Life on Fire TV (Audio) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth

We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”


Networking and being a “connector” can be one of the fastest ways to grow your business.


Another commonly noted observation is that your income is the average of the 5 people you hang around with the most.


So, if your current network is not comprised of people who are making what you want to make, then it’s time to start networking up!


A great way to open new doors and expand your network vertically is to attend events in your industry.


And, the best part is, you don’t even have to have anything you can personally offer someone who you’re trying to connect with.  If you’re in the process of building a solid, influential network in your industry, all that you may need to solidify a relationship to someone is introducing them to someone else.


Everyone attends events and networking functions with a “what’s in it for me” mindset.  


Don’t be that guy or gal.  Be the person at the networking event who walks up and asks questions like, “What do you need right now?  How can I help you?  Who (or what type of people) do you need to connect with at this event?”


Ask those types of questions to enough people, and suddenly you become a connector, which can provide far greater benefit, many times, than simply passing a referral to a sale.


Next, collecting business cards is great.  But, in this electronics age, a much better way to track key contacts is to put them directly into your phone, or better yet, have them put their own information into your phone.  From there, immediately text them with your complete contact record (your “digital business card”).


And, make sure you connect with the person on Facebook!


Now, get yourself out there.  Find the next event you can attend, throw a cocktail mixer for your area if possible, and become the person who knows everyone in your industry!


Excited to grow your network and implement these ideas?  If so, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  Stay connected!


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Category:general -- posted at: 5:55am PDT

Here with us on a Google Hangout is bestselling author, business coach, and all around amazing business woman, Suzanne Evans, to talk about her brand new book, “The Way You Do Anything is the Way You Do Everything”.


Suzanne’s story is quite incredible.  She went from a secretary job, making secretary pay, to owning a 7-figure (approaching 8-figure) coaching business.


She dives into the challenges and parts that most don’t know about getting a book published with a major publisher, like the fact that the publisher doesn’t actually sell books for you!  You still have to get books sold, and prove in advance that you can do it!


From there, she dove into her model of how she drove book sales through joint venture partnering.  Amazing!


Suzanne gives us the details of what it takes to actually be labelled a “New York Times Bestseller”, and the affect that can have on your business and positioning.


Then, we ask her perspective on our four pillars of marketing, mindset, networking, and a journey worth living.  


We get her thoughts on hosting live events, sponsorships, masterminds, and so much more!


Suzanne is truly a wealth of knowledge and experience!


To get a copy of her book, go to


And, if got a TON out of this episode, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  We love you!

Singer, songwriter, and recording artist LaKeisha Michelle talks how she went from a career she wasn’t passionate about to truly living a life on fire.


Stuck in a job she didn’t like, in a city she didn’t want to be in, her journey to make that change and start living the life she wanted was inspired by meeting Nick and discovering the brand and mindset of Life on Fire.


From there she sat down and immediately wrote and recorded her single, “Life on Fire”.


And, over the coming months she gained opportunities to perform on stage, leave her job, and even move to L.A. to pursue her career.


It was a risk.  It took a lot of guts.


But, she did it.


Life often rewards us for following our heart and taking calculated risks.  


LaKeisha, we are honored and inspired by your story and by the fact that you wrote the Life on Fire song!


Okay, now it’s your turn!


Follow the exercise in this episode, discover where your passions and skills align, and take the first step toward YOUR life on fire.


And, if liked this episode, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You are the best audience on iTunes!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:30am PDT

One emotion every single person experiences from time to time, is fear.  


That doesn’t have to be fear of something dangerous or life threatening.  


Often times, it’s simply fear of something new, fear of change, or fear of taking action.


And, if you’re not able to find ways to overcome fear, it can be paralyzing (and worse, prevent you from getting or achieving what you really want).


Whether it’s in your business, a business you want to get started, your love life, or an adventurous activity you have planned, overcoming that fear, and learning not to avoid or go around that emotion, but to embrace it and push through it, is key.


That feeling of fear or anxiety that pops up in those situations is your mind indicating that you’re about to enter what is uncharted or inexperienced territory for you.  Otherwise, if it was familiar to you, you would have comfort and confidence based on your past.


Simply put, fear in those types of situations is your mind’s way of telling you…


You’re about to learn something new.


The amazing thing about what can often feel like crippling fear, is that once you push through and experience that thing that is new, have that conversation, pick up that phone, whatever it is, you often feel an exhilarating sense of accomplishment for having succeeded.


That thing that was creating incredibly negative emotions inside you, once surpassed, many times creates incredibly positive emotions which we can label as the feelings of “growth”, “learning”, and “success”.  


So, how do you overcome fear?


There is a simple, 2-step process:


Step 1:  Recognize the fear.  Acknowledge your emotional state, the fact that you’ve come upon a mental roadblock that is preventing you from moving forward.  


Hint:  If you find yourself procrastinating about something, fear can commonly be the reason why.


Then, Step 2 is to “reframe” the fear.  To reframe the fear means to make a conscious choice about how you’re going to let it affect you or motivate you. 


The part that can be so crippling is that we don’t even consciously acknowledge what’s happening in these moments, and therefore don’t realize that we have a choice as to how we’re going to let it affect us.


It is nearly impossible to experience significant growth in business or in life without getting outside your comfort zone.


Want to experience rapid growth in those areas?


Then, LIVE outside your comfort zone.  Spend more time learning, growing, and trying something new than you spend playing small and doing what you’ve always known.


What’s the worst that can happen?  You fail?


Failure rarely means “catastrophic disaster”.  And, “failing” is really only failing if you don’t learn anything from the experience.


If you know that growth and success are what typically lie on the other side of your fear, then having that feeling of fear just becomes and indicator that something great is about to happen.


The more you become comfortable going toward your fear, the more confident you become and the less you “fear”, fear.  It’s power over you diminishes every time you break through it.


Take a look at your business and your life, and make note of that one thing you know you really need to do right now that will make a major difference but fear has been holding you back…


And, go towards it!  Embrace it!  Overcome fear, and do it! 


And, if liked this episode, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  YOU can do anything!

Direct download: 31__Overcome_Fear.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:39am PDT

Here to present at our VIP mastermind retreat on one of the most burning questions when it comes to starting a podcast, “How will you monetize it?”, is 7—figure per year podcaster, John Lee Dumas!


When John first started his podcast, it was the question everyone around him asked, “How are you going to generate revenue, how are you going to monetize it?”


John’s answer was, “My audience is going to tell me how.”


And, that’s exactly what happened.


As he began to add email subscribers to his email list a few at a time, he would reach out and ask them a very important question, “What are you struggling with?”.  


From there, he began to categorize answers that he started to receive and saw trends begin to emerge.


What helped John tremendously in that process was knowing his “avatar”.  He created an exact profile of who his ideal podcast listener was all the way down to giving his avatar a name, an age, the number of children his avatar has, what his frustrations are, and even how long his commute is too and from work every day.


Once you become clear on your avatar, you know exactly who you are serving and can allow that to assist in decision-making in your business.


Next, once you have determined how to monetize your podcast, you can look for additional and ongoing monetization opportunities.  It’s possible that the initial way you started monetizing may not last forever.


Some additional tips to a successful podcast launch are, JUST START.  We all feel some level of anxiety around starting something new.  But, the reality of delaying something that you are for sure planning to do is that you’re simply delaying your results.


When you start, make sure you have at least 3 episodes in iTunes so people have a reason to subscribe (vs just downloading 1 episode).


Also notable, is the “New and Noteworthy” stage in iTunes.  The first 56 days your podcast is in iTunes, it is eligible to be featured in the top of iTunes software under the heading New and Noteworthy, which has the potential to generate a tremendous amount of organic (free) listeners.


The opportunity with podcasting is only growing.


Get out there and establish yourself in the world of podcasting!


What was your favorite takeaway from this episode?  Please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You are amazing!

Direct download: 30__John_Lee_Dumas_on_How_to_Launch__Monetize_Your_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:07am PDT

Wondering what the key is to driving your videos up the ranks in YouTube?  Bryan Dulaney’s got the answer, and he’s walking us through his proven 13-step process today.


Step 1 is keyword research.  Under 20,000 searches per month and under 600 searches per day is the sweet spot!


Next is making your video educational and informative, and giving a clear call to action (what to do next).


From there, it’s optimization…  Optimize your file name, title, description, then choose your category and optimize your tags.  Make sure you use a custom thumbnail, call to action overlays help, and then you’re on to getting views.


Implementing a press release system helps “blast” your video out to the masses.


By the end of day 1, it is ideal to have 50-70 unique Twitter tweets about your video, 50-70 Facebook likes, and 50-70 Google+ shares.  


Also, having 200-300 Facebook recommendations on your press release within the first few days is crucial as well as 200-400 Facebook likes (US-based if you’re in the US).


You want at least 30 video comments within 24-48 hours and 50 video likes on YouTube.


Rapidly getting at least 5,000 or so views is a major milestone you want to hit quickly.


Next, is gaining 50-65 YouTube subscribers.


Often overlooked is the “thumbs up” on YouTube.  50-70 people who have searched and “thumbs up’d” your video adds to boost your video.


On day 2, you want to get 20-30 additional visits and likes to your press release.  


By day 3, you need to have 700-900 social bookmarks to your press release + RSS + ping your press release.


Next, you want 15-25 real Twitter accounts with at least 100,000 followers to tweet your press release and 80-100 “do follow” social bookmarks.


To add additional value, keep the process going with as many views, likes, and comments as possible in addition to watching other people’s YouTube videos on the account you set up and make real comments on other videos.


Finally, you want to continue to add additional videos to your channel, link to the video from as many high-quality places as possible at a steady pace, and embed the video in as many places as you can (as long as the site permits) and reply to comments as they come in.


As you can see, Bryan and his team have been “mad scientists” when it comes to secretly perfecting this system!


Start getting some YouTube love today!


For more from Bryan, go to!


Blown away by this YouTube strategy?  Please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You knock our socks off!

Direct download: 29__Bryan_Dulaney_on_13_Steps_to_Ranking_Videos_on_YouTube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:02am PDT

Today’s Hump Day Q&A question is, “What is your product launch training all about?”


It doesn’t matter if you are “launching” (think “getting ready to sell”) and information product, a training program, a physical product, or even something like a book or a new song, you still need a launch plan!


Our clients have requested that we teach a training specifically on how to create, package, promote, and profit from selling a product, which is exactly what the upcoming Product Launch on Fire training is all about.


Over the course of 20 days, through a series of 8 live group coaching sessions, we’re going to take you all the way through that process, A to Z.  We call it, The 20 Day Challenge.


The first step is getting really clear on what your passion and purpose is in order to help you come up with your product idea if you don’t already have one.


From there, we want to go out into the marketplace and validate that there is, indeed, a market (buyers) for your product idea before you spend the time to create it.


Next is your marketing plan.  You’ll put together your plan for exactly how you’re going get your product in front of potential buyers and how you’re going to convert those buyers into sales.


Then you’ll see how to address the technical aspects of delivering a product.


You’ll receive email script, video script, and sales page examples so that you can see the psychology of how your marketing should fit together to provide the highest percentage of conversions (sales) as possible.


You’re going to receive an entire written blueprint on how to do a product launch.  We paid $100,000 for the blueprint that we’re going to give you at no additional cost.


Lastly, you’re also going to receive one free month of our Firestarter coaching program, which includes 4 additional group coaching calls and 2 one-on-one coaching calls.


We are only taking 40 people in the program.  Of which, approximately 25 spots are already taken at the time this was published.


To claim one of the remaining spots, simply go to!


We can’t wait to work with you and help you launch YOUR product!!



Have a hump day Q&A question? Visit, and let us know what your question is!


And, if you liked this episode, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  Launch your life on fire!

Direct download: 28__QA_-_What_is_Your_Product_Launch_Training_All_About_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:29am PDT

Inspirational entrepreneur, Lewis Howes, welcomes us into his West Hollywood crib for this 1-on-1 episode of Life on Fire TV with host, Nick Unsworth!


Tour Lewis’s high-rise pad and see how he leverages having an assistant to help run his business, prepare his meals, and even decorate his living space, allowing him to be freed up from all of those tasks to focus on more important areas of his life and business.


From there, Nick and Lewis sit down to talk details.


One of the key things Lewis immediately referenced is seeking out and having mentors. Mentors allow you to short-cut your progress in many instances because you can learn from their experience.


An important piece of leveraging a mentor is making sure your actions are aligned with your purpose.  However, not all entrepreneurs have truly discovered what their purpose is.   


Lewis has an excellent activity he goes through to help discover your purpose, which is to walk through and describe your “perfect day”.


Another big takeaway on the marketing piece was acknowledging that all top professionals perform at a higher level and get better results when working with a coach.


Next, without hesitation, Lewis’s suggestion for where to focus your time and money in your business is your branding and your list.  


How your brand yourself (and how you stand out from others in your niche) greatly determines how successful you become in that niche.


Lewis touches on how high-quality branding can open many doors for you, such as lending credibility when looking to land guest blog post opportunities.


One of the huge, overriding themes to Lewis’s success (which sounds obvious, but somehow escapes many entrepreneurs) is you have to be in it for the “long haul”.  You have to make your decisions based on what’s best for the long-term health of your business.


Lewis, you inspire us, Sir!


Make sure you check out Lewis's podcast, The School of Greatness!


And, for more interviews with top entrepreneurs, tips, and strategies to take your business to the next level, go to!


If you loved Lewis’s interview, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing to the Life on Fire TV podcast!  You rock!


Direct download: 27__Lewis_Howes_on_Purpose_Happiness__Greatness_in_Life_and_Business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:32am PDT

Peek inside our private client mastermind retreat where Twitter expert, AJ Amyx, teaches his strategy of how he helps anyone dominate Twitter!


AJ has a proven 4-step strategy to gather leads for less than $2.68 per conversion.


Not per click, not per lead, that’s per CONVERSION!


Step 1 is Power:  Who do you help?  What do you help them with?  Benefit, benefit, benefit.


Step 2 is Packaging:  Your online presence must be congruent with your offline confidence.  Lead with branding.


Step 3 is Plan:  Know your numbers for when you need to post.


Step 4 is Promotion:  Play the follow game.  Spend 15 minutes a day following followers of people like you.


Remember, the three most important things on Twitter are relationships, relationships, relationships.


Following the steps above, AJ recently built a clients page from 0 followers to over 10,000 followers in only 10 weeks!  Now we’re talkin’!


Ready to put together your plan to dominate Twitter?


Go to to grab his excel spreadsheet Tweeting schedule!


Digging the Twitter strategy?  Please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You’re the best!


Direct download: 26__AJ_Amyx_on_How_to_Create_Nearly_Unlimited_Twitter_Leads.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:34am PDT

Today’s Hump Day Q&A question is, “Nick, how the heck do you have time to make all these videos, to run the business, and still have time to go out and live a life on fire.”


It’s ALL about delegating and outsourcing.


It’s been said that internet marketing (and nearly any business) is a “team sport”.


That doesn’t mean you have to start hiring employees if you can’t afford them yet, but you can start delegating for as little of 5 hours a week.


How much more fun could you have with an extra hour a day?


Start small.  Start around your house.  How nice would it be if cleaning and laundry didn’t slow you down any more?


From there, evaluate your business and make a list of two things:


1.  What don’t you like to do in your business?


2.  What are you not great at doing in your business (that someone else could do better)?


Your call to action for this episode is to create that list, and find someone who can start to take over those tasks.  Again, it could be as little as 5 hours a week, which could cost you as little is $35 per week.


Start freeing up your time and living the Life on Fire you’ve always desired!


Have a hump day Q&A question? Visit, and let us know what your question is!


And, if liked this episode, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  YOU can do anything!


Direct download: 25__QA_-_How_Do_You_Have_Time_to_Do_So_Much_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:11am PDT

Highly sought after branding expert, and CEO of Branding for the People, Re Perez (who branded Life on Fire) is here to give us his 5-phase branding process he uses to help everyone from Life on Fire size businesses to global brands.


One of the most misunderstood concepts of marketing and business is “what is a brand”?  Many confuse a logo, a slogan, or perhaps a color palate with a brand.  Those are all brand elements, but those items alone are not a “brand”.


A brand is perception that’s created in the minds of your audience.


And, in Re’s experience, having a well-defined, cohesive brand allows you to make money, charge more for your services (or finally charge what you should be if you’re under charging), increases conversions, helps you, as the business owner, make decisions, and position yourself as a leader in your market.


Phase One:  Discovery.  Defining the business’s “Who?”, “What?” and “Why?” and what’s important to you.


Phase Two:  Strategy.  Phase two is all about defining the layers of your brand.  What are your value propositions?  What is your brand “personality”?  What are the benefits you provide?


Phase Three:  Creation.  Broken into 5 parts.  1. Your digital strategy.  2. Your verbal strategy (the language and words you’re going to use).  3.  Your visual strategy.  4. Sales and marketing.  5. What’s the “experience” you take people through?


Phase Four: Amplify.  Determine what’s working and do more of it.  


Phase Five:  Management.  Continually reviewing all elements of your company to determine if they are still in sync with your brand, as well as reviewing your brand as a whole to determine if it still represents your values and it’s still the direction you want the company to go.


To connect with Re directly, go to!


And, for more interviews with top entrepreneurs, tips, and strategies to take your business to the next level, go to


If you though Re dropped some awesome branding tips, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing to the Life on Fire TV podcast!  You make us smile!

Direct download: 24__Re_Perez_s_5_Phases_of_Building_a_Top_Quality_Brand.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

Come with us behind the scenes at our most recent mastermind event with one of our Elite-level coaching clients, Andy Zitzmann, as he delivers an AMAZING presentation on “Unleashing Your Champion Inside”!


We all have a champion inside.


Some of us just haven’t tapped into it yet.


That is Andy’s gift and highest passion, helping others bring out that champion and live that every day.


Life doesn’t always give us the easiest path.  We don’t always have all the answers.


And, when things seem bleak, or frustrating, or may even appear impossible, those are the times to rise, to push through, to overcome, grow, and become bigger and better than what you were before.


People at all levels are striving to “make it”.  Financial success can be wonderful.  But, if you’re missing Andy’s definition of making it, feeling fulfilled, happy and loved inside, then you haven’t truly made it, no matter what your bank statement says.


You can settle for being yourself.


Or, you can commit to begin your BEST self.


It’s up to you.


Make that decision today, and choose the direction you want for the rest of your life.  You do, after all, have that choice.


If A.Z.’s talk fired you up and gave you a new perspective, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You’re our Champion!

Direct download: 23__Andy_Zitzmann_on_Unleashing_Your_Champion_Inside.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:44am PDT

Eric C. posed the question, “Nick, I heard about your telesummit strategy on a previous call. What was that about?” 


Great question!


This is the strategy Nick used to go from $50,000 in debt to earning over 6-figures per year.


First off, what is a telesummit?  A telesummit is simply a series of virtual conference calls, Google Hangouts, webinars, or whatever other technology you want to use all organized around one central topic, such as Facebook marketing.


Step 1 is to look at your topic or industry and figure out who the leaders are and to secure an “anchor” speaker as your main speaker.  Approach it from the standpoint of “What’s in it for them?”.


From there, create a list of 25-30 additional speakers you would like to secure (you only need about 15, but not all are going to say “yes”).


Again, be thinking, what’s in it for them.  Even if you have not yet established a reputation as an expert in your industry, that is what your anchor client will provide.  Your other speakers will want to be on the same virtual “stage” as that person.


Another important piece is your branding.  In order for your speakers to want to be a part of it, and people to want to opt in to consume it, it needs to look pro.  Pro doesn’t have to mean expensive.  It just needs to look high-quality.


The ultimate goal of the strategy is to build your email list. You can do so by incentivizing your other speakers to send out mailings to their list to generate opt-ins for your summit.


Done right, this strategy can literally transform your business from zero sales and no email list, to a 5,000+ person email list in the next 60-90 days (and bring in up to 6-figures of revenue, if you monetize it correctly)!


Now, get started and make that call to your potential anchor speakers!


Have a hump day Q&A question? Visit, and let us know what your question is!


And, if you like this strategy, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You’re the best audience on iTunes!


Direct download: 22__QA_-_How_Does_Your_Telesummit_Strategy_Work_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

Back for part 2, Mike Koenigs, multi-million dollar internet marketer, dives into how to connect with your audience.


Audience connection, and as Mike puts it, “empathy” is the key to serving your ideal audience at the highest level.  When you truly know and understand your ideal customer you are in the perfect position to give them exactly what they want and need.


Mike breaks down is 10 by 10 by 4 model for how he takes other marketers through this process to help them discover how to connect with and serve their audience purposefully.


From there he opens up on how to take the questions and discoveries you make in the 10 X 10 X 4 model and turn that into content for a podcast, blog posts, YouTube videos, or even a book!  In MINUTES you’ve planned out a content strategy for an entire show or book!  


Next Mike walks us through how simple it is to become an Amazon bestseller and how he’s done it several times over with books that not only provide great value, but are actually easy to write (using his method) and that produce additional revenue (outside of book sales) through calls to action in each chapter.


He even tells us how a 9 year old girl published 4 books 3 months using his method and how he wrote a book by dictating it to a recorder while laying on his side in the fetal position battling the worst stint of stage 3 cancer.  


If a 9 year old girl can write 4 books in 3 months, and Mike can get a book written under those circumstances, there’s really no excuse to keep the book that’s been hiding inside you there any longer.


Nick even accepts the challenge to get the book he wants to write out in the next 30 days!


If you’re not ready to take massive action after watching this 2 episodes and hearing all of Mike’s ideas, then you might want to check your pulse to see if you’re still alive!


Head over to to check out all of our interviews with top entrepreneurs, tips, and strategies to grow your business and your life!


If you enjoyed this 2-part interview with Mike, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing to the Life on Fire TV podcast!  You are bombtastic!


Direct download: 21__Mike_Koenigs_on_How_to_Be_Seen_Anywhere__Everywhere_Part_2_of_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:17am PDT

In part 1 of this 2-part episode, special guest, multi-million dollar internet marketer, Mike Koenigs, takes us inside is brand new office and video recording studio to show us how he is seen, heard, and read anywhere and everywhere using some of the latest free an inexpensive tech tools. 


As Mike put it, “it’s a fun time to be alive”.  The technology that exists now, including hardware, software, and online free tools are the best and least expensive tools we’ve ever had access to.


And, the benefit as a marketer is it allows you to be on every smart TV, in everyone’s pockets, laptop, desktop, tablet, you name it!


Following Mike’s strategy, you can produce valuable, professional quality content on a very small budget.


Don’t miss Mike’s 11 words that he used to land an academy award winning celebrity (and how you can use it to swing open massive doors of opportunity too).


And, make sure you check out part 2 of this interview where Mike hones in on how to connect to your audience and also shares with us how to become a self-published Amazon bestseller!


For more interviews with top entrepreneurs, tips, and strategies to take your business to the next level, go to


If you you thought this episode rocked, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing to the Life on Fire TV podcast!  You fire us up!

Direct download: 21__Mike_Koenigs_on_How_to_Be_Seen_Anywhere__Everywhere_Part_1_of_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am PDT

We all want results faster, right?  Find out how hiring the right business coach can EXPLODE your business in this episode of Life on Fire TV with Business Coach and CEO of Life on Fire, Nick Unsworth!


Many elite level professions such as high paid athletes, actors, musicians, and so on have someone they coach with.




One reason.


They get better results working with a coach.  If we had all the answers ourselves and could motivate, critique, and offer ourselves ideas and second opinions, that would be great!


The reality is, getting guidance from a mentor who can provide wisdom and a different perspective can be incredibly valuable.


As an example, when Nick hired a business coach for a fee of $36,000 per year, within 60 days he had generated $42,000 of new revenue as a direct result.


Find the right coach, implement, and your results with soar!


If you’re fired up after watching this episode, please give us a 5-star rating in iTunes and write us a review there!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You are awesome!


Direct download: 20__Business_Coaching_-_Why_all_Entrepreneurs_Should_Have_a_Coach.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:44am PDT

Robert S. posed the question, “Nick, how do you have so much energy all the time?” 


One of the biggest secrets to waking up energized every day is making sure your work is aligned with your passions.  Or, to state it simply, doing what you love.


Few things are a bigger drain on your energy than having to spend 8, 10, 12 hours or more a day doing a job you despise.


Next, when there are things in your life that are bigger than you, those things fuel your purpose.  That may be a family, your children, or a cause or organization that you love and feel passionate about supporting.


From there, having a way to track your progress allows you to break through motivational barriers.  You don’t have to set huge, audacious goals.  Set simple, achievable goals like, “today I’m going to clean my desk”.


Then, you MUST have written goals and take them seriously.  


Last, setting a morning routine, a morning ritual that you are EXCITED to do, makes a massive difference.


Implement these things and let us know how it’s changing your days and your life!


Have a hump day Q&A question? Visit, and let us know what your question is!


And, if this episode fired you up, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  YOU give us the energy to ROCK every day!


Direct download: 19__QA_-_How_Do_You_Have_So_Much_Energy_All_the_Time_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:12pm PDT

We sit down, 1-on-1, with Jonathan Budd, one of the top internet marketers, who has achieved incredible success, to find out more about who he is and what lead him there.


As you’ll quickly discover, Johathan Budd is one of the most sincere and genuine entrepreneurs you can find, which undoubtedly played a tremendous role in the millions he’s made.


But, more than the impressive track record of success is the focus on takeaways and the learnings along the way, as well as the desire to live a balanced, healthy, happy life full of love.


If there is only one thing that sticks with you from this interview, it’s all you really ever need, Jonathan’s advice to Nick years ago, “Take massive freaking action.”


Like any successful entrepreneur, Jonathan has experienced many failures along the way.  However, what sets people like him apart is, as he puts it, “finding the gold in your failures”.


There are TONS of “nuggets” in this episode, so get ready!


Enjoy this fantastic interview, and go take MASSIVE action on that very next step that you know you need to do.


And, for more interviews with top entrepreneurs, tips, and strategies to take your business to the next level, go to


If you loved this episode, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing to the Life on Fire TV podcast!  You can do anything!

Learn our Podcast Launch Blueprint Strategy in this “Fast Action Friday” episode of Life on Fire TV with Business Coach and CEO of Life on Fire, Nick Unsworth!


The first 8 weeks of your podcast launch are CRITICAL!


This is when you have the opportunity to be featured in the top of iTunes charts for “New & Noteworthy” podcasts!


But, there are some things you’ll need to prepare in advance to make sure your launch is a success…


First, logistical decisions such as the format of your show, the number of episodes per week you’ll have, and the look of your logo artwork need to be made.


Next, plan to launch with a least 5 completed episodes right out of the gate so that new subscribers get the maximum number of episodes downloaded to them.


Next, make sure you have additional episodes recorded and ready to release immediately after your podcast gets approved by iTunes.


The two biggest mistakes to avoid are having very good sound quality and making sure you are extremely consistent in your format - same days of the week and same time, every single week.  (It is not recommended to have less than one episode per week.)


And, don’t forget to have fun with it!  One of the most important factors of a show’s success is whether it’s entertaining and interesting to list to!


If you got some great podcasting tips from this episode, please give us a 5-star rating in iTunes and write us a review there!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You’re the bomb!


Here to answer the question, “How do I build an audience and authority, fast?” is Business Coach and CEO of Life on Fire, Nick Unsworth!


A great place to start is with the “anchor client” strategy.  Find a well-known authority in the industry you’re trying to target, and offer your services at a substantial discount, or even for free, in exchange for their testimonial and referrals, which helps get you on the map!


Next, you have to get the word out about your anchor client’s case study and results!


From there, seek opportunities to be a guest blogger and share your results even further.


Implement this strategy correctly, deliver value and results, and you’ll have others banging down your door to work with you!


Try it and let us know your results!


Have a hump day Q&A question? Visit, and let us know what your question is!


And, if loved the anchor client strategy, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  We think you’re just super!


Direct download: 16__QA_-_How_Do_I_Build_An_Audience__Authority_Fast_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

Creator of the Perfect Funnel System, Bryan Dulaney, joins us this week to dive into how to grow and scale your business to substantially higher levels by automating your marketing funnels.


Every entrepreneur dreams of “autopilot”, “hands free” income that’s generated in their business with little to no ongoing effort on their part.  That’s where Bryan comes in.


Once you have a product that sells, all that’s required to keep it selling are the right systems.


Bryan dives into the different elements that can be used to convert prospects into leads, and how to nurture and guide those leads into becoming buyers through concepts like what he calls “delivering outrageous value”, offering immediate value upfront through your “money magnet”, and adding 25% to your bottom line through adding strategic upsells.


Test some of these ideas out in your business and let us know what your results were at!


If you got some great tips from this episode, please give us a 5-star rating in iTunes and write us a review there!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You kick A$$!

Direct download: 15__Bryan_Dulaney_on_Building__Scaling_Your_Business_With_Automation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:19am PDT

Every month you can enter to win new prizes at!  


Check out this bonus episode where we draw the names of the winners of March 2014 contest!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You make our day!

Direct download: CONTEST___March_2014_Winners.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:18am PDT

In this “Fast Action Friday” learn how to run a Facebook and Twitter contest in order to drive TONS of engagement, shares, likes, retweets, in order to spread your message virally like wildfire!


Visit to see a live example of this strategy in action!


Get the step-by-step blueprint of on how to implement our proven contest strategy, including what types of prizes work best, how to structure the contest, how to share the results and make it impactful.


Make sure you review the current Facebook and Twitter promotion rules before posting your contest.


Now go out and ROCK it!


And, if you thought this episode was awesome, please give us a 5-star rating in iTunes and write us a review there!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You’re a winner in our book!

Hump Day Q&A is back to answer the question, “I have a certification, but no real experience or customers, how do I get started?” with Business Coach and CEO of Life on Fire, Nick Unsworth!


Everyone has to get started somewhere.


And, the key to making the most of your situation is realizing one important thing.


You don’t need to know everything.  Nobody expects you to.


What you DO need to know, however, is more that your prospects or clients.


Your training alone makes you more of an expert than the people you serve.  And, THAT is how you get experience.


Hear Nick’s story of how he got started under nearly this same scenario.


And, go make it happen!


If YOU have a hump day Q&A question, visit, and let us know what your question is!


If this episode fired you up to take some action today, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  YOU fire US up!


Direct download: 13__QA_-_I_m__Certified__But_How_Do_I_Get_Experience_and_Clients_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

Host of the Solopreneur Hour podcast, Michael O’Neal, joins us to talk all things podcasting.  From step-by-step resources to get started, to inexpensive tech set up, to show format, to getting traction and noticed in iTunes, this episode has it all!


These days, nearly any subject you can think of has a podcast.  From sports commentary, to gossip, to business, to education, to fitness, to discussing current events such as TV shows.


The key is marrying a topic you are passionate speaking about, or having guests speak about, and making the show entertaining and fun.


Michael gives some fantastic tips to help anyone get started and how to keep the momentum going.


Learn the top 2 reasons people stop listening to certain podcasts (and how to avoid them)!


Make sure you check out to subscribe and listen to Michael’s show!


AND, make sure you check out our other podcast, Pay it Forward Friday, where Michael and Nick go find a unique way to pay it forward on Valentine’s Day!


If you liked this interview, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You are bombtastic!

Direct download: LOF_TV_12_-_Michael_ONeal_Interview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

How can you not be inspired by John Lee Dumas’s story?  To launch out of NOWHERE and become a 7-figure podcaster in under 18 months?  We’ve got his journey, and it’s truly remarkable.


John welcomed us into his sweet San Diego crib, right on the water, where he records and produces his podcast, Entrepreneur on Fire, featuring inspirational and motivational interviews from top entrepreneurs 7 days a week.  


We even saw what’s in his fridge!


And, then the fun really began when he told us his whole story of how he went from not even being an entrepreneur, being employed at a typical job, to finding a mentor, getting guidance and coaching, trusting his gut, and launching what had never been done before…


A 7-day a week podcast, which defied the beliefs of even the mostly highly respected experts as he went on to absolutely CRUSH it with his show.


We know you’ll love this interview!


For more of John, go to! 


AND, make sure you check out our other podcast, Pay it Forward Friday, where John and Nick hit the streets of San Diego to “pay it forward” and spread some happiness!


And, if you loved this interview, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You FIRE us up!


Direct download: LOF_DUMAS.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:49am PDT

In this “hump day Q&A” episode, Nick addresses a question from someone who is an unhappy employee at her job and wants to learn how to get started as an entrepreneur!


This episode can assist a “wantrepreneur” in getting started, as well as perhaps someone who is currently an entrepreneur, but not entirely happy with their business.


There are numerous different angles at which you can approach this question of, “Where do I start?”.  Like, writing out the answers to the following questions:


What am I good at?  What do I enjoy doing?  What are my strengths?  What am I passionate about?  If money was not a consideration, how would I spend my time?


Finding the answers to these questions will start you on your path to fulfillment and success as an entrepreneur!


If YOU have a hump day Q&A question, visit, and let us know what your question is!


And, if you found this Q&A session helpful, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  WE are passionate about helping YOU!

Direct download: 10__QA_-_How_Do_I_Get_Started_as_an_Entrepreneur_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03am PDT

Facebook advertising can appear to be complicated and expensive. However, in this quick video, you’ll learn that is far from the case.


Follow along as Nick walks you through exactly how to set up your first campaign on screen using Facebook’s ad platform. This includes, how to set your target audience, how to set your bid, and tips on making your ad convert well.


Nail your ad campaign and a 2X to 10X return on your investment is very achievable!


Getting your targeting right is one of the most critical parts to making your ads successful.


Pay close attention to that part of the episode!


And, let’s not forget how important it is to choose the right image and right copy to make your ad stand out and make it compelling (so people want to click on it).


Nick also covers why you must make sure you ad will displayed in the mobile newsfeed.


Discover what precise interest targeting is and why you’re likely going to want to use it often in your Facebook advertising.


And, learn how to upload your email list if you have one and why you would want to run ads to your own email list as a custom audience.


As with anything marketing related, you’re always going to optimize and test your ad campaign and marketing funnel. No matter how well your ads are performing, A.B.T.!


Always Be Testing!


There may be small tweaks you can make to reduce your cost or increase your conversions.


If you follow Nick’s proven Facebook advertising system, you can get likes for pennies, clicks for under a dollar, and leads for a few dollars or less.


Nick has built two six-figure businesses using Facebook advertising. He sold the first business in 2013 for $500,000.


For more great resources and free trainings, visit!


And, if you found this clear, quick tutorial on how to set up an an on Facebook helpful, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You make our day!


Direct download: lof_ep_09_fb_setup_new.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

We’re back for part 2 of 2 of this never before released footage from social media icon, Gary Vaynerchuk’s keynote presentation from the recent Life on Fire San Diego Event!


In part 2, Gary takes the questions from live audience members that all of us have been dying to ask him, like how do you maintain work/life balance, what’s your secret to actually “doing sh*t”, actually making things happen, and how can we help you buy the New York Jets?


Not only were Gary’s insights on the questions that were asked amazing, but it was the questions that weren’t asked that he managed to address anyway that make this presentation one you’ll want to review over and over again.


We were honored to have Gary on our stage and hope that you get loads of value and takeaways from his presentation.


And, if you think this episode and Gary V totally ROCK, please give the Life on Fire TV (Video and Audio) podcasts 5-star ratings and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  We *value* YOU!

Direct download: GARY_V_KN_PART_02_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:12pm PDT

Buckle up for this 2-part never before released footage from social media icon, Gary Vaynerchuk’s keynote presentation from the recent Life on Fire San Diego Event!


In this first half, Gary talks why value matters most, why storytelling is how everything is sold, and understanding where we need to pay attention as marketers and consumers over the next 36 months.


Gary brings tremendous insight on figuring out how to meet people where they already are, based on the habits they’ve already developed.


Prepare to think about, and perhaps, completely redesign your approach to social media and selling your product or services after reflecting on Gary’s insights from these two sessions!


And, if you think this episode and Gary V totally ROCK, please give the Life on Fire TV (Video and Audio) podcasts 5-star ratings and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  We think YOU ROCK!


Direct download: GARY_V_KN_PART_01_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:07pm PDT

Learn how to buy Facebook likes and run a Facebook like campaign with business coach and Facebook Marketing Expert Nick Unsworth, CEO of the Business Coaching company, Life on Fire!


These days nearly all businesses can benefit from having a Facebook page. And, similar to having a business card, or a website, there are certain things that are expected to be there when people arrive on your page.

One of which is Facebook likes. Likes serve as a score card, in a way, when it comes to establishing how much authority your page has. A benchmark, if you will.


Likes can of course be grown organically over time, which is nice because you incur little if any cost to obtain organic likes. The problem is, that can take quite a while.


Another way to increase your likes is to increase your page’s exposure by utilizing Facebook’s ad platform. You can essentially buy Facebook likes (for pennies!) by driving more people to your page.


NOTE: This should only be done with targeted traffic and done with integrity.


If you target your ads to the type of people who would like what your page is about anyway, then the “likes” are sincere (and valuable) vs. trying to get a bunch of cheap untargeted likes from foreign countries where they barely speak your language. Untargeted likes are basically worthless. Don’t bother with them.


If you buy Facebook likes the right way, with good ads, proper targeting, and you have great page content, that is how you can generate thousands of genuine Facebook likes and build your audience at the same time!


Nick walks you through exactly how to do that, and throws in some additional tips on how you can utilize Facebook advertising to build your marketing funnel (think, “sales process”) and grow your email list!


For more great resources and free trainings, visit!


And, if this episode helped you understand how to get more Facebook likes, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  We LIKE you!


Direct download: LOF_EP_08_HowTo_FB_Likes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

During this live business coaching session from stage, Nick expertly helps this entrepreneur identify her target market, her ideal client profile, as well as her marketing strategy and action plan, all within 30 minutes! 


This is truly a gift that Nick has to help entrepreneurs quickly become laser focused on exactly where they need to spend their time in their business and what they need to take immediate action on.


People can spend weeks, month, even years sometimes toiling over what their course of action should be with regard to the next steps in their business.  But, in nearly all of our business coaching sessions with our clients, it almost always comes down to those three things, target market, ideal client profile, and marketing strategy.


There are some HUGE takeaways to be had from this session if you come at it from the perspective of, "How can I apply what Nick is saying to MY business?"


If you got some “nuggets” from this episode, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You are the best podcast audience on iTunes!

Direct download: LOF_EP_07_HOT_SEAT_NEW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

The power of setting clear intentions and goals is massively important.  Join Nick, and special guest, peak performance coach, Dave Austin, as they explain the personal techniques they use to achieve major life and business goals.  


The human mind first has to be able to conceive of something, or “see” it, before you can do it, create it, or achieve it.


When you put powerful intention behind your visualization that is what supercharges your results!


For more great insights on goal setting, mindset, and marketing visit!


And, if you liked Nick and Dave’s interview, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  You’re awesome!


Direct download: LOF_EP_06_INTENTIONS_NEW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:02pm PDT

Get a glimpse into Life on Fire’s private group coaching calls with this 2-part call that was released from our vault!  


Learn how to test your logo design, website elements, even potential names for your business to find out what will yield the best results and conversions before making any final decisions.  It’s all about testing!


This is a sample of the type of group coaching calls that the Life on Fire “Firestarter” coaching clients and “Insiders Club” receive 3 times a month!


For killer tips, visit!


And, if you got some great tips from this call, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  We value you!

Direct download: LOF_EP_05_GroupCall_PART02_NEW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:27pm PDT

Get a glimpse into Life on Fire’s private group coaching calls with this 2-part call that was released from our vault!  


Learn how to test your logo design, website elements, even potential names for your business to find out what will yield the best results and conversions before making any final decisions.  It’s all about testing!


This is a sample of the type of group coaching calls that the Life on Fire “Firestarter” coaching clients and “Insiders Club” receive 3 times a month!


For killer tips, visit!


And, if you got some great tips from this call, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!  We value you!

Direct download: LOF_EP_05_GroupCall_PART01_NEW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:26pm PDT

Learn how to quickly break through procrastination and create focus in order to get more done in less time in your personal life and in business.


Avoid getting stuck in “analysis paralysis” or “getting ready to get ready” mode all the time by making fast decisions.


That is one of the huge secrets of successful people, is they make fast decisions.


Don’t be afraid of making the “wrong” decision, because most of the time just doing SOMETHING gets you much further than simply thinking about what you’re doing to do, or worse, doing nothing at all.


Reclaim your day and your life by getting your time back!


For other cool stuff like this, visit!


And, if you thought this episode rocked, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


Thanks so much for subscribing!

Direct download: LOF_TV_Audio_4_-_How_to_Create_Focus__Get_More_Done_in_Less_Time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

We’re back for part 2 of 2, “behind the scenes”, live with the one and only, Mr. Gary Vaynerchuk, recording from his Park Avenue office, headquarters of VaynerMedia, in New York City!


If you thought the first half of this interview was crazy, get ready!


Gary fields live calls from the chat, tells kids to drop out of college and become entrepreneurs, drops some major “nuggets” with his Twitter search strategy, and gives his personal ranking for approaching social media marketing platforms, both with and without an advertising budget.


If you liked this 2-part podcast series with Gary V, make sure you’re subscribed to receive the never before seen footage of Gary’s keynote at our last Life on Fire Event we’re releasing next week.  We flew Gary all the way to San Diego to be the keynote speaker for that event, and he CRUSHED it!!


For more great resources and free trainings, visit!


And, if you’re a huge Gary V fan and you want to see more episodes and interviews like this one, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review in iTunes!


We truly appreciate you!  You’re the reason we make this show!

Direct download: LOF_TV_Audio_Bonus_-_Gary_V_Behind_the_Scenes_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am PDT

Come with me “behind the scenes” in this 2-part live, in-person interview with Gary Vaynerchuk at his Park Avenue office, headquarters of VaynerMedia, in New York City!


We talk wine, social media, Gary’s new book, and “telling your story in a noisy, social world”, as Gary puts it.


I had no idea what Gary was going to say, but he REALLY brought it and delivered some awesome, tangible advice on how to strategically approach the major platforms today like Facebook, Twitter, and the social media platform he’s most excited about, Instagram!


He talks about how he built his business using “pure hustle” (aka, putting in time and effort when you don’t have an advertising budget), and exactly how he would build a business today under those circumstances.


Gary talks fast, and you won’t want to miss it, so get ready to take a lot of notes and you’re going to want to listen to this one over and over again!


Make sure you check out part 2 of this interview where Gary and I crack open a bottle of wine and dive even deeper into social media mastery and taking over the world!!!


For more great resources and free trainings, visit!


And, if you love Gary V and think this behind the scenes interview rocked, please give us a 5-star review in iTunes!


Thank you!  You’re amazing!

Direct download: LOF_TV_Audio_Bonus_-_Gary_V_Behind_the_Scenes_Part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:39pm PDT

I get asked all the time, “How the heck do you get so much done and how to do you have so much energy all the time?”


One of the absolute keys to my success is the morning ritual I follow each day. By starting my day off with the right fuel for my mind and body through mindset, focus, nutrition, and exercise THAT is what powers me through the day.


Don’t have a morning ritual? Give this one a try! I SWEAR, in 30 days, it will change your life.


I start off by thinking about 3 things I’m grateful for, even before I get out of bed.  This helps me start my day with an “attitude of gratitude”.   When your day starts off on a positive and invigorating note, like thinking about the things you’re so happy and honored to have in your life, you can’t help but take the rest of your day in a positive direction.


Next, I read off my goals for the month.  I keep them written out so I can not only read them every morning, but so I can see them and be reminded of them throughout the day.


After that, I practice what’s called “future pacing” by reading a short letter I wrote to myself at the beginning of the month.  This letter is very specific and purposeful.  It is written as though the month has already passed and I’m looking back on it congratulating myself.  I’m setting the “pace” for what my future is going to look like.


(These 3 things take a total of about 5 minutes.)


Last, I start my day with a healthy breakfast, typically a quick smoothie, and some exercise.  By eating a healthy breakfast, studies have proven that you’re more likely to make healthy food choices for the rest of the day.  And, by getting your exercise done first, you not only get it out of the way and don’t have to worry about squeezing it into your busy day, but you feel energized and fantastic all day!


For more tips like this, check out!


And, we would be honored and grateful for your 5-star review in iTunes if you liked this podcast!


Thank you!  You rock!

Direct download: LOF_TV_Audio_3_-_The_Morning_Ritual.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:26pm PDT

Have you ever watched someone like a professional athlete, a musician, an artist, or craftsman who is laser focused and appears to be executing perfectly because they are “in the zone”?  


Even better, maybe you’ve even felt that yourself, where you were just “on” and nothing could stop you?


In this Life on Fire TV episode I share my quick and simple tip to snap your fingers, change your state of mind, and instantly get in the zone.


That’s what being “on”, or “in the zone”, or in a state of “flow” really is, hyper-focused attention and emotion.  It is a state of mind, and can, therefore, be triggered or “summoned” consciously.  Everything that doesn’t matter in the moment gets tuned out, and you don’t even have to think about what you’re doing, it just happens, flawlessly.


Wouldn’t it be nice if you could go from having a bad day to an AMAZING day in seconds using this technique?


OR, to go from a good day to a great day just by thinking about one “moment on fire?”


Use what you learn on this episode to get ready for your next big sales call, presentation, 1st date, or to just feel great and energized any time you want to!


And, make sure you go to to give us a 5-star rating in iTunes if you love this episode!


Thank you!  We love you!

Direct download: LOF_TV_Audio_2_-_How_to_Get_in_the_Zone.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:10pm PDT

You have to have an audience if you want to be in business.  And, one of the fastest and most effective ways to build that audience these days is through Facebook.  Specifically, through growing your Facebook “likes”.


By having a Facebook page for your business you can build a tribe of loyal advocates, which used to be called “fans” and are now called “likes”.


In this episode, I teach you 10 quick and simple ways to rapidly grow your likes on Facebook, which not only allows your message to reach more people, it positions you as a credible resource in your niche.


Even some surprisingly simple and obvious methods of growing your fan base often go overlooked.


After having trained and consulted over 1,000 business owners and entrepreneurs, including some of the top names in online marketing, such as Frank Kern, Eben Pagan, and John Assaraf of “The Secret”, these are some of the best methods I’ve discovered to help you get thousands more targeted likes!


For more free Facebook trainings, like how to set up your first Facebook ad in under 10 minutes, hop over to  


And, if you found this episode helpful, please give us a 5-star review in iTunes and tell us why you loved it!  


Thank you very much!  We appreciate you!

Direct download: LOF_TV_Audio_1_-_10_Ways_to_Get_Facebook_Likes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:04pm PDT

Living a life on Fire is about doing what you love, having a life that completely kicks A$$, giving back, and living your life not only with purpose, but on purpose.


In this bonus podcast I cover all of the elements of living a life on fire, whether you’re an entrepreneur, an employee, a stay-at-home mother or father, or even retired.  


We have tons of great resources to help you start a business, grow a business, get your message out to more people, or learn the technical and strategic “how-to’s” of marketing and growing your business.


Sometimes, as an entrepreneur, life and business beats you up a bit and throws unexpected challenges and curve balls your way.  And, the more prepared you are and the more resources you have at your fingertips, the better equipped you’ll be to not only survive, but to thrive in business and in life!


Take a quick peek at all the different ways we can help you and resources we’ve made available in this podcast and go to for more!


And, please leave us a 5-star review in iTunes if you loved this episode and you’re FIRED UP to live a Life on Fire™!


Thank you!  You’re awesome!

Direct download: LOF_TV_Audio_0_-_Life_on_Fire_Overview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:27pm PDT