitely don’t skimp in this area.


And, one last idea you can consider is systematically changing your design.  


As an example, once a week we update our Facebook cover photo to highlight our newest “Firestarter of the Week”.  


Is there something in your business you could change or highlight on a regular basis??


If you got some great ideas from this episode, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You rock!

Direct download: 67__AJ_Amyx_on_Leveraging_Your_Virtual_Real_Estate_on_Social.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:24am PDT

On the line today is none other than social media icon, and New York Time Best Selling Author of the “how-to” social media book, “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook”, Gary Vaynerchuk, to talk details on how to crush it on his favorite platform, Twitter!


We start off asking the question, “Why Twitter?”


For Gary, that was an easy one.  He says Twitter is the one place where we can get consumer’s points of view for free and not pay for data and we can action on these points of view, such as joining a conversation, and you’re welcomed rather than shunned for joining.


One challenge Gary points out (which is a great tip if you can be patient) is that Twitter is a long-term play.  If you try to move too quickly before you’ve built rapport and added value you aren’t likely to see success on the platform.  


As Gary points out, you can’t just throw “right hooks” (which is to take or ask), you have to throw jabs first (which is to give or provide value).


In Gary’s opinion, Twitter is the only true social media platform as it is predicated on community and conversation, as opposed to a platform like Facebook which is all “push” driven.


When it comes to establishing your account, Gary highly recommends using your own name, rather than your brand or company name.


Gary’s recommendation for how to get in the game on Twitter is to go to and just find people who are talking about your topic.  The key though, is again, the “jabs”.  You can’t just go straight at people with your sales pitch.


Gary sums it up well with a great analogy.  “Twitter is a cocktail party.  You don’t go to a cocktail party and deliver a presentation.”


It’s about connecting and building relationships.


When it comes to searching, you have to search what people are actually going to say, like “drinking a smoothy” or “hitting the gym” vs. just “smoothy” or “exercise” where you may get a lot of unrelated content or spam.


Another tip Gary shares is to weave what is trending into your content (without overdoing it, of course).


So much great Twitter feedback packed into one episode!


Gary, you rock!


To get a free copy of Gary’s book, “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World” (just pay the shipping) go to!


Digging this episode??  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You’re awesome!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:21am PDT

Joining us today is Life on Fire Elite-level coaching client and network marketer, Jeremy Batt, to share his story of corporate financial success, financial rock bottom, and his rise to 6-figures in network marketing!


Many people who desire success assume the path to achieve it is a straight line.  However, the reality couldn’t be further from the truth for virtually all entrepreneurs.


Jeremy got his start working up the corporate latter to the point that he was making good money, but the work and the long hours were making him completely miserable.


One day something snapped in him, and he knew he needed to make a change.


His first step was buying a gym.  He loved the work, the hours were still long, but, unfortunately, the financial prosperity wasn’t there.  So, in some senses he went from bad to worse.


It was right around that time that Jeremy was introduced to network marketing.  Like many, he was skeptical at first.  However, when he started using the product himself, others were interested in buying it and using it, and it was actually helping people, that was what told him he was headed in the right direction.


Having confidence in the value he was providing is what allowed him to get behind the product.


From there it was about building and growing.  


Jeremy’s big takeaway with how he’s grown is that he tries to meet people where they are.  


If someone isn’t interested in building a network marketing business, but they are interested in being healthy and getting in better shape, then that’s conversation he has.  


Conversely, if someone is interested in making a little extra money, or a lot of extra money, then THAT’S the conversation he has.  Therefore, he avoids ending up in the conversions that many network marketers find themselves in where they are trying to push something on someone that they don’t want.


One great issue Jeremy tackles is how do you deal with the “no’s” and rejection that comes along with being an entrepreneur?


For him, the solution was adopting the mindset that they value he brings and the solutions he offers, they aren’t about him.  It’s about helping other people and realizing that not every person you approach is going to want or see a need for your solution.


The big takeaway there is reframing how you feel about getting a “no”.  You have a choice of how you want to let that affect you, and Jeremy has figured out how to look at it perfectly.


And, one of the last great nuggets Jeremy leaves us with is a reminder to remain humble and to give to others, whether that be with your time, your talents, money, whatever you can.  


Great stuff, Jeremy!


Love this episode??  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You light our fire!

Direct download: 65__Jeremy_Batt_on_the_Path_to_6-Figure_Network_Marketing_Success.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:51am PDT

Today we’re talking briefly on a topic that rarely gets address in business, your health and fitness.  When you feel great and you look great, you’re going to have more confidence, and you’re going to make more money.  There’s almost a direct correlation.


As entrepreneurs who are often chained to our desks and computers without the structure of the corporate 9 to 5, it’s easy to get into an irregular schedule and start letting routine things like your fitness slip.


I personally found a fantastic solution to this by accident through clients of mine, Lauren and Fraser Bayley.


They are certified personal trainers who previously had been serving their clients through the standard face-to-face personal training model.  This meant that their business wasn’t scalable, they were trading time for money, and could only help a very limited number of people.


What they created and I personally went through for the last 30 days is a virtual group personal training program, which has been freaking awesome (and resulted in me dropping 16 pounds in 30 days)!


One core component is everyone in the program receives a Jawbone UP band, which tracks all of your movement and sleep, allows you to easily journal your food, and even allows you to have other people like me on your “team” so we can see each other’s activity and it allows Lauren and Fraser to track your progress as well.


Their program is simple enough that even a busy entrepreneur can follow it, and it is a ton of fun going through the journey with a group of other motivated people just like you!


I crushed it in July, I’m ready to keep going in August, and I want to invite you to join me!


You can join the exact same program I’m doing by visiting


And, even if you don’t do exactly what I’m doing and what a ton of other entrepreneurs are doing together as a group, my encouragement and call to action for you in this episode is to do SOMETHING.


Make your fitness, the way you look, the way you see yourself, and your life-long health and longevity a priority starting today!


Are you fired up and ready to rock?!!  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are a champion!

Direct download: 64__How_to_Boost_Your_Income_by_Getting_in_Better_Shape.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:47am PDT

Host of the podcast, the Competitive Edge, Scott Britton, is here today to each us how he uncovers and gains the competitive edge in business and in life. 


Scott’s story starts with being a collegiate level football player and sustaining a major injury his freshman year that permanently affected his performance.  However, that same injury also helped him gain an incredibly powerful life lesson.


For 12 months Scott was completely devoted to doing his rehab exercises and not missing a single repetition.  And, for him, what that created was a regret-free process.  He was at peace with possibly not being as strong or as fast as he was prior to his injury, because he knew that he had done everything he could.


Scott carries that lesson with him today into his business and applies his “no regrets” work ethic and mindset.


When it comes to marketing, Scott again pulls from his teachings in college football where he learned to gain a competitive edge.  For him, in business, his competitive edge is copywriting.   


Nothing is sold without communication.  So, why not be a master communicator?


Diving further into marketing, Scott’s approach is to reverse engineer success by figuring out what others have done before him.


For instance, when it came to creating his podcast, his focus was on distribution, and specifically on iTunes since iTunes is the single largest traffic source for podcast listeners.  


From there Scott addressed how to get his podcast guest to promote their episode when they were featured on his show.  One idea he came up with was to just ask his guest to mention the episode in a “P.S.” of an email, rather than asking them to dedicate a full email to their list about it.


His other insight was coming at it from the angle of, “How do I make these episodes more valuable for my guests?”  His solution was to create a process that allowed his guests to essentially showcase their value, which they would naturally, in turn, want to share with their audience.




At the end of the day, it’s all about adding value to anyone you’re interacting with.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a potential podcast guest, a customer or prospect, or a spouse or loved one, approaching the situation with a value-add mindset set you up for success.


Did this episode inspire you to go find your competitive edge?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Nobody can compete with you!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:39am PDT

Joining us today is Wes Chapman, founder of A Human Project, an organization with a mission to build a community to empower and give a voice to abused and neglected youth.


Wes’s mission and passion stems from his own dark story as a child, and the stories of his siblings and not being able to act and protect them.


Often children in these situations end up on the wrong path in life, end up acting out, and so on, which only gets them labeled as problem children in society’s eyes.  


When really, they just want to be loved.


For Wes, starting this mission is him fulfilling his highest purpose.


Which begs the question…


How do you determine what your purpose is?


Wes’s first tip is just be yourself, and don’t try to be something you’re not.  It’s often uncomfortable, insincere, and likely out of alignment with your core “you”.


To sum it up, “be true to yourself”, Wes says.


To take that a step further or to answer the question of where you go from there, you can challenge yourself and create a positive focus by working to be the best possible version of you.


Regardless of your situation, you always have a choice.


And, for Wes, and really all of us, that choice is simple.  In each situation and each area of our lives, we can either choose to be a victim, or be a hero.


When it comes to children, the starting point is often giving them hope.  Once they have hope, it opens the door to believe in themselves and start to make positive change.


From there we shift gears into how Wes plans to market the project.  This step would often paralyze a lot of people and prevent them from taking action in the first place.


But, getting out there, moving forward, and taking that action is going to trump “planning” all day, if that’s what it takes to move you past the planning stage.


Next is networking, and like many who have been around the block, Wes knows that when it comes to networking the best way to make contacts and open doors is to find a way to open a door for someone else first, by bringing value.


Bringing it all together, when your values, passion, story, and business can align, you can create an extremely motivating and fulfilling mission for yourself and you don’t ever have to “work” another day in your life.


We hope this episode inspired you.  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating.


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You can move mountains.

Direct download: 62__Wes_Chapman_on_Aligning_Your_Purpose_and_Business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Back for a short “part 2” Q&A to answer the question, “How do you unlock someone’s peak potential?” is entrepreneur and author of the book “Shorten the Gap”, Mark Lack!


Mark’s first step is getting his clients to realize that they can make improvements in every single area of their lives.


A great observation that Mark makes is that so many people focused on become a “peak performer” approach it with the mindset that they need to focus all of the efforts on excelling in one area.  


However, as Mark points out, having an amazing business but lacking in areas like health or relationships is not going to lead to true happiness and fulfillment, and it may even hinder your performance in that one area if the rest of your life is so unbalanced.


Another great tip Mark shares is to find the people who are already doing what you want to do, or already have what you want, and model them.  Use their stories and their paths as roadmaps to follow to help you achieve growth and success.


In doing so, don’t make the common mistake of assuming that the path to success of those who you are modeling was a straight line.  (It never is.)  There are ups and downs.  The key is to acknowledge that there will be downs, and be prepared to overcome them and keep moving forward.


That one characteristic alone, moving forward when something seems difficult, insurmountable, or when you just don’t feel like it, is what separates nearly all peak performers from everyone one else.


It’s not about trying to avoid ever getting knocked down.  Its about how quickly you get back up again, what you learn from the experience, and how quickly you keep moving forward.


Start today!  Map out the important areas of your life such as your health, your relationship, your business, your family and decide what the very next small steps would be if you wanted to make a tiny incremental improvement in each of those areas.


Then, go do them!


Love this episode?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You’re a champion!

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Entrepreneur and author of the book “Shorten the Gap”, Mark Lack, joins us today to share the secrets he’s already discovered by age 24 to success!


Mark’s story has an interesting start.


In his early teens he set a goal to become a world class paintball player and play on the top team in the world.  Of course, his parents assumed it was another short-lived passion, but they supported his dream anyway.


When he completed his career in paintball, he had done everything he set out to do. He was a world-class player, played on the top ranked team, and had won over $300,000 in prize money.  He was at the top of that sport and couldn’t go any higher.


In order to continue to pursue his path of growth, he naturally sought more…


As luck would have hit, his father introduced him the concept and practice of personal development as he grew his paintball skills.


At age 24, Mark has invested over half a million dollars in personal development, which continues to be his passion.


His awareness and expertise with personal development is now at a point where he realizes that he can take it beyond just helping himself and now help others.


One fantastic takeaway from Mark’s interview was this quote:


“You behave and think congruently to the identity you hold for yourself.”


Meaning, if you see yourself as successful and as a high achiever, then you will behave and act accordingly.


Mark also has a great observation regarding limiting beliefs.  


All beliefs, limiting, empowering, or neutral are simply a high level of certainty about something, as Mark points out.  That certainty is based on references in our past.


Those references may be positive, such as an amazing accomplishment, or negative, such as being told you are “dumb”.  The key is to not only be aware of the references but to control your focus on the positive references that are going to empower you.


From there, we talk making connections with high-level influencers.


Mark hits the nail on the head when he identified that you need to approach those individuals by adding value to them.  Way too many people ask for help or a handout when they should, instead, look to see how they can add value to that person.


The challenge this presented for Mark is that he wasn’t in a position at the time to add value to someone like Brian Tracy.  However, he knew that he would be in that position in the future.


So, his solution was to tie his value into the future and to get the person he wanted to connect with on board with is belief.


Ultimately, it comes back to making the decision that you’re going to play a bigger game.


Mark has honed his vision and decided that he wants to focus on helping young adults be successful, peak performers in life.


For him, the personal development he’s done provided far more of an education and latter to success than his time spent at college and his teachings can be a supplement to the traditional higher education system.


A great final takeaway from Mark is to find out that he wasn’t always confident, didn’t always have big beliefs, and a history of successes.  He attributes all of his change to his focus on personal development.


Therefore, no matter where you find yourself in life, you can always grow, improve, and see positive changes in yourself and your situation!


Fired up by Mark’s story and passion?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You’re amazing!

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:39am PDT

Our natural reaction as humans is typically to avoid fear to move away from it.  Host of the daily Gametime Podcast, Andy Zitzmann, offers a more empowering perspective he calls “friending your fear”.


You may have heard the word fear broken down into the four letter phrase, “False Evidence Appearing Real”.


Well, Andy has a better acronym:  “Face, Embrace, Act, Repeat”


Andy’s philosophy is that the emotional response triggered by fear, in the moment, for you, is real.  So, rather than treating it as though it’s not real, he encourages you to embrace it and move towards it (without putting yourself in physical danger, of course).


The first step in the process is to recognize when fear of something is holding you back.  That might be fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown, fear of change.


When you catch yourself reacting to fear, you create an opportunity to decide how you want to proceed from there.


We often embrace our fears.  But, we embrace them negatively.


Through Andy’s method, instead of thinking about all the negative possibilities and things that could go wrong, we spend a few minutes thinking about all of the things that could go right and the positive outcomes.


And, once you face your fear, and embrace your fear, the next step is to act, and then repeat.


Are fears are not likely to go away completely.  But, we can certainly diminish them by building our confidence.


Great stuff, Andy!


For a quick 3-5 minute daily dose of inspiration and motivation, make sure you subscribe to Andy’s Gametime podcast in iTunes or or Stitcher Radio.  It is sure to fire you up and give you fantastic energy to fuel your day!  And, be sure to go to Andy’s website, for even more great stuff from Mr. A.Z.!


Love this episode with Andy Zitzmann?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating, and be sure to do the same for Andy’s Gametime podcast!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  We love you!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:25am PDT

Today we are joined by to of our top-level Elite coaching clients, Mark Costes and Andy Zitzmann, to share their quick stories of achieving substantial financial success and finding out that wasn’t the key to their happiness.


We often assume that if we could just make more money, that would solve all of our problems, right?


The problem with that is, certain paths that lead to making more money don’t also lead to true fulfillment and happiness.


Both Mark and Andy found themselves at this point in life.  They were making the most money they had ever made, and they were completely miserable because they were having to give up balance in their lives and do work that wasn’t enjoyable to them in the process.


Essentially, they weren’t living their Life on Fire.


Luckily, they both realized they are fully in control of their lives, their destinies, and they made the conscious choices to change their lives and their business structures to allow them to find balance, become passionate about their work again, and ultimately be happier and more successful than they had ever been.


So, if you’re not living your life on fire, what do you need to change to start moving in that direction and when are you committed to starting that change?


Why not today?


Fired up about Life on Fire?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You can do ANYTHING!

Direct download: 58__Why_Fulfillment__Happiness_are_Worth_More_Than_Money.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:02am PDT

In the 4th and final video in this 4-part training series Brian Moran takes us inside his Facebook marketing solution that he calls, “The Fan Page Funnel” system!


This system is designed to do 5 things:


#1 - Get you massive amounts of traffic


#2 - Deliver thousands of raving fans who get behind you


#3 - Help you build a huge email list from scratch


#4 - Bring you paying customers day after day


#5 - Let you build a business that you love, without spending hours at your computer and without any affiliates, a huge advertising budget, or an existing list


To learn and implement this funnel, Brian is offering a 6-week training course to a limited number of people that includes:


Week 1:  Learn How to Get 10,000 Leads in 30 days


Week 2:  Getting Your List to Love You (and want to BUY from you!)


Week 3:  Generating Massive Sales


Week 4:  Tripling Your Profits


Week 5:  The Quick Tech Shortcut


Week 6:  Getting 10,000+ Visitors Per Day


And, MANY more bonuses, including…


A $250 Best Buy Gift Card and our $1,000 Facebook Advertising A to Z course!




You follow these 3 simple steps:


1.  Clear your cookies in your browser.  (If you aren’t sure how to clear your cookies just Google how to clear cookies in whatever browser you’re using.)


2.  Go to and sign up for Brian’s course.


3.  Forward a copy of the email receipt you receive from Brian to!


Doors open Tuesday, July 15th!


It’s that simple!


You’re just a few clicks away from a $250 Best Buy gift card, some other amazing bonuses, and the game-changing Facebook Fan Page Funnel course!


Just follow the 3 steps above to sign up right away!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You ROCK!

Direct download: 57__Brian_Moran_-_The_Fan_Page_Funnel_is_Here_Part_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:06am PDT

One of the most common questions asked up to this point in this fantastic 4-part video series is, “This Facebook marketing funnel process is AMAZING, how do I drive traffic to it?”


Brian dives in and covers one tiny tip he uses called a “boosted post”.  


Boosted posts are not a new or innovative strategy.  However, it’s how he places the link in the post that drives the post to be see by 5 times as many people.


The trick is to put the link in the comments and not in the actual post itself!




From there, Brian addresses another common question, which is, “I’ve been using Facebook for a long time and never really made any money with it.”


This often comes down to 2 core problems:


1.  You may be using amateur marketing tactics taught by others that simply don’t work.


SOLUTION:  Stop using those tactics.


2.  Your funnel, copy, or offer may be “broken”.


SOLUTION:  Rather than slowly working through the kinks and trying to figure out how to optimize your process, simply follow Brian’s proven 7-step formula.


For more details, and to grab the PDF Brian where Brian lays out his 7-step process, head over to!  


Digging this Facebook marketing video series?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are ON FIRE!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:47am PDT

Effective marketing is many times just as much of an art as it is a science.  Well, today, Brian Moran is bringing the science side to the table as he breaks down and dissects the exact 7-step process he uses to create monthly 6-figure income on Facebook!


The first step is really what sets his process apart from most other approaches that are not as effective on Facebook, which is creating a custom landing page inside Facebook (vs. taking the person out of the Facebook platform).


For Brian, this results in a 50% increase in his conversions, AND, on average, he’s seeing 70 out of every 100 visitors “Liking” his page, which is essentially like getting another conversion from the same person!


One big piece that sets Brian’s approach apart from the way most other businesses view Facebook is he sees it as an asset.  Both the people who take the time to view and like his content, as well as how to speak to and market to those people.


Way too many business owners see Facebook as a distracting, unimportant website that they need to post the occasional status update on to keep their people “happy” and they are basically just going through the motions without any sort of strategy or goal.


That is a colossal waste of an incredible opportunity.


Walk step-by-step through his process and pay close attention.


One strategy you absolutely don’t want to miss is his upsell process, and almost more importantly his upsell philosophy.  It will forever reshape your opinion of upsetting your clients.


And, make sure you catch the case study results from real clients at the end.  One guy went from struggle for 5 years to generating over $12,000 in income in 2 weeks!


For more details, head over to!  


Fired up about Brian’s system?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


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Category:general -- posted at: 4:58am PDT

We can almost all agree that marketing online is getting harder and harder, more and more expensive.  However, here to show you a new way to market using Facebook is Facebook Marketing Expert, Brian Moran!


Brian has an interesting concept.


He measures his revenue per Facebook fan (or “Like” as they are now called inside Facebook).


Very few if any business look that their Facebook fan page this way.


Brian’s results are staggering though.  We he first started out years ago, he went from struggling to get anything to work online, to finally breaking through and creating his first niche fan page that hit $10,000 fans.


At the time, he was generating pretty respectable revenue of over $3 for each fan he had through his marketing efforts.  So, for each new fan he added, he knew exactly what they were worth - on average.


Fast forward to today.


Brian has perfected his system to the point that he’s now able to generate over $15 per Facebook fan.


We hope you enjoy hearing about Brian’s journey, as well as his strategy of how he’s build multiple successful online businesses using Facebook marketing!


For more details, head over to!  


Fired up about Brian’s system?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are amazing!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:14am PDT

I recently had the opportunity to join my good friend and a major inspiration to start Life on Fire, Shanda Sumpter, live on stage at her event to speak on the topic of what’s working in marketing right now.


Today’s episode is that event footage!


I begin with my story and one of the first teaching lessons that comes out of that is the concept of modeling.


To clarify, modeling is not about “copying” what someone else is doing.  It’s about looking at the people in your niche who are doing well and creating your own version of what you like about them and what’s working well.


If you aren’t sure how to start or what to do to begin, this a great way to come up with direction in your business.


Next, an incredibly helpful process is to get clear on who your ideal customer is.  If you already have customers, which one do you like working with the most or would you like to have more of?


If not, what characteristics would you like your ideal customer to have.  You can even go as far as creating an “avatar” which is your model of what your ideal client looks like down to age, gender, hobbies, family life, employment status, likes, passions, dislikes, and so on.


And, where can you apply that information to find more people like your avatar?




Through Facebook marketing, you can target nearly exactly the person your looking for and make sure your ad budget is going to directly to your ideal prospect.


One key to marketing on Facebook is to remember why people are there.  They are not there to be sold.  They are there to connect with people, be entertained, be informed, and so on.  


So, ads that are conversational and show personality typically outperform ads that are not.  


And, the same hold true throughout your marketing funnel.  If someone clicks on an ad they should be taken to a page that’s going to ad value for them.  Taking someone straight from ad to sale almost never works.  (Again, they’re not there to be sold.)


Come up with a “lead magnet” or something of value you can give away for free in exchange for your ideal prospects to take the next action in your marketing funnel, which might be entering in their name and email address.


All along the way, make sure you’re always giving value at each interaction with your prospects, and don’t be afraid to test new things, new headlines, new images, new lead magnets to continually optimize your process.


From there we talk telesummits and podcasts!


A telesummit is a series of interviews with experts in a certain niche.  Typically somewhere in the range of 15-30 speakers are featured and that interview series can either be packaged and sold as a product or it can be given away for free and other products can be sold in tandem with it.


The great thing about the telesummit format is you yourself do not need to be an expert.  The summit is about all of the OTHER experts you’re featuring.  So, it allows you to get exposure, build a list, and become an expert in the process.


To take that concept a step further, why couldn’t those sessions you’re already recording with the experts you’re interview also end up as podcast episodes?


Then, a segment of your interview experts will promote their episode, and you create your content delivery system where the only way to get the free replay of the interview is to go subscribe to and download your podcast.


Boom!  Instant podcast audience!


Your action plan for this episode is to simply get in the game at  There are tons of great episodes there, free trainings, access to “how-to” products, business coaching, and more.  Head over there right now and check it out!


Think this episode rocked?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  Stay focused and you can have your dreams!

Direct download: 53__What_s_Working_in_Marketing_Right_Now_-_LIVE_From_Stage.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:34am PDT

There’s no limit to what’s possible through personal development.  Today we’re going to share some of the insights and tips we’ve learned from one of the best personal development coaches there is, Michael Bernoff!


One of the core techniques Michael starts with is to be clear on your outcome for whatever it is you’re doing.  


As an example, our outcome for this episode is to give you some great techniques that you can immediately implement in your life to be more effective, more influential, and more confident.


This is incredibly important for entrepreneurs.  It’s easy to become unfocused or get distracted from the highest and most important outcome you need to focus on as a business owner.


From there, another technique is what we call your “moment on fire”.  


Think of a moment you felt absolutely incredible.  It might be the first time you held your child, or the day you crossed the finish line at an Ironman, or a time you nailed a performance in front of an audience.


The key is, it has to be one particular moment in time, a split second.


Take a moment and come up with you moment.  Think about how you felt when it happened, see what you saw, hear what you heard, real relive the moment.


When was the last time you thought about that?


How do you feel now that you’re thinking about that?


Feels amazing, right?


All you have to do to change your state of mind from being in a funk or out of alignment to being sharp, focused, confident and “on” is to think about your moment on fire.


And, now that you’re consciously aware of the moment on fire technique, you can start to find more of them in your life as they happen and even categorize them.


If you have moment when you felt courageous you tap into that when you need it, or happy, or in love, and so on.


Try out these techniques today and stay tuned for more tips like this in future episodes!


Like these personal development tips?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You are a rock star!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:46am PDT

Today we put the “FIRE” in Life on Fire and jump out of a perfectly good airplane with a bunch of awesome entrepreneurs!


We work hard here a Life on Fire, not only to bring you great content on Life on Fire TV and Pay it Forward Friday, but also for our awesome coaching clients through all of the trainings, coaching, networking, and mastermind events they receive!


So, this short episode is to remind you…


Don’t forget to have fun!  


What’s the point of working hard and making money if you don’t enjoy it??


Plan your adventures first and that ensures they will happen!


Did this episode remind you to put a little more “fire” in your Life on Fire?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You can do anything!

Direct download: 51__Skydiving_on_Fire.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

One of the most powerful advertising platforms that has ever existed is Facebook.  Marketers have more data and more opportunities to display their advertising to their exact qualified target audience than ever before.  


Here to show us the “how-to” of tracking your ad performance so you know which ads are performing the best is Facebook Marketing Expert, host of the Entrepreneur Power Hour Podcast, and Life on Fire Elite-level coaching client, Valerie Shoopman!


Step 1 in the process is placing your Facebook conversion or registration pixel.  This is a small piece of code that is triggered (“fired”) when a person lands on a certain page.  


The purpose of the conversion pixel is that it is only trigger when someone “converts”. 


Meaning, if the initial step in your marketing funnel is for someone to input their name and email address, you want to know what percentage of people are doing that.  


By placing the conversion pixel on what’s referred to as the “thank you” page (which is the page people are redirected to right after they submit their name and email address), the pixel will only fire for people who see that page.


Then, by comparing the number of people who clicked on your ad vs. the number of times your pixel fired, you will be able to determine your conversion ratio.


A second conversion pixel can then be created to track the number of sales you generate.  The process is very similar.  This piece of code would be place on the thank you page that gets displayed to anyone who places and order with you, therefore allowing you to track your entire sales process from start to finish!


To place the pixel code on your pages, the code needs to be place between what’s called the “head” tags.  With easy to use software such as LeadPages you can set up a thank you page and input the code in seconds!


You’re now ready to create your ad in Facebook!


Using Facebook’s tracking pixels, Val suggests using “Website conversion” tracking.  You would attach the conversion pixel you created (not the sales pixel, that is addressed in the next step) to this ad so Facebook knows how to track your ad.


The next step is to dive into the Power Editor in Facebook and attach the sales pixel to your ad.  This is what allows you to complete the tracking loop from the first click on your ad until an eventual sale is made!


And, finally, to see all of this tracking and what the progress and results of your ads are, it is helpful to customize Facebook’s reporting features.  This will allow you to display only the information you need to focus on so you can pause the ads that are underperforming and potentially increase your ad spend on the ads that are doing the best!


Great stuff, Val!


For more great how-to trainings from Valerie and interviews with top entrepreneurs search for “Entrepreneur Power Hour” in iTunes and subscribe, rate, and review the show!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  We believe in you!

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:47am PDT

We get asked all the time, how are you able to travel and take vacations and still have time to do two video podcast shows and run an entire business?


In today’s “Hump Day Q&A” we answer that question!


Take a moment and think back to your last vacation…


Chances are you had to get a bunch of stuff done and tie up a ton of loose ends before you left.


But, you got it done, right?  You went on your vacation and your business didn’t implode while you were gone.


How is it that it never seems like we have enough time to get everything we need to done, yet right before vacation, we somehow find a way to do it?


It’s because we are hyper focused, we have a hard deadline, and we become super efficient.


One major source of efficiency we are sometimes forced (in a good way) to tap into is delegation.


We often assume that it would take longer to teach someone else how to do a task than it would to just do it ourselves.  Or, we assume that nobody else can do the task as well as we can.


Both of these thought processes are not only incredibly limiting, they are often wrong.


Nearly any task in a business can be delegated, if you find the right person to delegate to.  


Owners of billion dollar companies that were started by one person running it as CEO often end up relinquishing that role as CEO because they find someone else who can do it better.


If delegation can successfully occur at the billion-dollar-company level, it can successfully happen for you too!


So, here’s your action step:


Plan your next vacation!


You don’t even have to go anywhere.  But, plan to take time and unplug from your business and your normal daily routine so you can live your life on fire!


Did this episode get you fired up to get more done and have a little “me time”?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  We believe in you!

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:05am PDT

Today we cover a topic that’s outside the scope of business and marketing, but very much affects your life and therefore how you show up in business… 




It is our belief that you can’t truly live a life on fire, unless you also have love on fire!


When you’re deeply in love with someone who completes and complements you well, and you feel and receive the same in return, it makes you stronger.  It makes you capable of handling more and doing more.  


It also frees up the mental energy you may otherwise expel on trying to find love or your frustrations over not having a mate to allow you to focus that energy and thought power on other areas.


One of the things that can immediately make your relationship stronger if you’re in one, and can help you attract your ideal love if you’re not, is to love yourself first.  Once you fully love yourself that then allows you to give your best to someone else.


And, cherish your “story” of how you met your mate.  All relationships have a story, such as how Nick and Megan met online, discovered they had dozens of mutual friends, found out they share similar religious beliefs and many, many other things in common.


Make those positives the focus of your relationship.


It doesn’t matter what area of life it is, you get more of what you think about.


If you think you only attract people who treat your poorly or who don’t love you in the way you feel you deserve, then your mind is subconsciously being programmed to find that and give it to you.


Conversely, if you focus on all of the things you love about the person you’re with, the things they do to make you happy, the reasons you fell in love with them, the wonderful things you’ve discovered about them and what you can do to make them happy, that is the key to a life-long love.


So, if you’re in a relationship, are there things you could do to enrich and deepen your love with your partner?  Start today by doing something amazing for your mate, something that makes the person you love happy and feel special.


And, if not, are there things you could do to make yourself more prepared to receive love, and are you focused on the positive, of the abundance of love that’s out there ready for you (and avoiding having a scarcity or “lack of love” mindset)?


“Love” this episode?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  We love you too!

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:48am PDT

We are joined today by an amazing young woman and up-and-coming entrepreneur, a member of our Life on Fire mentorship program, Erika Tischofer!


At a very young age, and for nearly her entire life, Erika has had challenge after challenge thrown her way as a foster child, having lived in over 30 different homes, having been adopted and then later having to support herself working 14 hours a day while attending high school.


Most of us think we have challenges and adverse situations thrown our way, but when put in perspective, most of us have never had to overcome the types of challenges that Erika has grown through.


What’s most amazing about her story is not necessarily the challenges she’s faced, but how she’s responded to them.  Erika is currently attending San Diego State University on a full scholarship and pursuing her goals as an entrepreneur.


She could have easily use her story as an excuse to hold her back.  But, instead, she has used it as fuel to motivate her to excel.


Having to support herself at age 16 made her quickly realize that she didn’t want to live simply to have to work and therefore miss out on the experiences of life along the way.


And, beyond her own dreams, Erika’s passion lies in wanting to help support foster children, to be someone they can turn to, and to provide them with a better experience in the foster system than she had.


Erika’s first step into entrepreneurialism, as part of her mentorship program, is going to be to dive into Pinterest, immerse herself in the platform and the training, and become an expert in Pinterest marketing.


We can’t wait to share her updates with you!


Erika, you are a remarkable young woman.


Inspired by Erika’s story?  If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!


Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes!  You inspire US!

Direct download: 47__Erika_Tischofer_on_Overcoming_Adversity__Challenges.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:11am PDT

Of all the ways you can possibly grow your business and invest back in your business with not only your time, but your money, joining or forming a mastermind group can be one of the most impactful!


What is a mastermind?  A business mastermind is a group of entrepreneurs who come together, most often for face-to-face meetings on a regular basis, with the goal of sharing ideas, providing feedback to others, and establishing relationships with each other.


Ideally, the group is comprised of high-level thought leaders in the niche or industry.


So, how do you find one?


Start by searching online.  If you can’t find one there, start asking the leaders in your industry if they are part of one or if they know of any.  


And, if you’ve concluded there aren’t any masterminds in your industry, then you are in an incredible position to be able to start one!


Next, how do you get the most out of joining a mastermind?


There is a simple concept called, “givers gain”.  Approach the mastermind with the mindset of how can I help these other people?  Who can I connect them to?  Who are their ideal clients?


By leading with giving, you will stand out from most people and it is certain to come back to you.


From there, if you’re getting together for formal meetings, most likely their will be breaks or the session will wrap at the end of the day and people will end up going to dinner or grabbing a drink.  That is where the relationships and bonds are really formed, in the more casual environment.  So, make sure you’re there!


The key with masterminds is you have to commit to be a part of it.  They only work well when everyone is on board for a 12-month commitment or something along those lines.


That’s what we’ve proven here at Life on Fire where we have our own mastermind for our Firestarter clients.


We meet 3 times per year as part of the benefit of being one of our coaching clients to network, feature fantastic speakers, learn from each other, and find out how we can help each other grow our business.


We have had our meeting formats be everything from renting a large boardroom space in an up-scale hotel to renting out a 12,000 square foot mansion, flying in special guest speakers, and staying their with our Firestarter coaching clients for 3 days.


In addition to 3 live in-person mastermind events per year, our Firestarters receive weekly group coaching calls, two 1-on-1 coaching calls per month with high-level strategy coaches, quarterly training programs, and MORE!


So, if you’re looking to take your business to the next level and you want to dive into an established mastermind that’s already working, receive valuable 1-on-1 business coaching, and access to a network of entrepreneurs, email to schedule a free 25-minute phone call to find out if the Firestarter program is right for you! 


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You’re a master in our minds!

Direct download: 46__Take_Your_Business_to_the_Next_Level_With_a_Mastermind.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:46am PDT

In this episode we are joined by marketer, podcaster, and Amazon publishing expert, Brad Costanzo!


Inspired years ago by the book, The 4-Hour Work Week, Brad set out to change his life by leaving the traditional job and sales model and become an entrepreneur.


Brad sought out to identify opportunities in the marketplace for information products and software to fill gaps he found and innovate on existing proven concepts.  


One day, while creating a “how-to” information product, Brad had an epiphany…


Most marketers think only about Google and YouTube when it comes to selling how-to products, where people may or may not be in “buying mode” when they are searching.  However, on Amazon, how-to seekers are almost always in buying mode!  


And so began his quest to master publishing on Amazon as a door opener and skill set to be bring to consulting relationships.


The first decision when it comes to publishing a book on Amazon is whether you are going to publish it for yourself or someone else.  You don’t have to write your own book, but you can still benefit from a percentage of the publishing process if you can help others get their book published by learning the publishing process.


From there, you can engineer a lead flow process, taking book buyers and giving them, as an example, access to free videos that accompany the book, or an additional report available as an email download.


Another innovation Brad came up with was what he calls “reverse ghost writing”, where he writes a high-quality book on a topic and then seeks out an established authority in that niche to put their name on the book and promote it in exchange for a 20% royalty.  




When it comes to promoting your book and coming up with your strategy, there are many different considerations and options.


Becoming a Bestseller on Amazon can happen through the proper “launch” promotion, and through researching your category in advance to determine your level of competition (if the “bestseller” label is what you’re after).  


You’ve also got pricing considerations.  Are you trying to make money from book sales, or can you forgo that income for the sake of pricing your book much lower to generate leads for your back-end marketing funnel process?


Brad’s suggestion is to look at the 3 main reasons for publishing a book on Amazon on this order:  


#1 Credibility  

#2 Lead Generation  

#3 Royalties (income from book sales)


Another fantastic philosophy Brad has is to lead with giving.  Most people lead with asking or taking, they want something and have offered no value or service before hand.


From there Brad dishes on networking.  One great tip that he has is, you don’t have to be a “guru” or authority in your niche if you simply act as a connector.  


A great way to do that is to be the creator of formal networking or mastermind groups in your niche, such as starting with something as simple as a private Facebook group.  Then, consider building to bigger and better connection models, such as high-end paid mastermind retreats.


There were so many awesome tips from Brad in this interview we could barely fit them all in the show notes!!  Thanks, Brad!


To hear more from Brad Costanzo, make sure you check out his podcast, Bacon Wrapped Business at!  Everything’s better with bacon, even business!


Love Brad’s interview??  If so, take his recommendation and please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You rock!

Direct download: 45__Brad_Costanzo_on_Creating_Credibility_Leads__Royalties_With_Amazon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:27am PDT

We’re here today with one of the founding fathers of internet marketing, Mike Filsaime!


Mike’s story of how he first got starting in internet marketing dates all the way back to 1988, before the term “internet marketing” even existed!


From the beginning, Mike had always applied a “marketers mindset” to computers and the internet (which has served him incredibly well).


At one point he had started his first significant online business and was actually making more than his 6-figure day job as general manager at a car dealership.


One day his boss literally pulled him aside and make him choose career paths right there on the spot!


Lucky for us, he chose internet marketing!   


When it comes to being successful in business, or in anything, really, mindset is a huge component.


Mike quotes the famous acknowledgement that your income is the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.  So, pay attention to who you surround yourself with!


From there, his mindset advice is to not allow money to be the focus of your needs and what you do.  If meeting your needs requires downsizing, going from two cars down to one, and so on, then perhaps that’s a way to make sure you’re meeting your own needs faster, so that you can free up your mind from that worry.


Next is networking…  One of Mike’s biggest pieces of advice when it comes to networking is to show up ready to give first.  If you show up with a “me” attitude, it’s going to negatively affect your relationship building and networking.


When then dive into marketing and Mike’s first piece of advice is don’t get caught up in technology.  Your knowledge of how the technology works has little to no impact on how much money your marketing makes.


As Mike puts it, your income is directly related to the amount of value you provide and the number of people you provide it to.  So, focus on providing value and let the people who already know and understand the tech fill in the rest.


When it comes to the “how” of your marketing, Mike points out a major flaw in many people’s marketing approach.  He calls it “will you marry me marketing”.  Meaning, way too many people attempt to go straight from meeting a person and making a contact directly to a sale.  The vast majority of the time that is too much too fast.  A nurturing process is required in order to gain that person’s trust.


Another big piece of the “how” is how are you getting your message in front of people?  Mike acknowledges a big pain point for entrepreneurs right now, which is being inundated with emails and that people simply don’t have time or aren’t willing to spend the time to watch long video sales letters any longer.  


His solution?  




By inviting someone to a webinar, you’re essentially asking to schedule an appointment with them in advance.  Ideally they are blocking their calendar and you have their undivided attention.


The natural question that comes up when considering something like a webinar is how to you get traffic (registrants and attendees to sign up)?


Mike’s put together a great resource for this called Traffic Genesis, available to preview and!


And, here’s a great way to tell if you’re marketing funnel is on track…  If you’ve got people telling you they’ve received more value from the free stuff you give away (like training videos, etc.) then what they paid for in the past and you’ve got people asking how they can give you their credit before your product is even available to purchase, you know you’re on the right track!


Mike’s final thought…


Don’t let your cashflow situation definite who you are and how you feel about your life.


Fantastic stuff, Mike!


Wow, did you think this interview is as awesome as we do??  If so, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You’re the best!

Ever found yourself stuck, in business or in life?  Feeling like you know you are capable of achieving and doing more, but at the moment you’re not at that level?


Personally, I struggled with that for years as a budding entrepreneur.  I was willing to work harder than any of my peers, but it didn’t seem to matter what I touched, it never turned to gold until two things changed…


The first change was I needed to narrow my niche.  I needed to become laser focused on exactly who I wanted to serve and exactly what problem I wanted to solve for my niche.


It was the second change that actually made a much bigger difference for me, however…  


I had just sold a business for a large sum at age 30, thinking I should have felt on top of the world at that point, and I actually felt the exact opposite.  I felt empty, hollow, and purposeless.


After floundering for a bit, a few things aligned and I ended up working with a very expensive business coach ($36,000) per year.


She changed my life.


She presented me with a question I had never thought of…


“Nick, what pisses you off?”


I had no idea what pissed me off??  


But, as I thought about it, it became clear that I hated knowing there are people out there not living up to their potential, people who hate their jobs, people missing time with their families due to work, and I wanted to do something about it.


In under 90 days of starting with Suzanne (my $36,000 coach) I had made my entire $36,000 back, and more.  I went on to make several hundred thousand dollars within my first year of working with her and following her advice.


Would I have gotten to the same place without her advice?




But, the key is, how much longer would it have taken to try to do it without her?


That was the value she provided for me, a shortcut to my success.


There are so many things you can do to “fast forward” your results.


I’ve put these tips and teachings into a free webinar that I wanted to share with you.  I’m calling it “The Entrepreneur’s Shortcut”.  


If you get even one tip out of it that helps you accelerate your results, then it’s well worth it.  (I’m confident you’re going to get a lot more than that though!)


To get free access, just go to!


We can’t wait to see you on the live webinar!!


Make it a great day!!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  

Direct download: 43__How_I_Upleveled_My_Business_With_a_Coach.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:52am PDT

Get ready for some awesome prizes in this month’s!  The contests are always free to enter.  To enter, simply to to!


This month our grand prize is a 55 inch flat screen TV!


Prize #2 is a 30-minute, one-on-one coaching session with Nick Unsworth!


And, 3rd prize is a Life on Fire t-shirt!


There are 3 ways to enter this month’s contest…


#1:  Registering for the upcoming live webinar called “The Entrepreneur’s Shortcut” at gets you 1 entry.


#2:  Attending The Entrepreneur’s Shortcut webinar LIVE get you 2 additional entries!


#3:  And, watch your email inbox later this month for a second live webinar that you’ll have the ability to register for to get a 4th entry!


Head over to now to enter!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  There’s no contest when it come to your awesomeness!

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:25am PDT

Every month we feature a new contest at!  The contests are always free to enter and have awesome prizes like 55 inch TVs, GoPro Cameras, Drone helicopters!


For details on the current month’s contest, just go to!


In this short episode, we picked the winners for our May contest from a live drawing!


The winners are…


1st Prize - Richard Saling won a 30-Minute 1-on-1 Coaching Session With Nick

2nd Prize - Alexa Williams Meisler won a 30-Minute 1-on-1 Coaching Session With Nick

3rd Prize - Jamie ‘Mallet’ Gibbons won 2 Life on Fire Pint Glasses

4th Prize - Michelle Seebachan won a Life on Fire T-Shirt

5th Prize - Tysen Webb won a Life on Fire Gym Bag

6th Prize - Allyson Donaldson won an autographed “Life on Fire” Song CD Single by LaKeisha Michelle!

7th Prize - Biba Pedron won an autographed “Life on Fire” Song CD Single by LaKeisha Michelle!

8th Prize - Rocio Loyola-Duffy won an autographed “Life on Fire” Song CD Single by LaKeisha Michelle!

9th Prize - Lisa Smith won an autographed “Life on Fire” Song CD Single by LaKeisha Michelle!

10th Prize - Jennifer Paige won an autographed “Life on Fire” Song CD Single by LaKeisha Michelle!


Find out how to enter this month’s contest at!  Most months you can enter more than one time.  And, check back to see if you won!


Think the monthly is awesome??  Please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You’re a winner in our book!

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:23am PDT

Facebook marketing continues to be the #1 way to get new clients, build a following, and build your authority in your niche, fast.  In this live footage from Maria Andros’s recent event, “Momentum”, we share how to do just that!


One of the biggest assets an online business can have is it’s email list.  But, how do you build a list?  


Facebook advertising is a fantastic way to rapidly build a list.  It it not uncommon to add 5,000 or more qualified subscribers to a list in less than a week using Facebook marketing.


Follow this 10-step process to not only build your list, market your products and services, monetize your marketing campaign, and create the opportunity for additional sales in the future!


Step 0 - Survey your list and the people you’re targeting with your ads to find out what they want in advance so you can give it to them!


Step 1 - Set up your Facebook business page and invite friends!


Step 2 - Identify and target who your ideal customers are.


Step 3 - Create a clear and concise brand that conveys who you are, who you help, and how you help them.


Step 4 - Follow the 90/10 rule, which simply means, you have to give before you can ask.


Step 5 - Position yourself to create “earned media” (a.k.a., “word of mouth” marketing).


Step 6 - Create your Facebook marketing funnel elements, which include your “lead magnet” (an item of value you are giving away for free, such as a free webinar, ebook, piece of software, etc.).


Step 7 - Test your lead magnet elements, including the offer itself, headline, image, and ad copy.


Step 8 - Optimize your ads for the highest conversions possible!


Step 9 - Rapidly build your “likes” with a “Click “LIKE” if you love” campaign!


Step 10 - Implement a private Facebook group for follow-up, connection, and community building!


Love this 10-step plan?  If so, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV!


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Founder and head of, and author of the industry-changing book, “Launch”, Michael Stelzner welcomes us in his office for some heavy tips and Q&A on how to start your business and follow your passion.


Right off the bat while touring Michael’s office we talk headlines and he shares his “go-to” formula for strong headlines which is sticking with a “How to” (solution based) headline, or numbers, such as “6 Ways to Grow Your Twitter Followers”.


From there, Michael talks about his avatar, Scout.  Michael identified early on that almost nobody in the social media space had an avatar, so he wanted to create a little cartoon character that would be recognizable and associated with his brand.


Next, Michael touches on one of the keys to his content strategy, which is having guest bloggers (experts) provide content for his blog.  It is a brilliant model that allows him to bring the best of the best to his audience through curating the top authorities on various topics.


Another substantial piece to Michael’s content strategy was the type and length of the blog posts he would publish.  Rather than sticking to short 300 word articles, he would insist on 1,000-word (or more) articles that dove deep into “how to” subjects.


It was the quality of these articles that propelled him to build a list of over 10,000 email subscribers in less than 6 months.


This number happened to be very pivotal to his overall strategy as he had decided that he was not going to monetize his content and list with marketing messages until it had reached 10,000 subscribers.


This ended up being a distinctive differentiation strategy for his site, and contributed massively to his growth.


When it comes to his traffic strategy, Michael optimizes for people first.  Meaning, making sure his content is pleasing, consumable, and, of course, highly “shareable”.  


However, SEO is a huge part of their traffic strategy, and Michael shares some fantastic tips and tools.  


For keyword research, check out the tool SEMrush.  And, for blog post search engine optimization, the WordPress plugin “Yoast” is awesome!  From there, make sure you run your site through Google’s free “Webmaster Tools” to identify issues you may not be aware of.  Another great tip is to make sure you claim your page on Google Plus!


From there Michael dishes on Social optimization!  


One of his favorite tools is a plugin called DiggDigg, which is a floating sidebar that helps earn social shares.  Another great tip is a plugin called JM Twitter Cards, which allows your posts to appear with a headline, image, and expanded text in Twitter.  For Facebook, the favorite is back to the Yoast plugin to make sure you’re optimizing your images and your description for Facebook through the Social aspects of that plugin!


Next, we talk monetization, which Michael does primarily through live events.


His first piece of advice, which is along the lines of make good choices and proceed with caution is, “Don’t quit your day job.”  That doesn’t mean don’t try to create an online business or don’t try to become an entrepreneur.  What it means is sometimes things take a little time to do correctly, so allow yourself that time.


For Michael, his background included live events, so that was a natural monetization strategy for him.  But, his next piece of advice was super important to adhere to, which was don’t always try to copy what’s working for someone else, because it may not work as well for you.  If speaking is not your thing, then chances are there are going to be other revenue generating avenues that are going to work better for you and you’ll enjoy more.


When asked the question, “What do you love doing the most in the business?”, without hesitation, Michael pointed to podcasting and the ability to go deep and create dynamic content and interviews with people.


Going forward, one of the projects Michael is most excited about is the site he created called, which is all about empowering busy parents to spend more time with their kids.


And, just before wrapping up, Michael leaves us with this final thought…


“Realize that everyone who you look up to and everyone who has a platform started where you are now.  With nothing.  With an idea.  So, don’t let that idea pass you by.  Make sure you give it a try.  Because, if you don’t you’ll never know what you missed, so just go for it!”


Great advice, Michael!


Make sure you check out Michael’s podcast, “Social Media Marketing”, his site,, if you’re a parent, his new site,, and head over to to get all of the resources Michael mentioned throughout this episode! 


Blown away by this interview?!!  If so, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  YOU are OUR passion!

First and foremost, being a spiritual person is not limited to believing in God or one of the many other deities that are worshiped around the world.  Many people find spirituality in their own way.


What is key is having and believing in a purpose that is higher than yourself.


Another important distinction is that deciding to become a spiritual person should not come with an agenda.  For example, going through the motions of going to church or something along those lines simply because you’re looking to grow the revenue of your business is not the right mindset to have.  That is a “taker’s” mindset.


Genuine and sincere spirituality comes through a givers mindset.  And, the personal, and perhaps business and financial benefits that come from it, are merely a byproduct of your actions and beliefs.


Being a spiritual person also does not mean that you can stop taking action and that things will simply magically appear in your life.  Again, the benefits come from your actions and beliefs.  


However, what has happened in my experience is that through taking tons of action, amazing things have happened like finding love and tremendous growth of our business, which felt almost effortless because I wasn’t pushing and forcing growth to try to happen in those areas.    


One observation that occurred as all of these incredible acts of abundance came into my life was that all along the way as these things were happening, I was giving back.  Giving back through our Pay it Forward Friday podcast, giving back through a fundraiser, and giving back through having just signed a contract to build a $25,000 school in Guatemala.  


As I was providing abundance, I received abundance.


Call it coincidence, but these things have never happened in my life before.


So, here is my call to action to you…


If you already consider yourself a spiritual person, are you truly living it to it’s fullest and giving back, or could you do more?


And, if you’re not currently a spiritual person, is there something out there, a cause, a book, a movement, a religion or some positive source of energy that is bigger than you that you can give to and receive from?


If this episode touched you in some way, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  We are forever grateful for you!

Direct download: 40__Spirituality_-_How_it_Can_Improve_Your_Life_and_Grow_Your_Business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:15am PDT

In part 2 of this 2-part interview, we’re back with real estate entrepreneur, speaker, and coach, Cole Hatter!


First, we tackle mindset.


How do you keep your mindset where it needs to be to become and remain successful?


One of the huge pieces that helped Cole stay focused was accountability, and surrounding himself with people who would hold him accountable to living up to his potential and following through on his commitments.


Another secret of his is finding quiet time to plan and think through your decisions.


“You are where you are today because of the decisions and mindset you had yesterday.”


From there, we hit on purpose, which is the main focus of everything Cole is doing right now.  He sums it up with a great quote.  “You’re not supposed to just survive.  You’re not supposed to figure out a job that pays your bills so you can have an ‘okay’ lifestyle.”


Next, on the topic of marketing, for someone who is looking to get better at speaking Cole has a great tip by following his 20/20/60 rule.  Assume 20% of your audience is not connecting with you and you won’t win them over, 60% like you, and the other 20% love you.  Speak to the 20% who love you.


And, on the 4th and final pillar of a life on fire, networking, Cole’s advice is “invest in relationships in any way you can”.  You don’t always have to spend thousands of dollars to network with high-caliber people, but you do have to find a way to hear the messages of the influencers in your niche.  In addition, he suggests eliminating the relationships with the “toxic” people in your life who are “emotional vampires”.


One of Cole’s last tips was his best, which is don’t be afraid of a “no”.  You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, and by hearing no or being rejected it actually just means you’re in the same place where you started.  So, never let that hold you back.


We hope you got a TON out of this episode?  If so, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You rock!

Direct download: 39__Cole_Hatter_Part_2_of_2_on_Reinventing_Yourself_and_Your_Business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:50am PDT

In part 1 of this 2-part interview, super successful real estate entrepreneur, Cole Hatter, takes us inside his home, introduces us to his wife and beautiful baby daughter, and tells us his story of how he walked away from his business completely, only to come back even stronger after his journey of self-discovery!


Sometimes in life, no matter how well it appears things are going, we feel stuck.


We’re not always aware of it when we’re stuck, but Cole was.


He completely disengaged from a thriving real estate business and left the country for 10 straight months to embark on what became a life-changing self-discovery journey.


Upon deciding to leave, he had no idea the next 10 months would reshape his entire life.


It was a journey of selfless giving to others who have impoverished lives and living situations.  In return, he gained the clarity which lead to him propose to the love of his life, build a business that brings in more money than he’s ever made, start a family, and give more than he’s ever given.


There are a TON of little “nuggets” and learning lessons in the episode so pay close attention!


And, make sure you come back for part 2 where drill down into the teachable moments of what has led to Cole’s success!


Inspired to give and go live bigger?  If so, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  Give all you’ve got, and watch it come back to you many times over!

Direct download: 38__Cole_Hatter_Part_1_of_2_on_Reinventing_Yourself_and_Your_Business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Of all of the different ways to grow a business and create sales online, one of the very best ways to do so is through live webinars.


The closer you can come to a 1-on-1 personal interaction with someone, the more likely you are to generate a sale.


So, first off, what is a webinar?  


It’s essentially a seminar over the web.  It’s a virtual presentation, with typically one speaker or presents slides or shows their computer screen presenting to an audience of people “attending” virtually by logging to the live stream of your presentation through their computer.


Of the many reasons to consider webinar marketing two primary reasons are that it can be done entirely over the internet without leaving your own home, and you can potentially have hundreds or even thousands of people on a webinar at the same time (very inexpensively).


When crafting your message and creating your content, think of who your ideal customer is, and what problem do they have that you can solve?


Once you’re clear on your content and “hook” (the appeal that is going to spark the initial interest in your prospective attendees), and you’ve mapped out your marketing strategy, the next consideration is your conversion strategy.


How are you going to generate sales (which don’t necessarily have to happen right on the webinar, but there needs to be a clear call to action at the end of your webinar that will ideally lead to sales in the near future, such as after a 1-on-1 strategy session call with you).


Start off by setting expectations of the benefits they can expect by the end of the webinar.


From there, you want to engage.  Ask questions, check in with them every few minutes with more questions, or statements like, “Have you ever been in that situation before?” as you’re telling your story.


Next, transition into your main body of your content.  


Give them your very best stuff, your very best tips, techniques, strategies, and so on to solve their problems.


Stick to 3 to 5 main topics that you think are the biggest “pain points” (what do they really want to solve the most in their lives).


If possible, bringing on live people to provide real testimonials to back and validate what you’re saying is fantastic.


Then, you want to end with your very best stuff, a recap, and seamlessly transition to your call to action.


A huge tip when presenting your call to action and why they should take the next step today is to provide an “urgency bonus”.  Something that they will receive, or a limited number of the first “X” people who take you up on your offer will receive.


Done correctly, this strategy can literally change your business overnight!


If you thought this episode was awesome, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  Make it happen, starting today!

Direct download: 37__How_to_Make_Sales_Using_a_Webinar.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:01am PDT

One of the most common questions we’ve been asked since starting Life on Fire TV is, “How do you create your shows?”.  So, we decided to bring our cameraman, Eric Casas, who is also our editor, in front of the camera this time to tell you!


Before you ever hit record, you need to plan out your strategy.  Your strategy includes not only what you’re going to talk about, but also where your content is going to be seen, how you may be able to repurpose it, if and when you will monetize it, and so on.


For us, monetizing our show from the start was not important.  Our highest priority was to build a large and loyal following by producing great content on a high-quality show.


(He’s a hint…  When it comes to podcasting, video podcasting is WIDE open.  There is almost no competition.)


Next, there are two things you absolutely cannot sacrifice.  Lack of consistency and poor quality are the top two reasons people stop watching or listening to podcasts.  If your show has 3 episodes per week, then you absolutely must deliver 3 episodes, every single week.  


And, when it comes to quality, not only is the quality and value of your content important, but you must have clear, radio-quality sound, and crisp, clear video.


Okay!  So, for gear, you can get started with something as simple as a Logitech C930 USB camera (don’t use your laptop camera, the quality won’t be good enough) and a Yeti USB mic.  Both combined will run you under $200.


When it comes to your background, avoid anything too busy looking, like wallpaper.


A small tip when determining your camera angle, angle it so that you’re slightly looking up, or straight.  You don’t ever want to be looking down on people.


For lighting, check eBay for two, 50-watt LED panels. However, 3-point lighting is ideal.


Once you’ve got your gear dialed in, the best tip for having great content is to not overthink it and not over analyze it.  The more natural you feel the more natural you’ll appear and the more likable and genuine you will be.


Don’t forget to have fun with your show!  While you want to be informative and provide great value, there is still an entertainment factor required to keep people’s attention.


For more notes on gear, check out the show notes for this episode at!


Now, get out there and start recording!


Did you love all the behind the scenes detail our man Eric covered?  If so, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  We’re your #1 fan!

Direct download: 36__Eric_Casas_on_How_Life_on_Fire_TV_is_Made.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:14am PDT

Joining us today is marketer, promoter, networker, and all-around awesome business woman, Lindsay Hawley!


Lindsay first shares with us her story of where she same from and how she grew up as a child.  Having hurdles and challenges early in life could have easily caused many people to end up down the wrong path.


However, for Lindsay, her story actually propelled her to find her purpose and passion in helping others and inspired her to seek out healthy challenges as a way to grow, learn, and better herself.


A great networking takeaway from Lindsay is how she’s able to stand out at events or when making new contacts with people.  Sometimes it’s about going the extra mile.  Other times, it’s really just going that extra inch that others don’t think of or aren’t willing to do.


For example, the next time you’re attending an event, as if you can help with registration.  Not only is it a great way to give back, but you meet everyone who is attending the event!


From there, Lindsay and Nick dive into the amazing virtual event that will be coming your way soon, the “Life on Fire Summit”!  


With her help, we are looking to raise $25,000 to build a school in Guatemala, and bring the content and ideas from 20 incredible, world-class entrepreneurs to you through our virtual summit!


So, stay tuned!  More surprises to come!


If this episode fired you up to put your purpose first, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  YOU are our purpose!

Direct download: 35__Lindsay_Hawley_on_Finding_Your_Purpose_From_Your_Story.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:37am PDT